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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

Jackie chan or Jet Li

2007-08-23 22:07:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

No downward elbow, no strikes to the back or neck, and no up kicks?... I love to watch good grond work, (and i dont want to see anyone seriously hurt) but it seems the times when a grappler is vulnarable during the take down, he is protected...

2007-08-23 18:56:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know kung foo, shito ryu and a little bit of shotokan

2007-08-23 17:59:42 · 19 answers · asked by Eazy-E is da sh*t 3

i wanna be able to use like martial arts or something to defend myself what do i do

2007-08-23 14:46:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you say is the chronological age of the average poster in the Martial Arts sub-catagory? Based upon what I seen so far throughout the last several months, most are well under the age of 25 (for the record: I'm 35).

2007-08-23 14:21:15 · 18 answers · asked by dewmeister 2

and pics if you can find them first ansewer gets 10 points or more

2007-08-23 13:10:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

if your balls somhow end up in your gut, should you get somone to kick you in abdomine like they do in some judo(hopfully the guy kicking you knows how to do this right), or see a doctor by which time the ball may already become sterile(ex. Sumo wrestlers 'pull' their ball into their gut so they don't get hurt there, and they become sterile for this reason[at least i think thats right])

as i said, this is hypothetical.

2007-08-23 13:01:58 · 8 answers · asked by LNC 3


Exactly what moves to know cos I'm kinda slow

2007-08-23 11:46:35 · 9 answers · asked by Tri-Force E 1

im so close to nockin him out, this kid hes in ma yr, but ill kick the hell out of him he keeps sayin stuff 2, i said sumthin back , he goes he gonna call all the boys he knows on me, shall i ask him for a one on one and beat him up?

2007-08-23 08:59:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

when your in a street fight, what should you do? would it be smart to do more kicks or punches? should you aim for weak spots?

2007-08-23 07:38:18 · 21 answers · asked by Bits and Pieces 2


i've been practising karate for 1 year and i'm 14. when my sensei and i are sparring i can't block some blows. can i beat him? he is so strong

2007-08-23 06:28:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you view Tae Kwon Do as a sport, martial art, or both and why?

2007-08-23 05:45:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

for taekwondoe for breaking boards

2007-08-23 05:14:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it because of the heat?or what is it?

2007-08-23 04:08:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't think so. I have kicked people in the balls, bitten and bent fingers back in fights. I think anything goes in streetfights.

2007-08-23 03:48:57 · 7 answers · asked by ConnorWilhem3 4

during my college years we know of someone who knows how to arrange bones or "bone arranger" as we call it , when we get an injury during randori in our judo class and the payment is just very cheap. is there anyone you know probably philippine location, thanks.

2007-08-23 01:35:06 · 2 answers · asked by maia 2

u see in ground and pound fighting style, the only thing that most ppl do after slamming other to the ground, they will drop punch/elbows to the face. so are there other attackting methods after bringing your opponent down? other than submission bcos sub wont work in a real street fight

2007-08-22 22:06:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone tell me the difference in spelling between jujitsu or jiu jitsu?? Are there any differences or just plain a difference in spelling? Thanks...

2007-08-22 17:59:32 · 7 answers · asked by peacemaker 4

OMFG, I've watched it and I must say, it is soo insane, I like it a lot better than UFC.

The knockouts are way too intense. Even the female fightings are pretty intense.

I saw earlier these two guys fighting and one of them kicked this dude twice, once in the chest and another in the head and he fell to the floor, he then got up after that knockout and then the same dude kicked him once, then punched him like 3 times in the head and then he was KNOCKED THE F!!! OUT!!!!!!

I even youtubed this video and wow I must say, I love WCL. Who else watches it?


2007-08-22 17:23:30 · 7 answers · asked by Dave 3


what are some good brand of hand wraps. i was doing MMA tonight and we were punching and i had my mma gloves on with no hand wraps in between my fingers were messed up. so i was told to get some hand wraps. any one know a good brand of hand wraps?

2007-08-22 16:03:42 · 6 answers · asked by Josh 3

when i spar my jabs are always to slow or not powerfull enough to move them back. And how can i set up my best weapon, my right hand after a jab, while not taking to many hits myself.

2007-08-22 15:00:29 · 8 answers · asked by Chris T 2

2007-08-22 14:32:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of wood, and how thick is the kind you use in martial arts to punch through???


2007-08-22 10:37:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which of the two martial arts is more effective, with respect to self defence, physical fitness, weapons training, etc?
Pl respond only if you know.

2007-08-22 06:02:38 · 13 answers · asked by Joe Joseph 2

Is sumo practiced only by people who want to be pro Sumo fighters or do some people practice Sumo just for the sport of it with no intention of being pro? Is Sumo as popular as Judo? Is Sumo in the decline in Japan or is it the same as it always has been?

2007-08-22 04:13:54 · 2 answers · asked by Bruce Tzu 5

I study martial arts and am going towards a high level. When we are training I notice progression and development in my movements, attitude and confidence.

My problem comes when I am being watched.

When my master has taught me new moves and I practise and feel like I've mastered the move well in the time given, all is well until he asks me to show him. I just make stupid mistakes, lose balance, feel embarrased and unworthy of his teaching...this spirals sometimes into a negative feeling about myself and my abilities.

We also have to give shows/demos. I get so very hot and doubtful and often choose easier movements than Im capable of just incase i wobble and loose balance in front of all those people. So I end up feeling that I havent challenged myself enough.

Do you know any techniques I can use to only focus on myself my breath and movements and not worry about who is watching? I've got a demo in 10days and Ive promised myself to show a challenging sequence. Help.

2007-08-21 23:59:59 · 10 answers · asked by tiger_spirit 2

I heard of some sort of technique that allows you to make an opponent fall unconscious by touching a few points on one's body. I think it was somewhere on the elbow and the shoulder, i'm not sure though. Any information on that?

2007-08-21 22:40:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive been training in muay thai for a short while and i just need exercises or tips in improving my coordination. (ive noticed its lacking quite a bit)

2007-08-21 20:44:11 · 7 answers · asked by Danny.R 1

Just curious to the different opinions, I have had my fist and my foot bounce off 3 and 4 boards, so please dont say I dropped one once and it broke

2007-08-21 18:36:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I train every day even out of class. I practice my form a lot in between training. I havent been to class for the last week and a half because my instructor is in the hospital due to a bad infection. Would it hurt my chances of going for my black belt in 21/2 years? Why is the black belt test so much money. Its like $200.00

2007-08-21 15:58:26 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5

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