I'm a 29yo Male. I have no health insurance, so I'm hoping you can answer some questions for me that might help me diagnose whether I have HPV or just normal skin tags.
All told, I have about 6-8 spots I'm concerned about. They are located on the shaft of my penis, th scrotum, and near the thigh. Several sources have indicated HPV will ALWAYS include warts on the TIP of the penis--since I have nothing near the tip, am I OK?
Next, my lesions (?) have been the same for a few years--no growth, nothing new, nothing disappeared. Is that typical of HPV?
Finally, I've read that VINEGAR will turn HPV warts white. I've tried applying common vinegar to myself, and seen no color change. Will HPV warts always react this way?
Thanks. Hope this helps some others, too.
1 answers
asked by
Matt S