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South Africa

[Selected]: All categories Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Castle, Black Lable, Hansa or which one do you prefer? My friends in SA like Black Lable, but I prefer Castle. I used to drink only Black Lable, but after spending some time in Pretoria converted to drinking Castle. Do you think some beers are more popular in some provinces or not? I think so. And even if you're too young to drink...what's your opinion in any case?

I now drink Hite Beer, made from mineral water in Korea and I tell ya it's bad. But if you've got nothing else...what can you do?

2006-08-03 04:17:25 · 11 answers · asked by Porgie 7

The question says it all! which is best in people's opinions?

2006-08-03 02:33:25 · 7 answers · asked by Rob 2

Hoe gaan dit met julle in die beste land in die wereld? Apparently it snowed in Jo'burg, is that true? Hey,a dn Diesel's back...YAY!!!

To Diesel: How are you? Yay, I'm glad you guys want me back in S.A. My mom seems very positive about getting plane tickets back to home because she really needs to see her dad. So, either it's gonna be this month or next! I'm going to Gauteng first so that I can see all my buddies and then we're going to fly to Durban! Yay...and ya, I do like reggae-especially bob marley!

Hope I bump into some of you back home!

2006-08-02 16:02:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my daughter lives there now and craves them

2006-08-01 20:38:11 · 3 answers · asked by daewood 2

We all wanna know 'Where the heck you are'.

Hope you are alright!

2006-08-01 19:24:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its a freaking continent ...like Asia and Europe! Get enlightened people!!! and we are normal....and really rich too! loads of people drive hummers and there are also other countries apart from South Africa!...so there!

2006-08-01 11:09:34 · 22 answers · asked by hazelette55 1

Proudly South African is an exciting campaign to promote South African companies, products and services which are helping to create jobs and economic growth in South Africa. But what does it mean for you?

2006-08-01 06:01:30 · 9 answers · asked by Porgie 7

2006-08-01 04:41:10 · 8 answers · asked by ndemo 2

2006-07-31 20:28:57 · 11 answers · asked by Itsmee 1

why do people overseas think that in South Africa we have Lions as PETS!!!! and also, people overseas tend to say "Oh i went to Africa" WHERE is Africa!!!!!???

2006-07-31 07:47:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, like all you South Africans have disappeared off here. Anywho, for my question...what is the best South African slang you've ever heard? Mine, along with lots more, would have to be be when we say 'sorry'. We're the only people to use 'sorry' as 'excuse me'!

2006-07-31 05:53:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I read about murders, muggings, etc, and people talk about the terrible crime rate in South Africa, it seems like 99% of them are based in or around Jo'Burg. If you take South Africa and ignore the Jo'Burg crime (from a travelling point of view), surely it becomes much better? Is it really any worse than visiting some parts of India, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, etc etc etc? I want to visit all these places, but should the risk of crime really stop me?! I'm from Leeds in the UK, and God knows I wouldn't wander round some parts of here at night!!!!!!

2006-07-30 22:37:47 · 9 answers · asked by Rob 2

Firstly, we do not have wild animals roaming freely on the streets in South Africa. Secondly, Yes, Johannesburg is the murder capital of the world. Thirdly, atleast we Know how to spell and speak the English lanuage PROPERLY!!!!!

2006-07-30 21:54:39 · 16 answers · asked by SNVL 3

2006-07-30 21:25:50 · 18 answers · asked by SNVL 3

Please, this site has been put together by black, white, Indian, Coloured, Chritian, Muslim, Jewish and all other people of South Africa, who love it and care for it!! Please, sapport our fight against crime and frauding goverment!!!! As one, we call for help!!


If you want, wear a black ribbon, pin it to your clothes, and when people ask, tell them to visit this site. We need international
pressure to force our goverment to take action before its to late!!!

2006-07-30 10:57:47 · 7 answers · asked by samuri282 1

I am looking for a nice compilation of South African music with some typical rythms and songs from our artists...can anyone recommend something please?

2006-07-30 08:57:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-07-30 03:12:49 · 2 answers · asked by RONY T 1

I'm going to South Africa in November, but have read some depressing facts about crime and driving conditions. We're flying into Cape town and planning on hirering a car and travelling down the Garden Route (not going to Jo'burg). Should this be safe? I'm interested to know if the situation there has improved over the past 5 years, as a lot of things on the internet seem to be from a few years ago. Any tips and advice would be much appreciated :-)

2006-07-29 23:07:42 · 17 answers · asked by Rob 2

2006-07-29 11:10:21 · 5 answers · asked by taken for a ride 2

Many tourists and over-seas travelers who want to or have visited South Africa, say the crime we experience is the same around the world... did you know the latest release figure showed that crime in South Africa in 8x higher than the states who have 4x the population we do. id you know that 1/36 murders are solved in South Africa and nearly 85% of armed robbers get away with the crime. @ least in the states if you kill or murder some one justice will be served, @ least in States & Eu they will investigate and hunt wanted criminals. If you don't believe me, remember, by next week saturday an aditional 370 people will have been murdered in South Africa statSA shows, over 670 women raped and over 800'000 in tax stolen per week........ but yeah we only live in it, what we know....

2006-07-29 00:48:20 · 9 answers · asked by samuri282 1

South Africa 2010
More than 20'000 people killed in violent crimes a year.
More than 30'000 women raped each year.
37% of population is HIV+.
60% are women.
robbers use AK47's as main gun.
2 resturants a night are being held up.
3 Shopping centres a month are being armed robbed.
Our Saftey and Security Minister say," if you don't like the crime then leave."
It is no longer a black and white war, but one of good and evil, between just and unjust.
More than 1000 families immigrate per month.
civil war is predicted by 2009.
Not one stadium has been build for 2010 soccer.
No public transport yet planned.
And funds + budget money has been stolen by goverment officials.
Please, if you have any friends coming to visit South Africa, please tell them to read websites on crime, so they may be more alert!!!!!!

2006-07-28 22:57:18 · 14 answers · asked by samuri282 1

I know all countries have crime but i want to know specifically about South Africa only.

2006-07-28 02:27:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-28 01:17:07 · 11 answers · asked by grahamhoodsa 1

2006-07-28 01:05:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-27 04:08:15 · 14 answers · asked by Kay-gee 1

What I mean is, I need to be there for an event on one day. Is it worth going just for a few days or do you need at least a week to get over flights etc?

2006-07-26 19:25:55 · 11 answers · asked by dashabout 3

My best friend's fell head over heels for a fellow student and made big plans to finally ask her out on a special romantic date. However, he found out that she's into some things that bother him personally. For example, she likes ballroom dancing and it's a bad memory for him because his grandfather used to run a ballroom dancehall but was mentally imbalanced and lost the family business due to scandal and debt, leaving his grandmother impoverished, and this girl likes scuba diving too, but my friend's uncle recently died from using inferior scuba gear and left the family with his unpaid debts and funeral costs. My friend thinks this might make him too uncomfortable to overcome and should he simply cancel his plans to ask her out and move on to someone with different interests?

2006-07-26 11:20:29 · 11 answers · asked by HisChamp1 5

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