1. Which type of Ferrous metal would be suitable to make tough kitchen sink units from? The surface would have to withstand shocks and wear and water flooding.
2. Name the Ferrous metal that most work-shop tools are made from?
3. Give an example of a suitable ferrous metal that may be used to make garden tools?
4. Why are the majority of wire electrical cables made from copper?
5. Name a Non-ferrous metal that is used to protect dental nurses, doctors and dentists from the harmful radiation that is given off when using X-rays?
6. How are steel corrugated roofs made water resistant?
7. Why are the panels of Land-Rovers made from Aluminium?
8. Name a Non-Ferrous metal that is suitable to make ornaments ? Name the industrial process used?
9. Give the name of the metal that is suitable to make jewellery from? Why is it a good choice?
10. Why is High tensile steel an ideal metal to make car gears from?
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