I have been critical of Bush not during 9/11 and not during Afghanishtan, then I was proud of him. But Iraq is wrong and unlimited Federal spending and enlarging the government is wrong, that is not the Republican party I first joined. But because of my view and others like me, we get a lot of response to question with if you don't like it then GET OUT. Or being called Unpatrotic. Not true.
This country was founded by revolutionist against unlawful taxation. Their were people who during that time did not want to rock the book, called these revolutionist unpatriotic to their King and country as well. People who support Bush blindly are the exact same people as those who would have supported Britain at that time. They are loyalist and support authorty which is sad because this is a land of freedom and oportunity. So here is the question, who is the true patriot, those who take ridicule but VOICE our opinions or those who would support a President who has divided his country?
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Law & Ethics