My niece is staying with me (or should i say im staying with her) and I have seen the homework stress before but now Im just plain concerned. She hasn't been able to hang out with friends once this year, every holiday the family plans on traveling and she cant go because projects are assigned for everyone (and they teachers wont give them the work before hand so she cant do it earlier) and i hate having to leave her home for sometimes a week (shes only 13! but she needs to go to the library and she needs her computer).This weekend she had to outline 2 chapters in history (5 hours each), chapter 10 & 11 vocabulary (40-50 each ch.), begin a 10 page essay, in science build a volcano and write a paper on it, in math do 70 problems (and theyre algerbra and hard-6 hours in fact beacause the teacher makes her write out everything and for fun graph every problem) and she has to study for a health and history test tomorrow and about 2 hours more in some stupid busywork!
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asked by
Karen G