Consider this question without trying to reach into your religious doctrine. This question is straightforward and is not to insult, but to gain understanding.
Why do you believe?
If someone today told you that a person was healing the sick, turning water to wine, and performing miraculous miracles would you believe him? Probably not.
If you saw for yourself these miracles being performed right before your eyes, would you NOW be willing to believe that this person was for real? Probably not.
So why do you believe?
In my opinion, you’re not putting your faith in God. What you are doing though, is putting your faith in words written under 2000 years ago by extremely superstitious people. Added to this, it wasn’t all the information that you’re getting in the Bible. What you’re getting is doctrine that was edited by a committee that decided on what was and what wasn’t going to be put in the Bible. Then this information was controlled by a historically corrupt group.
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Religion & Spirituality