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有一天,他看到廟前廣場,跪著三個辮子被綁在一起的犯人。被蓄著八字鬍的曰本警察,氣勢汹汹的宣佈罪狀說: 「這三個人是可惡的抗日份子,竟敢偷襲警察局長公館,限時斬首,以後誰敢抗日,誰就會遭受跟他們同樣的下場。」
於是他從口袋裏拿出一粒小石子對著正在洋洋得意的日本警察猛然的擲了過去。日本警察痛得抱頭大叫,回頭看見老榕樹上哈哈大笑的廖添丁,就立刻追了上去。廖添丁眼見日本警察向老榕樹跑過來,一溜烟的就從大榕樹跳了下來向大街上跑去。一個轉彎就不見人影。警察局知道這件事後,氣的直拍桌子大罵: 「笨蛋,日本警察居然追不到一個中國小孩。」
他心裏想:「日本人一天到晚壓榨百姓搜刮錢財,害得我們吃不飽穿不暖。我不如去偷取日本人的鈔票,來分給我們中國人用吧! 」
有一天,他選了一家很大的商行──「大和行」準備下手。這家商行的老闆專門巴結日本人,靠著日本人的勢力賺了很多不義之財。添丁最痛恨的就是這種人,決定好好的教訓他,於是趁商店快要關門的時候,大搖大擺的走進大和行,對掌櫃說: 「掌櫃的,我是廖添丁,年節快到了,我們窮人家米缸仔在弄樓(空空的),想要借點錢好過年」。
掌櫃的一聽來人是轟動全台的廖添丁,心裏非常驚慌。暗想不妙:趕忙的陪著笑臉說: 「既然是廖大爺要的,我趕快去拿」。
說完,就轉身進櫃台,偷偷搖起電話,準備報案。添丁很機警,一個箭步就來到掌櫃的背後,低喝一聲: 「哼,要命的話,就把電話放下」。


2005-05-28 17:32:53 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答


2005-05-30 01:33:03 補充:
In the period of Japanese colonization in Taiwan, there was a teenager called 廖添丁.He was born in the middle Taiwan, chang-hua. His parents died when he was just a little child, so he can only survive himself by doing the chores for other people. When he had leisure, he would go to a temple and learn kung-fu from a master. Because of his industrious practice, he was good at kung-fu when he was very young.

一天,他看到廟前廣場,跪著三個辮子被綁在一起的犯人。被蓄著八字鬍的曰本警察,氣勢汹汹的宣佈罪狀說: 「這三個人是可惡的抗日份子,竟敢偷襲警察局長公館,限時斬首,以後誰敢抗日,誰就會遭受跟他們同樣的下場。」他很氣憤說:「這些無惡不作的日本人,整天只會欺負我們中國人。就讓我廖添丁來教訓教訓你們。」於是他從口袋裏拿出一粒小石子對著正在洋洋得意的日本警察猛然的擲了過去。日本警察痛得抱頭大叫,回頭看見老榕樹上哈哈大笑的廖添丁,就立刻追了上去。廖添丁眼見日本警察向老榕樹跑過來,一溜烟的就從大榕樹跳了下來向大街上跑去。一個轉彎就不見人影。警察局知道這件事後,氣的直拍桌子大罵: 「笨蛋,日本警察居然追不到一個中國小孩。」
One day, he sees three prisoners with pigtails who are tied together and kneel on the square in front of the temple. The police with walrus moustaches declare their crime: ' these three blamed people are against Japan. They dare to attack police commissioner’s residence. Therefore, they should be beheaded immediately. In the future, if someone dares to resist Japan, they will suffer the end as them. He says indignantly that these evil Japanese only bully we Chinese all day. Let me give them a lesson. Then he takes out a little stone, hurling at the elated Japanese policeman. Japanese police cries with embracing his head, and then see Liao laughing on the tree. The policeman rushes to catch Liao. Liao sees the Japanese policeman running to the old tree, and then he jump off the tree rapidly and run toward the street. He disappears after turning a corner. After the police authorities know this, they curse with swatting desk: ' the idiot, Japanese police chase can not catch a Chinese child.

