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All categories - 3 November 2006

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because the pedals of the stationary bike that i just bough are not moving at all they are very stiff and tough
please help me with your tips and answers

2006-11-03 07:37:24 · 15 answers · asked by cuttiiee 6 in Cycling


2006-11-03 07:37:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I don't want to harm any animals but at the same time, I need to consider the health and safety of my mini schnauzer. I keep my animals contained but a neighbor dog, came onto our property, over a 6 foot fence which was out of my control. I am concerned about the safety of my dog and would like to know what the name of the shot or any oral medicine would be that I could give to her to end her pregnancy.

2006-11-03 07:37:22 · 42 answers · asked by skensler 1 in Dogs

I heard this one story about the Irish Wolfhound that touched my heart and I would like to share it:) These dogs were breed to protect people from wolves in Ireland. Very strong and excellent hunters. Long ago, the king of Ireland received an Irish wolfhound as a present. Everyday he would go hunting with his dog. He grew to love this dog with all his heart. Until one day he went hunting by himself. When he returned he seen blood everywhere in his castle. He searched everywhere in the castle to find his family. Sadly, they were no where to be found. Instinctively, he searched his new born child's crib to see if at least the heir of his throne was safe. Not there. Finally he seen his dog's mouth covered in blood. With rage he took the biggest longest sword in the castle and stabbed the dog in the back. The poor dog let out a heartbreaking yelp while it was dying. Just then he heard crying, he followed the sound and found his child under the couch with a dead wolf beside it.

2006-11-03 07:37:21 · 11 answers · asked by Inez J 1 in Dogs

2006-11-03 07:37:20 · 17 answers · asked by Jessy 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

who here thinks that this movie is F***ing hillarious!!????

2006-11-03 07:37:18 · 42 answers · asked by _DestroyingAngel_ 3 in Comics & Animation

i think maradonna pele or georgey best da great

2006-11-03 07:37:16 · 56 answers · asked by SLANE 1 in Other - Football

A few questions about Facebook. Can you delete an account? Can you make it so people from outside your school can't even search for you? What is poking? Is it worth getting one or do you think it is too risky? Thank you.

2006-11-03 07:37:16 · 7 answers · asked by leena 4 in Internet

I have a friend who lives up the street.
We are both in our 30's.
She is getting a divorce for her husband cheating. I am not that far behind for a divorce for reasons she knows about. I always thought there would be time. Time to wait to tell her and ask her out. She was contacted by an old friend and has had a few dates, and it is just starting to get serious. I felt sick to my stomach. I got the guts enough to speak with her in private and I told her how I feel about her. I told her I always thought there would be more time and now I felt the time was running out to tell her. I did not want to be the old man years from now asking myself "what if?" She blushed a lot and told me she was very flattered by me.
We both have kids and both have the same religious beliefs and she is just plain perfect.
Me and my marrige is not salvagable and she knows that. I am wondering what do I do next?
Do I tell her more of my feelings?
I don't want to scare her off and I don't want her slip away

2006-11-03 07:37:15 · 40 answers · asked by WildBill 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

How could it stunt your growth. I've just seen comments on yahoo answers that it can but a trainer at my school said it doesnt and that they have done tests on kids.

2006-11-03 07:37:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I want to take to court a well known food producer. They make refridgerated and frozen meals for a sector of the market. They have, no only, broken labelling laws, by not stating hydrogenated on thier ingredients lists, but have also marketed thier food as being cholesterol free, healthy for your heart etc. When actually, the majority of thier products are loaded with hydrogenated oils.
I've been eating thier products for about 12 years, I always check ingrediants for unhealthy additives such as this and have been mislead to believe that this was healthy food.
I want to take this company to court for poisening my arteries and not giving me an informed choice.
How do I do this?
What kind of solicitor / lawyer do I need to visit?
Where do I start?
(I have written to the company, several times, with no response).
Any serious answers are greatly appreciated.

2006-11-03 07:37:10 · 14 answers · asked by SausageBrain 2 in Law & Ethics

I'm making a crust for my vegitarian pot pie.

2006-11-03 07:37:08 · 23 answers · asked by Veggiegirl 2 in Cooking & Recipes

I was working with the children in my practicum and the coordinator for the day read a book about a school bus that was really cute. It had different animals that rhymed (Fox in sox, etc.) getting on the bus and it said "Ride the bus to school, to school, ride the bus to school" frequently throughout the book. I was wondering if anyone knew the name of it! It's really cute and I want to get my hands on it! Thanks!

2006-11-03 07:37:06 · 10 answers · asked by followmyleader1 2 in Preschool

COBALTO band of rock-pop from Mendoza-Argentina is searching for a manager. Listen us in http://www.cobaltorock.cjb.net is in spanish. If you are interesting please contact us.

