I believe you 100%, but one thing to know is: The bible says there is absolutely no such thing as a Good Demon or good ghost. Secondly, never ever listen to anyone that tells you to use witchcraft or any sorcery to exorcise the building or whatever, it will only worsen the situation and the spirits will stay there due to the use of spiritism objects being present. You see, the bible says those are demons, or angel opposers against god who have intensified their Satanic activities at the times of the end (Revelation 12:9-12). Fear Not, pray aloud using God's personal name:"Jehovah" (Psalm 83:18) and say to whatever is bothering you. Jesus said this when Satan tried to tempt him into what is bad. :"Go away, Satan". Do this at your work place when you feel some sort of presence is threatening you. Call out the name of God aloud, I'm totally serious on this, use God's personal name, Jehovah, to do so. Do not use any spiritism related stuff to ward off these 'spirits', because they'll only back fire. Remove from your belongings all spiritism related charms, prayer beads, Satanic objects and posters or even occultic music to stop the harassment. Do not even be tempted to try to contact these "spirits" through ouija boards or whatever channeling people might say to do. Pray to Jehovah, who is more powerful than all these demons, see what the bible says:
“The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” (Prov. 18:10)
"19 You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder." (James 2:19)
“Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship.’” Then the Devil left Jesus.—Matthew 4:1-11.
The first thing you need to understand that there is someone in heaven more powerful than these 'spirits', that is Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ. Jesus when on earth casted out demons, who fearfuly begged the son of God not to "abyss them". You see, the bible foretold that Satanic activity on earth would intensify due to Satan and his angels being cast out from Heaven. Please read the following verses:
"So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him". (Revelation 12:9)
Satan, first of all, lead Adam and Eve into rebellion against God by eating the fruit Jehovah told them not to. Satan later in Noah's day enticed other angels to side him into rebelling against God. See what the scripture says:
6 Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. 3 After that Jehovah said: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:1-3)
In Noah's day, these angels disobyed God by a direct act of rebellion--coming down to earth to satisfy their lust of these "daughters of men". Ungodly and corrupted as they are, they later influenced their hybrid offspring into doing wickedness, the scripture called those "Nephillims", Hebrew for fallers, those who causes others to fall down. These violent bullies managed to turn that pre-flood world into full of bloodshed and violence. Apart from Noah who feared God, the rest of the were destroyed in the great deluge. Those rebellious angels selfishly abandoned their unnatural offsprings and their human brides to their destruction in the flood, fled back to heaven in spirit bodies, and came to be angels who sided with Satan, and opposed Jehovah. Jehovah held those spirits under bound to be served for destruction for their wickedness.
Down the ages these wicked spirits tried to mislead mankind into violence, bloodshed, idolatry, child sacrifices (2 Kings 23:10). In ancient bible land, the Canaanite were ordered by Jehovah to be executed by the Israelites for their depraved worship of Demonic Gods like Baal, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Anath, Tammuz. The Babylonians went even further to worship demons like Pazuzu, the triad of Devil, etc.
In our day the pressure from such uncanny sources has reached an all-time high because Satan has been cast out of heaven and is furious, knowing his time is short.—Rev. 12:12. He is doing all he can to persecute True Christians, or in the case of those who does not know the True God, he makes their life a misery by enslaving them to superstition, to Demonism, or scare them to by harassing them constantly. But they are actually cowards as while they bully and oppress mankind who are weaker than them, they themselves are not much stronger than either Jesus or Jehovah, the demons as recorded in the bible begging Jesus in many situations.
It is very crucial you do not have any necklace with charms or objects that is related to demonism, possessing such objects is highly dangerous for both you and the children at the child care. Please contact Jehovah's Witness for bible study to learn more. But do not despair, real protection is possible with Jehovah, the mighty creator. Pour out in prayers your concern and shun any spiritism, do not even watch movies associated with spiritism, like:
-The grudge
-The ring
-Especially the Exorcist.
-Not even Lord of the Rings (I was studying with Witnesses when i watched this movie, after that the experience is so bad i had to stay up praying nightly)
Know that Jehovah, viewing from heaven, is fully aware of the bad things the spirit rebels are doing, and soon he will punish them for leading mankind into both immorality and corrupting the earth. I kindly suggest you contact one of Jehovah's Witness for a bible study to gain accurate knowledge, act now and do not delay.
If you welcome brochures and reading material on this, I can email you some (click on my profile at the left icon there). But please do no hesitate to start a bible study, by associating with God's people you'll be able to gain protection.
^__^ Have faith
2007-01-11 17:15:27
answer #1
answered by Kaien かいえん 4
Cedar is supposed to drive away malevolent spirits. Salt also. And old ritual is to take a lit candle, and walk to the corners of the room, and to any other area that feels "wrong" and TELL the spirits that it time to leave, and that they need to use the light from the candle to guide them "home". You can use a cedar scented candle, or burn cedar incense. You should also sprinkle salt in the corners as this is done. Ideally, you shold have a friend who is not afraid of spirits to do this for you and tell the spirits to leave. You can sprinkle the salt. A friend of mine had a spot in her basement like that, and the cat would hiss at it. She got her dad to light the incense, leave a pile of salt there, and tell the force Very Firmly to leave. Don't try it if you are scared.
2007-01-12 01:53:35
answer #3
answered by ? 5