I am getting ready to start wedding photography, can someone honestly tell me how much I can expect to make on average per month living between Los Angeles and San Diego? I would think being between 2 major cities, advertising on craigslist, and in the local papers, being part of a church group, I would do fairly well and should be able to pull between 3 and 7 weddings each month. Does this sound realistic? I have an SLR with a hot box and flash, other lighting equipment. I believe as far as equipment Im ready and will probably do the 3 weddings for almost free. I am and buisness minded I have ran my own buisness before so I know how to market myself, I also sold cars before, so I am good at building customer relations. I think I take great pictures and have heard the same from other people. Ill let you be the Judge www.yountphotographyonline.com. I can handle constructive critisicsm. I just started this website. Comments/Suggestions plz email me @ j_yount_3@yahoo.com Thanks Josh
5 answers
asked by
Joshua Y