於是下令全面追捕廖添丁。廖添丁闖了這個禍,就跑到了台北。 到了台北的廖添丁肚子餓得大腸叫小腸,可是他摸摸口袋,卻連一毛錢也沒有。他看到不遠的地方。有一棟漂亮的日本房子,心裏暗暗叫道:「啊!有了。」 他心裏想:「日本人一天到晚壓榨百姓搜刮錢財,害得我們吃不飽穿不暖。我不如去偷取日本人的鈔票,來分給我們中國人用吧! 」
Therefore, the authorities order to chase Liao in an all-round way. Liao makes a big mistake, so he goes to Taipei. When reaching Taipei, he is extremely hungry, but he touches the pocket, even not having one dollar. At the moment he sees a beautiful Japanese house in the near distance, shouting in his heart: 'Yes.' He thinks that Japanese exploit the ordinary people and extort the wealth all day, making us unable to have enough food and wear warm. I might as well go to steal Japanese's bill, and then share we Chinese!

有一天,他選了一家很大的商行──「大和行」準備下手。這家商行的老闆專門巴結日本人,靠著日本人的勢力賺了很多不義之財。添丁最痛恨的就是這種人,決定好好的教訓他,於是趁商店快要關門的時候,大搖大擺的走進大和行,對掌櫃說: 「掌櫃的,我是廖添丁,年節快到了,我們窮人家米缸仔在弄樓(空空的),想要借點錢好過年」。
One day, he choosed a big merchant -- [Yamato] and prepared to rob it. This merchandiser especially made up to Japanese and cashed in on their force.Tian Ding most adhorred this kind of people and decided to teach him a lesson, and so at the moment the store gonna shut it door, he swaggerred in to the store and warned the boss:Hey Boss, I'm Tian-Ding Liao, the new year is near but we church mouse's urn still empty, and we decide to lend some money to pass a good new year.

掌櫃的一聽來人是轟動全台的廖添丁,心裏非常驚慌。暗想不妙:趕忙的陪著笑臉說: 「既然是廖大爺要的,我趕快去拿」。 說完,就轉身進櫃台,偷偷搖起電話,準備報案。添丁很機警,一個箭步就來到掌櫃的背後,低喝一聲: 「哼,要命的話,就把電話放下」。 掌櫃的嚇得手腳發軟,只好乖乖的奉上大把大把的鈔票。廖添丁搶大和行的消息,一夜之間轟動了整個台北城。
The boss shocked by hearing the name of Tian-Ding Liao, whom stirred the whole Taiwan. He smell a rat and gave a smile rapidly:I take it quickly in as much as Mr. Liao need.After what had said, he turnback to the counter, and picked up the telephone sneakily, prepared go to the police. Tian Ding kept his wits and made a streak to the boss backside, whispered to him:mmm...put down the phone or it will cost your life. The boss shaked in his boots, and had no choice but dedicated mountain of money like a dear. The news that Tian-Ding Liao who robbed the Yamato, shocked the whole Taipei city in one night.

He started to commit crime and left a small stone deliberately, to let people knew what he had done. He light-fingered, quick changed on his face, and roved around. Moving without shadow, Japanese police couldn't catch him no matter what they did. At this very moment, many poor families appeared money indescribably. Day after day, people knew that all is Tian-Ding Liao who helped them, they appreciated what he did and called him "Yi Zei Liao Tian Ding"

2005-05-29 21:33:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

用文法判斷呀~~因為翻譯機有時不能很通順的把中文翻出來,所以可以知道是用翻譯機翻的...像英文的有一天是one day 可是他卻翻 have one day... 這很明顯喔... ^^"

2005-05-29 19:41:40 · answer #2 · answered by BORN TO SHOP 1 · 0 0


2005-05-29 13:32:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

President ChenAttends the Opening Ceremony of "ICN Council of National Representatives and 23rd Quadrennial Congress in 2005"

Remarks by President Chen Shui-bian at the opening ceremony of "ICN Council of National Representatives and 23rd Quadrennial Congress in 2005"

I am delighted to be here today at the Opening Ceremony of the "ICN Council of National Representatives (CNR) and 23rd Quadrennial Congress in 2005." On behalf of the government of the Republic of China and the people of Taiwan, I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to the more than 3,000 nursing professionals, scholars, and distinguished guests from 125 member states, who have convened here in Taiwan to participate in this preeminent international health care gala. To all the nursing professionals and dignitaries, I would like to convey my most sincere admiration and appreciation for the outstanding contributions you have made to uplift the nursing profession worldwide and for the improvement of human health. Once again, "Welcome to Taiwan!"

