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語言 - 五月 2005

[Selected]: 所有分類 社會與文化 語言


2005-05-30 15:09:19 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 阿呆 1



 總是讚嘆『Oh, My God!』
 等到結帳時看到帳單又會『Jesus Christ !』。」

2005-05-30 13:53:43 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

when you just give love,
and never get love,
you better let love depart.

2005-05-30 13:14:22 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-30 09:20:26 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous



2005-05-30 08:43:40 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

請問高階主管的英文是 ?
chairman、executive man 好像都不太對,

2005-05-30 01:47:05 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 horus 3

estoy muy contenta是什麼意思阿..似乎是西文..

2005-05-29 20:53:33 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

情花本是多情種  風雨無情摧花落...落花無心戀殘枝 話做春泥更護花

2005-05-29 20:16:04 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-29 17:16:13 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

請問何時發音要用 なに何時要用なん?

2005-05-29 16:23:55 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-29 16:16:24 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

各位教授好 我叫XXX 是個活潑ㄉ男孩 生於幸福ㄉ家庭裡 再雙親ㄉ照顧下長大 再家裡也被爸媽影響 學習做人ㄉ道理 所以在學校ㄉ人際關係還ㄅ錯

我ㄉ興趣其實還蠻多ㄉ 對於球類運動比較喜歡 尤其是籃球 是我從國中才喜歡上這項運動ㄉ 除ㄌ運動我還喜歡上網看新聞 因為上網看新聞可以節省ㄅ少ㄉ時間 剩餘ㄉ時間可以看書 我也喜歡聽音樂 ㄊ可以抒發我ㄉ壓力 就像是現在面對ㄉ升學壓力 每ㄍ人都需要去抒發

2005-05-29 12:15:16 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-29 10:08:00 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 changchih 7

Brand names extend beyond borders because of the product's quality, but this is not accomplished overnight. Successful brand names are developed over time. Brand value is not created by sales, but results from a company's continuous efforts to provide a quality product.
翻中文 翻譯軟體勿擾

2005-05-29 09:49:51 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Study Plan

In my whole college life , I want to learn English literature , the communication skill with foreigners , the use of English and the details of American and English history. Because I like traveling , I will take part in the Mountain-climbing club to get close to my favorite thing – natural life. Besides ,while I have free time , I will take a part-time job as a house tutor . In teaching others , I can learn the ability to be a teacher . As I want to teach foreigners Mandarin, I shall learn some teaching skill . I will seek opportunity of teaching abroad all the time until it comes true.

The first year

In my first year of university , I will strain to be good at typing Chinese and English over the computer . I know now the world is filled with medium , computers and the internet ,everyone should know how to gain knowledge through the internet .Consequently , I will be active to learn the skill to operate the computer in my first college year .
Besides , I will practice more to improve my ability to communicate with foreigners and to express myself .Because I want to get more knowledge about European literature ,especially the drama and the novel , I will take
the library for good use .

The second year

In my first summer vacation of university , I will start to prepare for the lessons of my second year in college .I will sit for the General English Proficiency Test to get the license of advanced level .I think studying hard one year in Tam kung university must make me prepare well enough to take the test .

In this year , I will buy some books about English writing to learn completely .

The third year
Due to my desire to study abroad , I will study harder to get the scholarship which can afford me to be overseas .In this year , I shall take the speech course and learn the skill to translate English to Chinese , I will try my best to face it .

  The fourth year

 It’s the year I shall have already been specialized in and acquainted with English very well .I must start to plan my future life after this year , and consider if I shall continue to take the master’s degree after graduation or begin the
world .However , I think I will continue to study and take a doctor’s degree .

2005-05-29 08:58:26 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

可以幫忙翻譯一下嗎?? 拜託了Orz

2005-05-29 07:23:40 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 3Day 1


2005-05-29 07:16:25 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-28 21:59:37 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

像是la le de之類的一堆~~搞都不清楚~~
請問這些介係詞怎麼分呢= = ~~

2005-05-28 21:28:53 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Economics and Business Law

The department promotes and coordinates research activities in the field of judicial studies in economics and business affairs.

Current research activity themes can be divided into the following areas: Administrative Law; Commercial Regulations and Law.
Commercial Law.
Bankruptcy Law.
Labour Law; Industrial Relations Law.
Computer Science Law.
Private Law; Company Contracts Law.
Public Law; Market Law; Public Society and Services Law.
Commercial Penal Law.
Public Economics Law; Consumer Law.
Tax Law.
In each context there are numerous research activities—also in collaboration with public and private entities, businesses and associations—on judicial-economic themes which constitute, along with there interdisciplinary nature, the principal characteristics of the research system put into effect by the instructors and researchers of the Department.
The Department also collaborates with the Faculties, the 1st and 2nd level degree plans, the Specialisation Schools and other structures in order to carry out academic activities.
The Department also organises course for granting research doctorates of appropriate competency, as well as national and international seminars and conferences.