2006-11-03 07:37:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

Is there something I need to download or install first???

2006-11-03 07:36:59 · 7 answers · asked by sahero11 2 in Internet

I love them, they are funny, has any body seen them???

2006-11-03 07:36:59 · 1 answers · asked by rikus_chicka 1 in Video & Online Games

Last year I used sun-in on my hair. I still have some sun-in in my hair because some of my hair is brown, and some of my hair is black. I also have wavy hair. My hair is quite fine, and it has a little bit of friziness. Can I permanently straighten my hair without ruining my hair?

2006-11-03 07:36:56 · 11 answers · asked by your rescuer 2 in Hair

or it becomes a favorite of yours?

i really dispised Carrie Underwood. After she beat Bo Bice in American Idol i couldn't listen to her or look at her. Now i like listening to her.

Same thing*this one is awhile ago* but i used to hate N SYNC, only boy group for me was the backstreet boys. Then they became a favorite.

2006-11-03 07:36:53 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Other - Entertainment

My husband and I have a 1 year old son. The problem is that my husband is really prejudice against Asian people. He really really dislikes Asian people. He tells me ALL the time that he is going to teach my son to hate Asians too. I don't want my son to be a racist. Before we had our child, my husband made little comments about Asian people before, but I just brushed it off, not thinking it is that serious. I am black and he is white, so we have diversity problems of our own, I want my son to grow up loving everyone, not just because of the color of their skin. It's sad because my son isn't even going to have a chance to get to know Asian people, he's just going to go by what his dad tells him. I have no problem with anyone, black, white, green, yellow or blue. What can I do? Other than that he is a wonderful dad. Any suggestions will help.

2006-11-03 07:36:52 · 35 answers · asked by Pinky Dinky Doo 2 in Parenting

I have a co-worker/new friend who im turtle sitting for. Her turtles are in an unhealthy enviroment (10 gal tank for a 6" and 8" RES)and she doesnt seem to take proper care of them. I dont think she completely understands how to care for them. How do I go about informing her in the proper way to care for her turtles with out coming off as rude or saying she's a bad owner (she's not she really loves them). I myself have a turlte and she seemed shock at the extent we go to give him the best habitat. Hers arent fed vegitation only pellets and have no way of basking. She only has an aquarium lamp no heat lamp. And their is no adequete land for them to even dry on. Some advice on how to give her advice would be great :)

2006-11-03 07:36:42 · 10 answers · asked by summers_angel_84 2 in Reptiles

well my mom called by brother and were talking about kids and how my brother should take care of is baby and things like that, well I dont know how I got in the pix but they were talking about my parenting skills, I dont have any kids yet but have taken care of some kids and now I find my self taking care of my brothers kid while I study and I do so well and wonder y? my mom would talk bad about me? I dont know really much about her or each other that well, I took off when I came out 10 years and shes judges me from back in the days but I was a bad child, I didnt have it easy being gay and finding my self I have grown so much and have changed in so many ways and I feel like I dont have to prove my self at all. should I tell here to get off my *** or try to understand where shes coming from?

2006-11-03 07:36:37 · 26 answers · asked by fernied_eve 1 in Parenting

2006-11-03 07:36:36 · 29 answers · asked by melon_rose 2 in Other - Skin & Body

2006-11-03 07:36:33 · 16 answers · asked by Queenslander 1 in Other - Society & Culture

im 18 and at my job there is a very attractive man that works with me. we always flirt and he seems to be into me too. but theres one thing, hes 30. he doesnt look 30 or even act 30. hes super cute and very nice. im crushin gon him majorly!what should i do?is he too old?

2006-11-03 07:36:32 · 65 answers · asked by manders359 1 in Singles & Dating



2006-11-03 07:36:29 · 6 answers · asked by houston baby 1 in Music

do you think I have a chance to become a pro skateboarder im 13 iv been skateboarding for about 8 months well 1 year but it snows for like 4 months so i cant practice year round i can land a olie,kickflip,heelflip,imposible,360flip,nose manual,manual,spacewalk,truckstand,casper,casperspin,50-50,nosegrinde,boardslide,tailslide and i do stuff like kickflip of park benches and stuff like that my friends say im prity good but i heer about people who went pro at 13 so i wondwer if one day i will be able to make money frome skateboarding do you think i can go pro and if you do in how long? or what do you think i need to do

(im 5,7 140lb)

2006-11-03 07:36:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Sports

My boss wants me to go on a business trip in February, I am due May 21. I told our secretary that I think it would be to much for me and I really do not want to do anything to harm the baby, but I was curious when is the latest you can fly? Thanks everyone...

2006-11-03 07:36:25 · 22 answers · asked by ShanaJ 4 in Pregnancy

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