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2007-12-30 15:56:18 · 5 answers · asked by yrag 1

Many Koreans tell me that they pay for everything to keep the US soldiers in their country, but I think that the Americans must be paying for the cost of equipment, salaries, rent etc...

2007-12-28 18:12:35 · 3 answers · asked by wesleyelvis 2

2007-12-27 17:29:05 · 18 answers · asked by glady 2

Frankly i am getting mixed messages on this. Sometimes i hear more foreigners are planning to go to korea for work, etc. while i hear more are leaving. whatever it is may do with the world political climate and factors like that. what do you think?

2007-12-25 15:01:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


What type of guys do korean women go for? Do they like western men?

2007-12-24 05:50:32 · 7 answers · asked by MJ 2

In which dynasty was the prolific breeding occuring?

2007-12-22 23:28:15 · 7 answers · asked by Jungle_chatter 1

like you know in korea....how if you're sister is older....you have to call her "ohn knee?" well..could you type that for me in korean? thanksss.

2007-12-22 16:39:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-22 14:16:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-20 10:04:30 · 8 answers · asked by hitozen 2

when i say Korea, what comes to your mind?

2007-12-20 03:17:28 · 25 answers · asked by concerned 2

Now that South Korea has a new President, what would foreigners living in Korea like to see accomplished by the new President?

I would like to see these issues improved -

1) The Trash problem - The new President should improve this.

Plastic bags on the road add to rodent problems. Each household pays a monthly fee for pick-up. This may eliminate illegal disposal.

2) Unregistered Vehicles - I suggest the Government start a "2-sticker on the back license plate," showing month and year of registration, with proof of Insurance and Safety Inspection when registering. This eliminates uninsured & unregistered drivers.

My wife says the South Korean Government would lose millions of Won if these requirements are implemented.

Currently, a Driver only pays a twice-yearly tax for a vehicle, without proof of Insurance. Also, showing proof of registration would result in revenue loss for the Government.

Would would you like to see improved within Korea?

2007-12-19 12:22:07 · 6 answers · asked by Living In Korea 7

I lived in Seoul for almost 5 years before returning home in '06 and enjoyed so many aspects of the beautiful country, S. Korea. However, I did pick up on a lot of anti-American sentiment. Besides sharing your opinion about most US citizens, does this anti-American sentiment still exist there now?

2007-12-17 14:45:47 · 7 answers · asked by adrift feline 6

Any type of food. Please give location for the sake of all ;)

2007-12-17 00:52:06 · 5 answers · asked by kk1977 4

If you were given the vote to vote in Korea's upcoming presidential elections. Who would you vote for and why

2007-12-16 03:41:59 · 6 answers · asked by Bobby P 3

This article is about 2 years old, but it is still kind of scary:


is there any truth to this?

2007-12-15 11:39:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-14 07:45:57 · 15 answers · asked by danniemarie 3

I just got back from the a bar where I was talking to some Expats. We were swapping traffic horror stories and a Korean woman who just came back after years in the States said she hates the attitude here (in Korea) these days. I was shocked. The Expats all agreed with her. They said that in the 80's and early 90's Koreans were much more friendly than now. So, I guess my question is, is it true?

I would aprecitate it if you put your age and when you first came to Korea in your response.
(I am 29 and came to Korea in '99)

2007-12-12 23:47:37 · 4 answers · asked by Boom Blatz 5

2007-12-12 14:44:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

some one tell i need spek btter but r u think i need study? if i can be undrstand why worry about it?
many persons discriminatory if don't talk right english but its not write way.
sorry if too harsh or offensive on some people. we r not perfect of beings in this world

2007-12-11 15:32:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-10 22:36:31 · 10 answers · asked by maris..n_n.. 1

Other than palaces, Seoul Tower, or mountains.
Also, provide the location if you can.

Here is an example: "Doctor Fish" located in Hongdae: it a place where the fish eat the dead skin off your feet. That sounds like a cool place to check out.

2007-12-10 20:08:34 · 3 answers · asked by Chachee 4

I'm wondering if it is acceptable to give the Korean children I tutor and their families Christmas gifts? and if I do, will they feel obligated to reciprocate? I was thinking like giving them either a book or DVD, or a Teeshirt with my school name on it.

2007-12-10 12:54:54 · 7 answers · asked by p106_peppy 4

I am an English teacher working in South Korea and I need some advice on finding a job when I return home. On application forms should I use the adress of a relative or do I use my current address in Korea? Can anyone else who taught ESL tell me your experince after reurning home?

2007-12-10 12:06:28 · 2 answers · asked by douglas j 2

What does attractive mean in Korea anyway? My friend who's going to be there for a few years is forever fussing over it I'm hoping your answers might ease her worries, but it's okay just be honest.

2007-12-08 21:45:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Three of my friends have planned on going to Korea for at least three years. I know Korea's a beautiful country with really nice people in general, but these are really good friends of mine I just want to know if there is any chance they might face discrimination or any other social problems of the sort?

-An African-American girl who speaks some Korean
-A Korean American who has doesn't know the language and is getting pretty worried about it.
-A girl who knows a whole lot about Korea and its culture and speaks Korean more fluently than any of the others. She has never been to Korea but she likes the country so much she would pretend to be Korean sometimes?! But she's not Korean she's Chinese.

2007-12-08 21:40:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I plan to go there next year to teach english. would love to hear of any experiences of teaching or living in Korea, or teaching english elsewhere in Asia, or TEFL in general. basically, if you think id like to hear your story please let me hear it! thanks a lot!

2007-12-08 03:12:38 · 4 answers · asked by minister one 2

Do you think it is going to change your life at all? In what ways?

2007-12-04 23:13:32 · 5 answers · asked by Boom Blatz 5

I am interested in Korea and will visit Korea one day. I've noticed that there are a lot of negative opinions about Korea in this section, so I was just wondering if Korea is that bad. Positive opinions tend to surpass negative opinions in other sections but this section seems exceptional, so it made me think that Korea is not really liked by people.

2007-12-03 17:03:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In comparison with the U.S. and Europe, it seems Korea has drastically different values, and the family structure is more important.

Also, according to a health survey, only 12 percent of Korean girls in college reported being sexually active, which is alot lower then their western counterparts (i found it interesting however, that the % of korean males who reported to be sexually active is much higher at close to 50%, but then again i dont know how accurate the findings are.)

Is this because of differing attitudes in regards to religion and philosophy?

2007-12-03 09:19:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have noticed this phenomenon with a couple of other users. I rarely get thumbs down when I answer in other sections, regardless of how irreverent or smart alecky I get, yet I answer things in the Korea section and post a verifiable source and still get a thumbs down. What gives?

2007-12-02 23:49:41 · 12 answers · asked by Boom Blatz 5

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