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I know all countries have crime but i want to know specifically about South Africa only.

2006-07-28 02:27:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

17 answers

To everyone that says that "poverty and unemployment" are the major reasons: catch a wake up! The answerer "confused" in particular needs one.
If I am poor, does that mean that I will go rape a grandmother? Or even worse a new-born baby?
If I am poor does that mean that I have a right to murder people?
Of course not, but that is what is happening in SA on a sickening scale. A poor person may steal food and clothing for his family but poverty can in no way explain and justify the daily atrocities that are being committed.

The major reasons that crime is rife in SA is that there is firstly no accountability. A tiny fraction of these murderous thugs are caught and placed in jail - and then probably released back into society a couple months later due to "good behaviour" or some other stupid reason.

Secondly the police force get paid a pittance - whilst government get massive "bonuses" - and are therefore easily persuaded by corruption. The recent case of police "losing dockets" of the Brett Goldin (of Crazy Monkey fame) murder serves to illustrate this point. Because of lack of funds (due to serious government greed), the police force have very little adequate training and as a result criminals are not afraid of police.

Thirdly, SA and Africa seems to harbour a culture of "crime is acceptable." In Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other places where there is less crime (ie:the entire world) the culture and attitudes are completely different. In SA, there is sadly a lack of respect for your fellow human being and this needs to change.

These are the major reasons that crime in SA is so high
Cheers Kim, have a nice day!

2006-08-01 18:49:41 · answer #1 · answered by orion 3 · 1 1

There surely isn't a quick and easy answer to this question. South African society is complex and one fits all answers most often don't apply. The high crime rate can be attributed to various factors:
Our Apartheid past - most black people did not recognise or trust (rather feared) the government, which led to a general lack of respect for the rule of law. This disrespect has lived on in some circels and is an unfortunate remnant of the past.
SA society is in transition with things changing rapidly. Organisations (such as the criminal justice system) can't always keep up with the pace and leads to week law enforcement. Government has introduced a policy of affirmative action, which is in principle aimed at addressing racial eqaulity in the workplace (nothing wrong with that). Unfortunately, this is sometimes abused and qualified, well experienced white police officers, judges, lawyers etc don't get promoted, even when they are the best candidates for a post. This leads to disillisionment and the loss of experienced personnel within the criminal justice system.
Poverty, and unemployment - If you're unemployed and have a family to feed, and there is virtually no social assistance, what would you do?
A lack of political will from government to take action against crime - for instance, the SA minister of Safety & Security recently said that South Africans complaining of crime should leave the country.
Corruption. Many police officers (such as other government officials are corrupt. Police officers are paid poorly, making bribes attractive.
Illegal immigrants. With the advent of the new SA in '94, South Africa's borders (which were largely closed off) became open to immigrants from across Africa. Recent developments in neigbouring Zimbabwe and the poverty Mozambique has led to an increase of high numbers of illegal immigrants. These immigrants are competing for jobs in an economy with high employment rates, and often resort to crime to survive.

2006-08-04 07:22:10 · answer #2 · answered by tabas 1 · 2 0

Because the Country is lacking in moral leadership and values are going down the drain. Presently over 300 ANC MP's are facing fraud charges over the misuse of Travel vouchers. Zuma is charged with corruption and escaped a rape charge. Aziz Pahad the Deputy Foreign Minister sees fit to consult with Leila Khaled, a Palestinian Terrorist and Aeroplane Hijacker from the 60's and 70's, on the situation in Lebanon and she addresses Cosatu on the middle east. Mbeki and Msimanga ( the Health Minister) cannot make the connection between HIV/AIDS and intercourse and therefore the distribution of anti retrovirals has been slow at best and then only after Court action by the TAC. Crime is totally out of control and every day there is another report on a corrupt Politician or Public Servant or policeman. Your Safety and Security Minister has told people who do not like the crime situation to leave the Country. So people look at all of that and see the moral fibre is going or has gone and criminals take the view that if the Politicians can do it so can we plus they know the chances of being caught and convicted are minimal. Even if they are caught they can always bribe their way out of it.
It is a damn shame because there are many,many good law abiding South Africans of all races who live in fear because crime pays and the Government does nothing.

2006-07-28 13:45:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

South Africa is a country in transition, it has a bleak history and we are still trying to overcome it now. And yes, the cause is poverty. As for corruption - please the Apartheid government was so corrupt it was sickening - the difference now is that we are aware of it. This is what democracy is....TRANSPARENCY. And as for the person here who is talking about 300 MPs... please pick up a book and inform yourself a bit better before putting such ignorant facts on a public notice board. The other problem with crime is that we pay our police less than a living wage....

But we'll get it sorted out eventually.

2006-08-01 15:37:30 · answer #4 · answered by confused 4 · 2 0

South Africa has crime like any other country,few months ago on BBC news,there was this guy from London who ate his girlfriend alive,things are happening in other countries as well,but it seems as if all eyes are in South African crime
i was living in London for 2 years,i used to watch news everyday before i go to work,news were always about killing,rape,fraud etc
Im so tired of people who are always concentrating on S.A crime,Europe, USA and other countries has crime too.there are too many beautiful thing about S.A,remember S.A is a new born country,and im sure we will get there one day

2006-07-28 17:19:47 · answer #5 · answered by babes 1 · 1 0

i think that it would be hard to have little crime when there is so much corruption within this nation's history...

sadly, only time will mend this (hopefully)

just because apartheid is no longer, it's effects are still there

it's like having a broken arm for decades, in a cast all this time and then finally a doctor says okay, you can take the cast off... your arm will need to literally need to learn how to be used all over again, muscles strengthened... your arm may never even be back to 100%...

just because you "give" a nation or culture freedom, doesn't mean they automatically know how to use it effectively

look at black people in america... the effects of slavery and segregation are very obvious... just because black are "free" doesn't mean that they are playing on a level playing field. due to their history, the playing field will likely never be even

2006-08-05 01:47:19 · answer #6 · answered by Lady D 3 · 3 0

Because the police, courts and goverment are innefecient and lazy. Those that do care are sidelined and made out to be wrong.The goverment does not want to pay the police decent wages so they either become lazy, or corrupt. As i said those who dont just end up leaving the police to do work that pays them for their efforst.
Also the judicial system does not take a hard line with crime as murderers get bail easily and dissapear. Light sentences for murder etc.

2006-07-31 11:07:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Corruption and not poverty. Black men make up 90% of your crime factor. In South Africa Black men have first option at jobs and get extra points @ university for thier skin colour, crime just pays better and they don't have to answer to any1, and if they get arrested, bail is about R1000>$190.00

Save yourself don't go thier.... Rather go to Botswana or Ghana......

2006-07-29 06:06:18 · answer #8 · answered by samuri282 1 · 0 1

It's apity that you can't get to know the country through the news. Our leaders are not our country - they power hungry with big egos and mean nothing. Crime is bad and it sucks but crime happens everywhere.

2006-07-29 06:10:26 · answer #9 · answered by agliotti 3 · 1 0

Hey, so how come I didn't get extra credits at varsity? I am black! Not fair! That is racism! Come on, us blacks must share the things we stole from the white man! (just like they stole our things during apartheid) Tit for tat, ne!?

Sorry Kim, went totally off the topic there! lol! IMHO, poverty and unemplyment contributes to the crime here.

2006-07-30 17:40:21 · answer #10 · answered by glynis18 3 · 0 1

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