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All categories - 28 March 2007

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2007-03-28 04:42:30 · 4 answers · asked by Harold S 1 in Biology

I think that it is amazing what this guy did for others, since he knew it was too late for himself. I would like to share this video and spread the word.

2007-03-28 04:42:27 · 2 answers · asked by fayra_elm 4 in Media & Journalism

i have court on thursday, and it's not looking to good. Do they do a full-body cavity search when you first get in? Are there curtains on the showers? Tell me EVERYTHING, please!

2007-03-28 04:42:20 · 5 answers · asked by Nikki 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-28 04:42:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Well the interesting unknown property about truth, is that it can lie.

"The newest truth about Truth lies in the truth that Truth can lie. C.S. "

I have noticed that the greatest tool of the deception that some media types use, is telling truths but not the whole truth.

So the question:

Is freedom of the press, freedom of the truth ?

Caesar J. B. Squitti


2007-03-28 04:42:18 · 2 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1 in Current Events

I'm in a CPR course and they wipe the dummy down with it after each use. For the adults we were a mask but we dont for the infants (because you need to cover the mouth and nose) it is kind of grossing me out.

2007-03-28 04:42:15 · 4 answers · asked by mookersgirl 2 in Infectious Diseases

My oldest son who is 23 will be getting married this year. I was handed down my dad and moms wedding ring set (not worth a whole lot but it means everything to me since my dad past away) Would it be inapropriate to write a contract up between me and his fiance something to the effect that if something should ever happen to them that she returns the rings to me?

I only have two things to remind me of my dad one is those rings and the other is a teddy bear that he had sent me when I was ten. (my parents were divorced and I hadn't seen him since)

2007-03-28 04:42:15 · 27 answers · asked by sweet_n_sassy2204 2 in Weddings

2007-03-28 04:42:13 · 11 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Television

2007-03-28 04:42:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Mother Teresa went to a city and while she was there she went to visit a large bank CEO.
She told him that the city, needed money to build a large orphanage, and would the bank be willing to donate $1,000,000 to build one?
The CEO said; "if we do may we have your permission to publicise our gift. Mother Teresa said; No. That would be "tooting" your own horn. But if you don't I will tell the press that you refused.

2007-03-28 04:42:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I'm from Missouri

2007-03-28 04:42:03 · 2 answers · asked by LuckyChucky 5 in Other - Society & Culture

There are countless books for or against religion and on every know sprirituality. Aside from the sacred religious text of your belief system, what one book would you like someone of another belief system to read for a basic understanding of yours?

Do not suggest your bible, koran, etc. they are too in depth for a basic understanding.

2007-03-28 04:42:03 · 30 answers · asked by hazydaze 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Inzamam-ul_Haq (the captain of Pakistan cricket team) has already declared his retirement from ODIs. I beleive he is still a good enough player. Not as captain but as player he is special. What do u think should he retire from both forms of cricket straight away?

2007-03-28 04:42:01 · 14 answers · asked by Farrukh 2 in Cricket

Flu shots

2007-03-28 04:41:58 · 1 answers · asked by Booker T "Right There" 5 in Infectious Diseases

i connect my motorola razor v3xx new phone to my pc with usb cord. but then after what to do to download music from pc to phone.

2007-03-28 04:41:58 · 1 answers · asked by ashu 1 in Music & Music Players

a question about Rosie O'Wacko and it was a violation?! Something must be up with the liberal agenda on Yahoo.

2007-03-28 04:41:53 · 13 answers · asked by anamericanangel 1 in Politics

which one should i choose? how much does each one cost to buy, and are there any breeders on here that i can speak to? in uk

2007-03-28 04:41:53 · 13 answers · asked by vicky r 1 in Dogs

Well the interesting unknown property about truth, is that it can lie.

"The newest truth about Truth lies in the truth that Truth can lie. C.S. "

I have noticed that the greatest tool of the deception that some media types use, is telling truths but not the whole truth.

So the question:

Is freedom of the press, freedom of the truth ?

Caesar J. B. Squitti


2007-03-28 04:41:52 · 1 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1 in Media & Journalism

i need some siance help please!!!