2005-05-28 19:48:23 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 琇婷 2



2005-05-28 18:08:10 · 9 個解答 · 發問者 大師的圖真帥! 6


2005-05-28 18:06:36 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 Alex 4


2005-05-28 18:00:06 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1


2005-05-28 17:53:05 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-05-28 17:38:07 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

有一天,他看到廟前廣場,跪著三個辮子被綁在一起的犯人。被蓄著八字鬍的曰本警察,氣勢汹汹的宣佈罪狀說: 「這三個人是可惡的抗日份子,竟敢偷襲警察局長公館,限時斬首,以後誰敢抗日,誰就會遭受跟他們同樣的下場。」
於是他從口袋裏拿出一粒小石子對著正在洋洋得意的日本警察猛然的擲了過去。日本警察痛得抱頭大叫,回頭看見老榕樹上哈哈大笑的廖添丁,就立刻追了上去。廖添丁眼見日本警察向老榕樹跑過來,一溜烟的就從大榕樹跳了下來向大街上跑去。一個轉彎就不見人影。警察局知道這件事後,氣的直拍桌子大罵: 「笨蛋,日本警察居然追不到一個中國小孩。」
他心裏想:「日本人一天到晚壓榨百姓搜刮錢財,害得我們吃不飽穿不暖。我不如去偷取日本人的鈔票,來分給我們中國人用吧! 」
有一天,他選了一家很大的商行──「大和行」準備下手。這家商行的老闆專門巴結日本人,靠著日本人的勢力賺了很多不義之財。添丁最痛恨的就是這種人,決定好好的教訓他,於是趁商店快要關門的時候,大搖大擺的走進大和行,對掌櫃說: 「掌櫃的,我是廖添丁,年節快到了,我們窮人家米缸仔在弄樓(空空的),想要借點錢好過年」。
掌櫃的一聽來人是轟動全台的廖添丁,心裏非常驚慌。暗想不妙:趕忙的陪著笑臉說: 「既然是廖大爺要的,我趕快去拿」。
說完,就轉身進櫃台,偷偷搖起電話,準備報案。添丁很機警,一個箭步就來到掌櫃的背後,低喝一聲: 「哼,要命的話,就把電話放下」。


2005-05-28 17:32:53 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous



2005-05-28 16:41:02 · 10 個解答 · 發問者 洪立J 4

有誰可以教我一些英文的結婚祝賀辭? 簡單的就好,我很急著用

2005-05-28 14:22:31 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 no nickname 1

是的, 這是國中生的幼稚


是的, 我們平常都叫這位同學 "色魔"
沒錯他的確很色, 喜歡別人談論他的 boxer, 無色不做

lord of lust
king of lust
master of lust


slut 也可以嗎

ps 他是男性

2005-05-28 12:55:24 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Organizational Stressors: Role Demands
@Role conflicts
*Work expectations that are hard to satisfy
@Role overload
*Having more work to accomplish than time permits
@Role ambiguity
*When role expectations are not clearly understood
Personality Types
@Type A personality
*People who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive competitive drive
@Type B personality
*People who are relaxed and easygoing and accept change easily
Symptoms Of Stress
@Psychological symptoms
*Increased tension
@Behavior-related symptoms
*Changes in eating habits
*Increased smoking
*Substance consumption
*Rapid speech
*Sleep disorders
Reducing Stress
@Person-job fit concerns
*Match employees to their jobs, clarify expectations, redesign jobs, and increase employee involvement and participation
@Employee assistance programs (EAPs)
*Programs that help employees overcome personal and health-related problems
@Wellness programs
*Programs that help employees prevent health problems
Stimulating Innovation
The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual connections
The process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation
Structural Variables Affecting Innovation

@Organic structures
*Positively influence innovation through less work specialization, fewer rules and decentralization
@Easy availability of plentiful resources
*Allow management to purchase innovations, bear the cost of instituting innovations, and absorb failures.
@Frequent interunit communication
*Helps to break down barriers to innovation by facilitating interaction across departmental lines.
Characteristics of an Innovative Culture
*Acceptance of ambiguity
*Tolerance of the impractical
*Low external controls
*Tolerance of risk
*Tolerance of conflict
*Focus on ends rather than on means
*Open systems focus
HR Variables Affecting Innovation
@HR practices that foster innovation
*Promotion of training and development so employee knowledge remains current
*Offer employees high job security to reduce fear of making mistakes and taking risks
*Encourage employees to become champions of change

2005-05-28 08:27:18 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

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