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Religion & Spirituality - 1 December 2007

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If the US were to continue on its road to being a fanatical christian nation, how long will it be before blasphemy issues like Mohammed the teddy bear start appearing in the US?

2007-12-01 17:08:12 · 16 answers · asked by Author Unknown 6

Relying on your own sense of right and wrong? Not being afaid of hell? Being able to use magic that you aren't allowed to use in your religion?

2007-12-01 17:02:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all they are FAR more likely to sexually or physically abuse children than Priests, Ministers, and Rabbis.

2007-12-01 17:01:49 · 12 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

your ideas on how an illiterate has written this book.how has he been able to do research about christianity and judism plus all the other holy religions before these 2 up to adam and eves story to make this all up by himself.how could he have known what happend to all those prophets in detail.some of the details r not mentioned in the other books like what the pheroe said to god when he was drowning or what satan said to god when he created adam.
or how could have some1 known back then that the sun moves(it is moving with all the other stars in the gallexy)or how could he have known the mountains move the verse that says[u look at the mountains and think they r still but they r moving like the clouds do]the everest has moved a few cms and every thing else on the continents is moving cuz the plates making the crust of the earth r and all these things have been discovered in the past 100 or less years.in one part of the quran god tells him off because of letting some muslims scape war

2007-12-01 17:00:38 · 14 answers · asked by A1 3

2007-12-01 16:57:06 · 33 answers · asked by conundrum 7

2007-12-01 16:55:03 · 15 answers · asked by SweetElf 4

I know the bible says murder is a sin, homosexuality is a sin, glutteny is a sin and so on and so on, so:
How is it that any church can have a gay preacher?
How is it that any christian can kill while at war?
How is it that christians can be rich? ( i know that you can be blessed with wealth in this one, but why is it not required to give to the more needy? I believe that if you have a 42" plasma in your living room, that money could have gone to the less fortunate)
Not trying to offend anyone, these are just questions that i always had as a christian, and they are so straightforward that i can not see how they can be interpreted as anything but what they say.

2007-12-01 16:54:37 · 19 answers · asked by Me, Myself, and thats it 3


Nothing can change what I believe, I believe this because I know it is true. Why does everything have to be prooven, some things are true and dont have any proof.

2007-12-01 16:54:29 · 16 answers · asked by ellisMC 1

What do you think happens to these people?
Who come up missing.The men,women,and children all over the world.They just vanish....Never to be found.I wonder what in the world happens to them.

2007-12-01 16:53:12 · 20 answers · asked by KISS ME♥*´`*•.¸★ 2

What color skin and what makes you think that?

P.S. - i know there are some that are going to say the color doesnt matter, its not an issue, but im not looking for that answer..
so just tell me what color you think and your reasons, thats it..

thanks for all answers..

2007-12-01 16:45:05 · 18 answers · asked by Mike V 2

America is blamed for everything including moral decline. I think that globalization has little to do with it. Just look in a village that has no tv or much outside contact. It has all the elements of greed, lust and hopelessness.

2007-12-01 16:43:15 · 33 answers · asked by Joy 4

I have heard alot of people say that some Christians believe that they can get by with anything. Well, the truth is; you can be forgiven for all of your sins! Yes! Thats true. But, all sins have different levels of consequences. A fool would believe that he could kill someone and God would simply let him get by with it. Not true. But I won't deny that most of us are guilty of taking the mercy and love of God for granted. All of us have been guilty one time or another of saying "Well, I can do it now and God will forgive me later". But that is a dangerous way to dance! Sure God will forgive! If you truly repent. If I make the same mistake over and over then obviously I have not truly repented. So, my question is: True repentence means not only asking God for forgiveness, but to also committ yourself completely to him and his will. Or refusing to turn back to your sinfull ways. Am I right?

