My son plays in a baseball association, and last night, he was playing 2nd base, and the runner basically karate-kicked him in the biceps with metal cleats. My son had to go to the ER and get 8 stitches. The head coach for our team wasn't there, but the head assistant coach is requesting disiplinary action be made against the other player, who was ejected and automaticly suspended for one game. He is asking me what sort of action to request from league, but what sort of action would be appropriate? The player has been involved in many near-ejection situations before, 1 in the 1st inning, and i dont know if i should ask for disbarrment, a season suspension, or just in the next game we play against them, because the rest of the team was anxious for the player to come up to bat again so they could hit him but I don't want anything to get out of hand here... The umpires agreed in their report that it was definately intentional and malicious... suggestions?
Btw, they're 14 years old.
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