I. Do not worship a God that tells you to Murder people.
II. Do not worship any symbols, flags or anything else that violates the first commandment.
III. Do not curse as it is a sign of ignorance.
IV. Make sure you spend quality time with your loved ones.
V. Treat your parents as they treated you, but give them a break as a lot of times parents make mistakes and do not realize it for many years.
VI. Thou shall not commit murder, regardless of your financial or political status. (See Commandment VII.)
VII. DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY as that voids Commandment number VI for the jilted spouse in your respect.
VIII. Do not steal. That means DO NOT MANIPULATE DECENCY to achieve financial greatness, regardless of the amount of profit. DO NOT CHEAT TO GET AHEAD, IN ANY WAY, PERIOD.
IX. Do not lie in any way that violates any other Commandment.
X. Do not take from these Commandments.
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