previously I asked where the socks go that we know we put into the washer but never show up. I also sited that if we can not determine where this massive number of sox go then why is it difficult for atheists to accept there there is indeed something supernatural going on and one of those might be God or in my world is God. Not that I don't know but that it is an unknown to others whom I try to communicate with about Him.
Basically my question is then if there are missing socks and we can not explain that then how big a jump is it to assume that there might be a higher power.
Proposed answers incuded the dryer did it, the washing machine does it, there is a higher power that eats socks and my favorite yet still wrong down the drain.
more facts about the mystery I have investigated.
I use acrylic socks, I do not use a dryer, I have a ceptic tank, and my dog sees disimbodied spirits and barks like ell, so not drain, not SM, not dryer, not pant legs or we'd findum on the wak
5 answers
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Religion & Spirituality