My mother in law is very over bearing, especially now that we have a son. My son will be one next week and my mother in law is obssesed with seeing him. i understand that my son is her first grandchild but, it is not normal the way she acts over him. This past weekend, she came to our house, UNANNOUCED by the way, which is overbearing in and of itself, and got mad because my son was down for a nap. Now she has been around long before he was born and knows he always takes an afternoon nap. ALWAYS, no exceptions. She came into my house unannounced and got mad, asked, when did he go down, as if it was her business, I explained I had just come out of his room, that very moment. She said uh, and turned and went out the front door and back to the truck to leave. Rude! to say the least. I am really having a hard time with this because I have asked my husband to speak with his parents and let them know we need our space, and privacy as a family, but it always turns into an arguement.
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