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All categories - 25 March 2007

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We still deal with it daily when will it stop?ever!I get so disgusted with it.

2007-03-25 02:39:17 · 8 answers · asked by luv2hate 2 in Etiquette

I'm using yahoo sitebuilder, and I'd like to add video to my pages, with the video player visible. It could either be windows media player or a 'built in' one on my site, id preffer the built in,,,
and does it make a difference if it is streaming or non streamingt? and what do those terms even mean? :)

2007-03-25 02:39:12 · 3 answers · asked by zentoccino 2 in Programming & Design

I need help!! baseball season is just about to start and i need a new bat and dont know what to buy. So what do you have and is it good or a peice of junk?? i have no price limit so anything will do

2007-03-25 02:39:11 · 7 answers · asked by furybaseball01 1 in Baseball

Let me tell you that Airtel phones does not, repeat does not work in Bakkhali, West Bengal.

2007-03-25 02:39:11 · 3 answers · asked by frangipani 2 in Cell Phones & Plans

2007-03-25 02:39:08 · 11 answers · asked by manna eater 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I asked a former question about my chemically damaged hair and need some more help. I know that I shouldn't blowdry daily, but I literally could not leave the house if I didn't. I let it air dry a bit and then blow for about 5 or less minutes. Then, brush/mostly finger fluffing because I don't have much hair, and hair spray, and fluff a little more. I have always had psoriasis in the sides of my head and if I don't wash and dry daily, it itches bad. I just really want my hair to grow back in. Should I skip a daily washing or is this bad for my psoriasis? But, that way I would be skipping a day of the blowdryer heat every other day? However, on the flip side, I heard that you should wash daily to promoted hair growth. I'm confused.

2007-03-25 02:39:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

either right now or in your own skin?

2007-03-25 02:38:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

when there is not foul language, sexual content or violence

2007-03-25 02:38:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Television


I am thinking of mating my 2yr old Maltese soon but I don't have any expeirence with dog breeding. Will someone with knowledge in breeding please give me some advice about how to get the two dog interested. also,any other things I need to look out for would be appreciated.

2007-03-25 02:38:50 · 11 answers · asked by Chris F 3 in Dogs

... what was the thing that you were most afraid of (besides hitting someone or running a person over)?

I used to be terrified of making left turns off the main street into the side street. I'd ride around Chicago, making right turns only, making these huge circles until I actually got lost and had to have my husband come and get me.
I laugh at it now, but at the time, it was really terrible. Needless to say, my feather trigger tempered husband was not impressed, either.

2007-03-25 02:38:45 · 17 answers · asked by tamara_cyan 6 in Polls & Surveys

or just a certain type of takeaway

2007-03-25 02:38:45 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-03-25 02:38:44 · 8 answers · asked by Mr.AciN 1 in Engineering

I owned a popular group of websites, and I recently shut them down, I have set it up so they redirect to another link using a htaccess file, but I was wondering how I can redirect to another website (that's not mine) but keep a header of some sort with information at the top (with information I have choosen in it)

I have seen something similar on a website a year back...


2007-03-25 02:38:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Programming & Design

2007-03-25 02:38:35 · 5 answers · asked by Peter M 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I've been given this proof, and am really just lost. I dont know where to start and hope some one could explain as to how this should be done.

Show that if the first 10 positive integers are placed around a circle, in any order, there exists three integers in consecutive locations aroun the circle that have a sum greater than or equal to 17.

2007-03-25 02:38:30 · 4 answers · asked by asdoifiu 1 in Mathematics

"nothing is at last sacred but the intergirt of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself and you shall have the suffrage of the world..." -self-reliance

2007-03-25 02:38:26 · 4 answers · asked by neena ♥ 3 in Philosophy

but i have severly overactive sweat glands everwhere. so far i am trying to find a diagnosis for other problems i am having so nothing can be done bout the sweating. but what can i do about my groin area... im so afraid i will be sweaty and it will show because our costumes are short and you can see everything.

2007-03-25 02:38:22 · 4 answers · asked by Em 2 in Fashion & Accessories

If there is a match between a man vs 3 woman.Who will be there???You can pick from wwf-wwe.

2007-03-25 02:38:17 · 8 answers · asked by xtian_andreas 3 in Wrestling

My Lab will sit beautifully on command, but when I try to get him to lay down, he just stands up to get the treat on the ground. I tried gently holding his bottom on the ground, but that didn't work either. If I drag the treat on the ground, he just gets up and follows it. If I try to pull his front legs forward into the "down" position, nothing happens. Since he's a Lab, I can't exactly pick him up and lay him on his side either. Help!

2007-03-25 02:38:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

In last night's drunken shenanigans, I did one thing that I can't stop hating myself for ... I sang "Achy Breaky Heart" karaoke style. I've done a lot of awful things drinking before, but I can honestly say I would rather say I'd picked a fight with a disabled person or had intercourse with a bearded lady than I sang that song.
I had a driver, who was a coworker, and I also made a bit of a fool of myself cracking awful jokes about an underage intern. Then I think I broke my toe stumbling around when I got home.
But the song is the thing that is lingering in my hungover brain. It's not that I did a bad job of it, just my song selection was a bit stupid. Don't you agree?
I should have quit after I rocked out White Wedding. Alas.

2007-03-25 02:38:10 · 14 answers · asked by johnnybassline 3 in Music

My friend Paige is 16 and she got pregnant, and her dad is making her have an abortion. But while shes been pregnant shes been going out drinking and smoking....shes going to kill her baby if she keeps that up. me and most of her friends just told her to have the baby and then put it up for adoption. and the dude she had it with dumped her for someone else. he said that an abortion is a good choice...the only person its good for is him because he is a selfish asshole. but the main point is....is there anything i can do to help my friend get through this

Shayyyyne....help..please :D

2007-03-25 02:38:07 · 10 answers · asked by Samantha 2 in Adolescent

i have high in inflamation levels in my blood test and got a arhtritis test done, but came back negitive. im on anti inflamatories but suffer wat stiffness in my back from my neck down ans in my legs

2007-03-25 02:38:00 · 7 answers · asked by kathleen m 1 in Pain & Pain Management

2007-03-25 02:37:57 · 3 answers · asked by jamraggash 1 in Snooker & Pool

This was 20 years ago.....She has since moved on, married and has kids.....At the time I basically used her and didn't appreciate her. Now, I can't stop thinking about her....Will this ever end for me? NO, I'm not stalking her at all.

2007-03-25 02:37:57 · 12 answers · asked by TNT 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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