Which Metro is better?
I vote New York;
Less Smog
Lighter Traffic, even though Long Island has suburbs spanning 80 miles away, and over 2 times the population of L.A. The reason is that most people in the suburbs work within the Suburbs, New York City's main CBD, spans across a large Island. There is also a second CBD, Downtown Brooklyn. The main reason why NY has better traffic is due to it's railroad system.
New York isn't nearly as polluted as L.A
New York has 3 major skylines, and two across the River, Hackensack and New Jersey.
More Jobs, unfortunately due to L.A. close proximaty to the border, illegal imminigrants took a lot of jobs.
New York actually has 4 distinct Seasons.
More things to do like better entertainment, nightlives, shopping choices.
Not as much stuck up people as L.A., if by any chance you like to be around stuck up people, you can go out a few miles east, to the Hamptons.
New York's Beaches are good, but not as good as L.A.
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