Hell yes we did, and because of that we need to stand up and fight to get it back. Too many of us regulars are sitting on our collective a$3es not doing a damn thing about it. We're all sitting around trying to pretend like it doesn't matter that so many of our nearest and dearest have left because of the g%ddamned protocal imposed on us. i.e., violations, suspensions etc. THE POINTS DO NOT FREAKING MATTER, What matters is getting our P&S back and letting the newbies know once and for all, WE run this show NOT THEM. I'm personally sick and tired of posting a message to one of my pals only to have it flooded with "who's that" "who cares" etc., I received a message from one of our beloveds and he has spurned me on to stand up and REVOLT against this arrogant bull#^t! Alone or in a group, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN
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