C'mon...You got to be kidding me, supposedly we have about 30,000 years of human history and people still donk know there correct roles, male female child? Gender seems to be a serious problem these days and its common sense! Subatomic particles DO NOT change thier polarities by themselve or thier orientation acoording to others, and these things are INANIMATE. But people do, sub atomic particles do not disturb each other unless something ANIMATE does it. Humans kill each other over FEELINGS, objects just wear themselves out. I cant believe you people cant SEE that WE are on the brink of EXTINCTION because you cant understand simple physical rules like The Roles Of Particle Orientation. You cant possibly give a liable cause for believing that we evolved from apes, APES DONT RAPE EACHOTHER, APES DONT HARRASS EACHOTHER in a TORTUOUS fashion, just because. We are de-evolving, every industry on earth is suffering now, because people like to use things out of context, and that is anti-evo!
13 answers
asked by
Marcus Ariel