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All categories - 21 September 2006

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I have beent seeing this guy for about five months. He has a ten month old son and he is in the niddle of a divorce. I understand that he has to see his ex-wife because of their kid, but the other day, he called me and asked me to come over after work...I did...and he wasn't there...so i went home. for the next three days he didnt call me. I finally went and asked his momma what was going on. She told me that he had left with his ex-wife, and she hasnt seen him. she said she sae him the day before with her, and he showed his ex pictures of me telling her how beautiful i was and how much he loved me...when he finally called me he told em he had nessed up and he was sorry, and I forgave him...he said he left with her because she asked him to help her with logan, their son...well, like i said i believed him and took him back...am i stupid...

2006-09-21 06:10:05 · 11 answers · asked by L. Roberson 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I don't want crappy bootlegs. Is the real thing out on DVD yet?

2006-09-21 06:10:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Television

How would you feel if you had moved in somewhere...made your room your own (put money into it, took the time to decorate and keep it nice)...Then two months later you get asked to move out...Then when you move out and to somewhere else you are in a small room with barely a closet, your clothes are in the hall way...and...you have no door. Granted you are paying less for rent now but is it really worth it?

2006-09-21 06:09:55 · 9 answers · asked by Caitlyn's Mommy 2 in Family

I am going to see when I can schedule a date for artificial insemination. Cause me and my hunnie want a baby. We tried for almost 3 years. We have been togther going on 4 years already. And I just wanted to get your opionion about this. How long do you think it will take to make an appointment? And when I do it, what will I have to do? Will I have to be on bed rest.? Will I have to do something at all or will they just do it and see the chances of getting pregnant? And what if we do do it and I don't get pregnant still? What other options do I have.? Would that mean that I just can't have babies? Can someone help me......Please...I'm so confused and stressed out about this all....I can't take it anymore....

2006-09-21 06:09:47 · 8 answers · asked by hunnie 1 in Trying to Conceive

I had a friend clear my hard drive ( I know I'm stupid) now I can't figure out how to put an operating system back on. That's about all the details I have right now.

2006-09-21 06:09:44 · 4 answers · asked by ssnapperhead1 2 in Other - Computers

Tell me your thoughts.

2006-09-21 06:09:37 · 32 answers · asked by SeeTheLight 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I've been dating a guy for about 2 1/2 months and the other night I borrowed a DVD box set that I bought him a while back. He doesnt normally let people borrow his things because he's compulsive about his posessions esp. movies, and because people tend to borrow and never return.
Well.. I had the DVD's in my room, and my roommate wanted to watch them - i said it was fine as long as he put them back, he didnt. He left them on the DVD player and his dog got them. Tore all the packaging.
I'm going to buy the guy i'm seeing a new set since the packaging is all but destroyed but should i tell him it's a replacement or just let him think that it's his old ones?
I don't want him to think he can't trust me with his things (my roommate wont be borrowing anything else of mine) but his old ones had a tiny little tear on the inner packaging when we bought it.. so he will be able to tell the diff. if he looks.

Tell him and hope he can still trust me or dont and hope he doesnt notice?

2006-09-21 06:09:34 · 31 answers · asked by attila 6 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-21 06:09:32 · 10 answers · asked by KEN 1 in English Football

does it affects health badly?
does it has any harmful effects?
(specially the pre-marriage sex)

2006-09-21 06:09:31 · 25 answers · asked by Tom 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-21 06:09:29 · 14 answers · asked by mcclean5552 5 in Honda

2006-09-21 06:09:19 · 5 answers · asked by Clarkie 6 in Cooking & Recipes

He will peep in the toliet, if you stay asking every so often, and somedays he does will be himself but when it comes to the poopin he won't do it, if you ask him he says no so I put him on the toliet anyways he will sit there for a couple min. but never do anything, and as soon as he gets off he goes hide in a corner and does it, so any helpful and useful hints would be really nice :)

2006-09-21 06:09:17 · 11 answers · asked by poohbear 2 in Parenting

Commodities Futures only links and books only please, I have been studying trading strategies and am looking for as much GOOD information as I can put into my brain. Read a few books but looking for more good ones.If anyone has a good strategy they'd liek to share with me I would greatly appreciate it. Besides the obvious buy low sell high.. :)

2006-09-21 06:09:12 · 2 answers · asked by Blizzzard 1 in Investing

I broke up with him to date someone else which didn't work out. Now my ex-boyfriend says he doesn't want a girlfriend now but he loves me. He said he wants to go out every night but isn't looking for a relationship. He said he doesn't want to answer to anyone(me) and is busy with his career. He is still calling me about 3-4 times a week just to chat as we dated for 6 years and he is my best friend. I now live out of town and he lets me stay by his house when I visit (I ask every time). Does this mean he just wants to sleep together now and then (which we do) without a commitment? Other friends tell me he is not seeing anyone else. I am not dating anyone. Should I move on?

2006-09-21 06:09:02 · 10 answers · asked by happyendingsonly 2 in Singles & Dating

freedom shmeedom........your president and congress currently ignore americans demanding that the US borders be enforced. torture, wiretaps, gov produced "news stories", bribery, and election fraud.......we've got it all.

AND we have a huge military machine to punish those who dont do as we say.

2006-09-21 06:09:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I take online college courses and am almost done with my degree, however, I've hit a slump, and simply don't want to do the work..How can I get myself motivated?

2006-09-21 06:08:59 · 121 answers · asked by LONG ISLAND GIRL 3 in Higher Education (University +)

Say for example I have two web pages:

1. One called, "Art Graphics Directory."
the keywords would be: art, art graphics and arts directory.

2. Another page called, "Art Graphics Articles:"
keywords would be: art graphics and arts graphics articles.

both pages could show up under the keyword phrase, art graphics or even art.

This okay?

2006-09-21 06:08:57 · 3 answers · asked by mrlace2003 1 in Search Engine Optimization

I'm going to coach a flag football team for boys age 9 -10Yrs. Just looking for some help with some simple plays for them.

2006-09-21 06:08:55 · 2 answers · asked by Juan A 1 in Football (American)

Check out my hair www.myspace.com/prkarissa

Bored at work! And thought about changing my hair color. Thanks - if you like it blonde let me know!

2006-09-21 06:08:34 · 19 answers · asked by SxyPR 3 in Other - Entertainment

Ectasy is a know pill.. thst makes you feel good.... dance for few hours and lot of stuff.... you know what i am talking about........... right?

2006-09-21 06:08:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Entertainment

i have suddenly broke out in pimples.I wash my face every day.
does anyone know any quick ideas to get rid of them?

2006-09-21 06:08:29 · 26 answers · asked by Tinkerbell 2 in Skin & Body

see i am in the 9th grade and this guy in my math class has crush on me, i told his friend that i want to hear what he has to say,not his friends and when ever he tries to come front of me i get shy and start walking the other way. he is okay!! but i feel shy when has totell me that "i love u" front of everybody!!! what should i do?help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-21 06:08:26 · 10 answers · asked by Blah_123 2 in Friends

Have you ever had a girl stick her finger in your ***, while you where having sex? If so, how did it make you feel?

2006-09-21 06:08:26 · 11 answers · asked by saelskies 2 in Singles & Dating

Are there any other websites that can show me how to unlock the phone?
I have tried the series of 000000's but that did not work.

2006-09-21 06:08:21 · 2 answers · asked by Hank G 1 in Cell Phones & Plans

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