Dawkings once said [i dont remember where], that the theory of evolution made life safer for atheists. He said that it was possible before Darwins theory for an atheist to have reasonable basis for his beliefs [yeah, right]. But that after the theory of evolution atheists could really have an "ideological fullfilment" [again, yeah right].
A]Atheists, please forgive if im twisting What Dawkings said, ah i couldnt find the quotation, still i'm pretty sure i got most of it right [correct me if i got it wrong ok].
Do you agree with the statement? How do you feel towards the theory of evolution and how it afects your beliefs?
B]How would you feel if it was proven beyond doubt that there is no evolution, how would your beliefs be altered? I know its not a reasonable possible thing to happen, still try this mental exercise: You wake up one day and scientist have just proven beyond doubt more than 1000 confirmed examples of irredutible complexity or something.
38 answers
asked by
Emiliano M.
Religion & Spirituality