From birth, envirement, and overal self, i have always stuck out. Always rebellious and always a leader someone who does not conform. But i am lost in Religion. I was born Roman Catholic, Baptized in a St. whoever church. But i do nto believe in sins. I believe there is a place where people who have done horrible things in life have go and idk if its called hell. I believe that if a woman wants an abortion then GO RIGHT AHEAD. I believe that if two men or two women decide that they love each other enough to tie the knot then they should be able too. We as a country or even one man, our presidant should not be able to decide wether they should or not because he will obviously decide from his religious beleifs. I think sex before marrige is totaly acceptable. I do believe in god.Hes the person who i blame everything for. I have only gone to church because i wanted to sleep over a friends house and i dont go to religion like my friends.And i think there is a heaven. wat religion am i???
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