well ive been seeing her for about 6 monhts now and we've been best friends for over a year. i can honestly say i do love her and she can say the same (although im sure most of you will say shes rele not) anyway i'm not stupid enough to have sex with her until she the age of consent (which is 17 where i live) and i dont have a promblem waiting either but i just wanna know can i get in trouble for just being in a relitionship with her, just doing normal things like going to the movies, the mall, bowling ect... i also have many friends who are in the same situation who are dating minors (and sexualy active with there partners) i dont have anything wrong with it, she doesnt, her sister doesnt nor does yer mom, her dad on the other hand is very oblivious to whats going on due to his long work hours....yeah so i just wanna know what you think or what the law would think
before you answer keep in mind that i truley do love this person
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Singles & Dating