My girlfriend wants me to beat her?
she wants me to be REALLY violent.
i'm a nice guy and normally i would never hit a girl but she kept begging me to. she wants me to be violent and angery
the other day i agreed to it and the sex was amazing, but i didnt feel right. i thought i hurt her too much but the next day she said she was disapointed that i hadnt broken her ribs.
i feel really bad about it, even though its what she wants.
its not just sex that she wants me like that. she said i should yell at her, hit her, and call her a b itch every day.
i really hate doing it, but i like her and i dont want to lose her
she also wants me to promise i'll never do it again and apologize
but then when she does something little, like call me sir instead of master, i should get really angery, insult her, and hurt her
she's like this because her father abused her and raped her
he's locked away now
i dont know what i should do.
what would jesus do?
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