The ACLU sponsored Michael Newdow, the "under God" protestor guy from N. CA to speak at the local college. After his talk, there was a question and answer session where a lot of the students strongly disagreed with Newdow and his crusade to make all of us agree with him (sorry for the editorial). The Q&A became heated so the host of the gathering (the head of the local ACLU chapter) began to limit what could be asked!
Look at the hypocrisy:
"The ACLU is concerned with the protection of civil rights and civil liberties, and (Newdow has) done a lot for that," said Phyllis Gerstenfeld, interim co-chairwoman of the Stanislaus County ACLU.
After Newdow's speech, organizers asked for civilized discourse during questions, but limited what the audience could say.
Members of the crowd were upset, arguing that was a hypocritical control of their freedom of speech. Organizers said people came to hear Newdow speak, not audience members."
Once again, freedom of speech as long as we like it.
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