Silicates always contain

All intrusive igneous rocks contain
granite crystals.
microscopic cleavage.

Metals form positive ions because they easily
lose electrons.
gain electrons.
become neutral.

The smallest part of an element that has all the properties of that element is called a(n)

Earth's greatest speed of rotation occurs at the
Tropic of Cancer.
Arctic Circle.
North Pole.

2007-03-28 04:41:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

I don't want to get in trouble. going to new position and will be doing similar work, and I just want to know if I can contact my current clients one time only to let them know where they can find me. Can I do this without getting sued? Please reference me, help.

2007-03-28 04:41:48 · 3 answers · asked by lindaweathersbysmith 1 in Careers & Employment

You are in a boat close to enemy waters, next second your surrounded and outgunned. Surely this reeks of incompetance or were they fast asleep.

2007-03-28 04:41:46 · 18 answers · asked by onapizzadiet 4 in Current Events

My son is in 5th grade and has been having alot of problems with reading comprehension. He has been tested for learning disabilities and he was diagnosed fairly young with ADD. He has been attending this school since preschool and has always struggled (especially in Reading) I have noticed that his writing are not capitalized, punctuated, etc. and the teacher puts a check on the paper. I try to meet with his teachers and schedule appointments but they seem "to busy" or they don't return my calls. I am finally meeting with the principal today. What would be some good questions to ask.

2007-03-28 04:41:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

Hell yes we did, and because of that we need to stand up and fight to get it back. Too many of us regulars are sitting on our collective a$3es not doing a damn thing about it. We're all sitting around trying to pretend like it doesn't matter that so many of our nearest and dearest have left because of the g%ddamned protocal imposed on us. i.e., violations, suspensions etc. THE POINTS DO NOT FREAKING MATTER, What matters is getting our P&S back and letting the newbies know once and for all, WE run this show NOT THEM. I'm personally sick and tired of posting a message to one of my pals only to have it flooded with "who's that" "who cares" etc., I received a message from one of our beloveds and he has spurned me on to stand up and REVOLT against this arrogant bull#^t! Alone or in a group, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN

2007-03-28 04:41:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

i have been wondering... if i'm having a baby sooner or later who know?... can my baby have more godmothers than one? or must have one godmother or can have 2 or so godmothers?

2007-03-28 04:41:43 · 10 answers · asked by bunnielover 3 in Pregnancy

I find myself having mixed emotions about my sexuality. I have physical attraction to woman and I love to have sex and spend time with woman. I have fallin in love with one. I don't have physical attraction to men (ive never looked over at a guy and thought Oh hes hot or anything like that. ) But I like having sex with men . If i like having sex with them but don't have that physical attraction like i do with woman what does that mean.

2007-03-28 04:41:43 · 20 answers · asked by theobject505 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

It says something like" Baby can't you see ever since we met you got a hold on me" It's an older song definately not newer it is a female who sings it.

2007-03-28 04:41:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

My Pomeranian overnight became paralyzed in her back legs. She is incontinent and does not have control of her bowels. My vet said she does have feeling in her legs and he is giving her steroids to reduce the swelling in her spine, hoping to get her legs moving. This has been going on since Saturday night. Is there any product you have that might be beneficial to my Sophie. She is in the hospital right now, and so depressed I don't see any desire in her eyes to walk, except when I go see her. I want to bring her home, but everyone tells me that her spine needs to be kept as immobile as possible to avoid further injury.

Any advice, tips, experience from others will be greatly appreciated.



2007-03-28 04:41:33 · 4 answers · asked by KATHY A 1 in Dogs

They would have been shot on site 50 years ago...but now...we welcome them to come here...fly their flag over our while ours is upside down...they burn it....

WTF are we putting up with this?

2007-03-28 04:41:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

i work in a supermarket and after long 7 years on the checkouts, i have decided that i want to apply for position at a bank.

the application forms asks:
1) What are your qualities that would make you a successful employee at RockBank?

2) Describe a time when you’ve gone out of your way to help someone?

3) What is your proudest achievement, and what were the qualities that enabled you to be successful?

any ideas as to what i should write?

2007-03-28 04:41:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

fedest.com, questions and answers