I am an 18 year old female who was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. My psychologist put me on 150mg of Effexor XR a day. I have been on it since March 7th 2007. I have seen an improvement with my depression and anxiety however I feel there is something more to it. Most of my side-effects from the medication have dissappeared other than my low blood pressure which is causing me to faint but I am getting an ECG and a holter monitor to analyze that. Anyways, I have always been a jealous person although I am pretty good at hiding it with my friends. I am not so good at hiding it with my boyfriend. He is an amazing guy and I am so lucky to have him but I get paranoid if he goes out with friends. Here is an example, he went to Wrestlemania with his cousin and I made up a scenrio in my mind that he went to meet up with a girl and cheat on me. I did this even after I saw his ticket for the event. I even dreamt about it and then accused him of this because it felt real to me...
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Mental Health