The host of this year's event—Taiwan Nurses Association (TWNA)—was first established in 1914. Since its inception almost a century ago, TWNA has embarked on a mission to elevate the quality of health care for all peoples; promote academic research and professional enrichment in nursing; and strengthen communication, exchange and collaboration with other nursing organizations in Taiwan and abroad. This year, after more than ten years of diligent efforts, TWNA finally won the privilege to host this year's "ICN Quadrennial Congress" and the biennial "ICN Council of National Representatives" here in Taipei. The 2005 ICN Congress not only is a highly anticipated gala for the world's nursing profession, it is a concrete achievement and a testament to Taiwan's activism in global health affairs. To the Taiwan Nurses Association, I would like to applaud you most enthusiastically for your commendable endeavors and contributions.

As is well known, "International Council of Nurses" (ICN) was founded in 1899; now with a 106-year of history, the ICN enjoys the broadest membership base among the world's three major health professional organizations. Moreover, it has also maintained a close partnership with UN's World Health Organization (WHO). Besides focusing on global health and nursing issues, as well as establishing international policies on nursing practices, the ICN has guided the world's nursing profession towards progress and excellence, all in the spirits of "Reverence for Life" and "Leadership by Professionalism." On this occasion, a special thanks also goes to the ICN for your long-term support for Taiwan's bid to participate in the World Health Organization. The ICN is a valued partner to Taiwan in our arduous journey to become a member of the WHO. On behalf of the government and people of Taiwan, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my highest esteem and appreciation to the International Council of Nurses.
While Taiwan's society continues to experience rapid growth, we have steadfastly created economic miracle and democratic achievements; in addition, we have actively pursued the improvement of our people's quality of life, along with the expansion of health-related industries. At present, Taiwan's health care standard ranks second in the world, as the nursing profession continues to undergo prosperous developments. Furthermore, Taiwan's health care professionals have never been absent from international disaster relief efforts or medical missions around the globe. Working indefatigably, we have, and will continue to make contributions to world health.

Though not yet a member of the World Health Organization, Taiwan has always espoused WHO's working objective to promote "Health for all." We stand ready and willing to play a role in international health affairs and fulfill our responsibilities and obligations as a member of the global village. Regrettably, for the ninth year in a row, China's relentless sabotage and political interference have once again stymied our efforts to obtain the WHA Observer status in this year's World Health Assembly. This is not only a great loss to the 23 million people of Taiwan; it represents a stumbling block to the efforts by the international community to make headway in strengthening the global health network.

I would like to reiterate that "Health and Hygiene without border" is a universal belief, and it should not be undermined by any political interference. In the WHO's amendment of the International Health Regulations (IHR) this year, the WHO is set to adopt the principle of universal application. Henceforth, I would like to urge every nation in the world to put into practice this principle of universal application and to allow Taiwan to become a full member of the WHO without further delay—in order to facilitate the collaboration, communication, and sharing of information and experiences between Taiwan and the international community, for the goal of improving the welfare of all humanity.

Looking ahead, Taiwan will continue to seek future opportunities by offering our health care competency to the world and by garnering broader international recognition. It is my earnest hope that all distinguished nursing professionals here will lend us your unstinting support and speak out courageously for the "Inclusion of Taiwan in the WHO," for which we must continue to strive forward, hand-in-hand, towards this noble aspiration.

I am convinced that only by honoring the fundamental tenet of recognizing the "Indivisibility of Health and Human Rights" and "Separation of Medicine and Politics," can the world's health care system progress forward as an integrated whole; and only after realizing the ideal of "Membership for All" can we then stand a chance to achieve the ultimate goal of "Health for All."
I am honored to meet this group of international nursing elite here today. I appeal to all of you to contribute your insight and expert opinions, for the advancement of the nursing profession and human health. Let me once again welcome you on this auspicious occasion. I furthermore would like to invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to observe Taiwan, to experience the culture in Taiwan, and to feel with your heart the magnificent vitality that lies within Taiwan's society!

In closing, I wish the Congress great success and good health and happiness to each of you. Thank you.

2005-05-28 18:22:59 · answer #4 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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