Try showing your daughter the correct writing method. If she continues then you should ask for a meeting with her teacher. Please know that being left handed is a common thing. However, sometimes the type of writing you describe can be a sign of dyslexia. Not always and no big worry if it is. She will simply need to learn by another method. Her brain will function at another level. Often times left-handed kids have higher I.Q's. Just make sure the teacher and you are on the same page with her learning. Otherwise school could be a big turn off for her. Encourage her all you can. Good luck.
2007-03-22 06:51:20
answer #1
answered by Catie 4
Most children of 4 aren't writing numbers yet at all- some can't write their name. It's absolutely nothing to worry about, and don't even think about dyslexia- he's far too young for a diagnosis. It's really common for children to write in mirror images- many of my class do so at least some of the time. Don't be negative about his attempts- he may well stop trying, you could say something like,' what great writing- but did you know the number goes this way?' keeping your tone really positive. Praise his attempts to try and if he's showing a lot of interest in numbers he will probably enjoy looking at number books- get him to find a certain number, then try and copy or trace. Someone else said write it faintly for him to go over the top= that works well. Just keep it all positive and light and don't worry about it. I'm almost 100% certain it will correct itself over time, and according to the early years foundation stage- what all nurseries in England work to, he's nowhere near needing to be able to write numbers properly, and it won't interfere in his development in any way. Good luck and merry chirstmas!
2016-03-28 23:40:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think it is fine for left or right handed kids to do that at 6. I am left handed and do tend to do a lot of things backwards though, just goes with the lefty. Both my kids are right handed and at that age wrote things backwards especially numbers and a few letters, the teacher told me they dont worry about it if it is in the correct sequence until the end of 1st grade. My oldest is in 2nd and rarely does it anymore.
2007-03-22 05:19:27
answer #3
answered by Miss Coffee 6
Okay your daughter is what we call a unique case, its like writing with both hands she is just able to use her brain more to do certain functions like writing mirror images.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote mirror images.
You should talk to the teacher and see if she does it in school and even try a child phycologist to see if she is doing this for a certain reason.
2007-03-22 05:19:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My son is a lefty as well he does that with his b's and d's and sometimes his s's and z's he is learning to catch it so she'll be fine just as long as you let her know when she is doing it.. his teacher didnt say any thing untill about 1st or 2nd grade even on spelling test they would mark them right even though the letter was backwards but he does sooo much better no
2007-03-22 08:37:31
answer #5
answered by jess_n_e 1
Well, it is alarming if she is unable to know what she is doing and thinks she is writing correctly. She may have a serious case of dyslexia and you should have her tested if the school as not done so already. Her teacher is lame if she has not said anything; they get paid to recognize learning disabilities and assess their student's cognitive skills.
2007-03-22 05:22:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yess, it's normal for a six year old to write backwards. My little sister did at first, all left handed children do it. I did it at first also.
2007-03-22 07:35:53
answer #7
answered by chelsea.lane 3
My 3 year old does it and I was told not to worry about it till after kindergarten. They did tell me to show her the correct way when she does it. I would as her teacher about it
2007-03-22 05:23:50
answer #8
answered by samira 5
The best thing to do is to just let her express herself any way she likes.You should not worry.In-fact she sounds very talented maybe she will grow up to be some kind of artist.
2007-03-22 05:18:51
answer #9
answered by cynomynG 3
Mirror images?Wow......I certainly wouldn't discourage you believe in the mystery of possibly "Why"? Old soul? That's what comes to my mind,very cool.
2007-03-22 05:19:10
answer #10
answered by FYIIM1KO 5