i have this dream early in the morning that i was having a mountain trek w/ people i know. I was actually bare footed at the first scene, it's so muddy then but on the later part i realized walking in a good pair of slippers and by then the muddy land turn out to be very dangerous since broken glasses were scattered everywhere and it looks like were walking down hill only then that i notice a lot of gold coins at first, and every time i see one i make sure to pick them up. at first there are only few coins along the road but as i go along, i found out that there are plenty of them in different shapes and colors. some of the people in my dreams pick some of the coins but they left the less valuable coins but i pick them still. at the later part of my dream i remember having to differentiate all my gathered coins from the real and fake. so i left the fake ones and keep the real ones. i really want to know what my dreams meant. i believe in dreams for all i care!=)
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Dream Interpretation