now my PC very slow,very very slow,running very slow very very slow , my PC takes a long time to respond to my mouse clicks,
also my PC taking 20 minutes to start up n reboot
wats wrong wtih my PC?
this started when i downloaded 3/4 of Limewire
b4 tat no problem,b4 tat no such problem
now my PC very slow very very slow,n keeps churning for hours,CPU keeps churning even though i never click or type anything for 2 hours,its like someone outside is using my PC without my consent,wat shld i do?
my PC Fujitsu,new PC,6 months old, intel pentium 4 windows xp home ed original,no sound cards,no graphics,512mb RAM,
can it be virus,spyware,trojan or virus?
y my PC runnuing very slowly,does not respond to my mouse clicks or takes a long time to respond to my mouse clicks n keyboard typings,n CPU seems to be churning all the time,running at full speed all the time even though i never type or click anything for 24hours,CPU is running FULL speed,FULL capacity all the time,non stop
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