2007-12-01 16:42:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

...that a religion can be made-up? For example, a Christian has to admit that Islam is a fallacy, Allah may be equal to the Christian God, but the Koran is not equal to the Bible, and so aren't they admitting that a religion can be a fallacy? Then what would make someone's religion stand above others as flawless and the true religion?

2007-12-01 16:39:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is on the way to the emergency room with Daddy. I had to stay home with the other two children. They think that she might have to be hospitalized. I'm sure all will be well but driving this late and not knowing....

There are a lot of Christians on this site. Thank you.

2007-12-01 16:37:54 · 27 answers · asked by ....... 5

...does that mean you're into threesomes?

2007-12-01 16:37:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you gone to other categories in Yahoo Answers and found others bashing each other because they do not share the same ideas say on a specific brand of guitars they could buy? Or how a cake is made? Or any other subject? NO!

I stayed out of this category for a long time and then came back just to see some of the answers. If you didn't know any difference, you would think the religious people truly hate the non-religious people and vice-versa. The brutal attacks on each other are really sad to read. It would be nice to be able to read questions without having each other go straight for the juggler vein with their replies. I just hope we can find a way to be "civil" to each other and respect each other. Any suggestions how this can be done?

2007-12-01 16:37:07 · 15 answers · asked by Mamapie2u 6

2007-12-01 16:36:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


Check out the above link. What do you think? Opinions?

I think its ridiculous. Let it be.

2007-12-01 16:36:44 · 4 answers · asked by ҡʏʟɛ - ❄ 6

According to the Creationist belief Noah put 1 of each gender of each "kind" of animal on the ark, but not every species or breed otherwise the over 1.5 million known species of animals wouldn't fit in this "Clown Car Hypothesis" of yours. So this means for example only 2 dogs were on the ark and not every known breed of dog. So if for example Noah only had 2 poodles on the ark without evolution how do you explain the many different breeds of dogs we have today?

The dogs don't even have to be the same breed. You could have a labrador and a poodle. Without evolution the only breed you'd ever see is a labradoodle. So I'd like to know how this works without evolution. Enlighten me.

2007-12-01 16:35:59 · 23 answers · asked by RaisedByWolves 3


2007-12-01 16:34:46 · 14 answers · asked by yshoulditbe 2

Senate Bill 1959 Criminalizes Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America-- The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law.


2007-12-01 16:31:07 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you think will it be here for another thousands of years or so?

2007-12-01 16:31:04 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Chase Daniel. Heisman kind of guy. Tony Temple. Best player(football) ever out of K.C. Martin Rucker, Chase Coffman and Jeremy Maclin. OUTSTANDING!!!!! Even with all these talents, which are by far surpassing any in the country, including one of my favourite teams, OU, they lost. They lost. How could they lose? Is that kind of like life?, where all our "t's" are dotted and all our "i's" are crossed?

2007-12-01 16:30:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is Jesus Christ the ROCK ON which you stand?

2007-12-01 16:30:31 · 6 answers · asked by A Voice 5

I'm wondering whether people (specifically Christians) think these are statements are true or false.

1. Evil is the exact opposite of good.
2. Satan is the eternal enemy of God.
3. Good could not exist without evil.
4. Evil could not exist without good.
5. Every evil deed is merely a perversion of a good deed.
6. Evil has always existed.
7. Evil will always exist.
8. Moral values are sourced in man.
9. Moral values are sourced outside of man.
10. Moral values are revealed most clearly in the Scriptures.
11. Moral values are revealed most clearly in the life of Christ.
12. Without the knowledge of evil, we would never be able to appreciate the holiness of God.

Thank you for your help! P.S. You don't need to explain why you think it's true or false. Thanks!

2007-12-01 16:28:59 · 6 answers · asked by Steven M 3

If you had a fortune cookie that you KNEW was 100% true- would you open it?

Would you want to know your future?

2007-12-01 16:28:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do we get rid of evil spirts in my room? or how do we talk to the nice one ? thanks:)

2007-12-01 16:26:44 · 18 answers · asked by D: 2

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