My boyfriend always says that i am negative and if i changed how i responded to things, then maybe things would be better for me. So the newest thing that came up that is bothering me is that, we have been living together for a year. He is a pilot. He has took a part time job that I was not really wanting him to take. Anyway, he told me that he has to fly the owner to the carribeans from the 21st-26th. So he will be away for Christmas. Also for the same amount of time for another holiday coming up soon after. Well I'm not turning cartwheels!! So I am suppose to be supportive, yet I am going to be by myself for Christmas, totally. Which if I say that then I am being ungrateful of his career, and selfish. But he is going to be living it up in the carribeans! I have no family and friends where I live, so I will be alone. How do you not be negative and be ok with it?
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Marriage & Divorce