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Religion & Spirituality - 18 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

There seems to be only two possibilities: Either he isn't "willing" to end suffering, in which case he is not all-loving and therefore is not God; or, he isn't "able" to end suffering, in which case he is not all-powerful, and therefore is not God.

Why, in fact, is he the "cause" of so much, if not almost all, of the suffering mentioned in the bible? It is especially noteworthy that if one reads the bible as it is printed, without the teachings of the church, it might become apparent that the story (whether truth or fiction) is of a messiah who came to save those who had been taken captive "by" the OT God, "from" the OT God. How ironic that the caucasian community embraced the teachings and "salvation" not meant for them, and were then pulled into the belief in a God who had said he wanted nothing to do with them because they were not "His Chosen Ones".

2007-11-18 13:38:23 · 16 answers · asked by velvet_swan 2

2007-11-18 13:37:42 · 6 answers · asked by guitarrman45 7

Some who answered my previous question believe there is no difference. What do you think are some differences?

2007-11-18 13:37:09 · 18 answers · asked by MOL 3

Honesty with yourself is also a good thing.

2007-11-18 13:36:43 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look at this --> http://www.tuitionplaza.com/tutoring/question.asp?QID=1435
It's hilarious! That guy really has a sense of humor. Haha!

2007-11-18 13:36:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who wants to have questions where you just post what you believe, with scripture or your own thoughts to back it up?

Rules would be:

short posts. Your own thoughts with a FEW relevant verses tha you base your answer on.

No cut and paste and NO LINKS

No comments on each others posts, except maybe to say "COuld you clarify what you meant by..."

No bashing!

We would take time just to ponder what each other has said- without making judgement (at least not posted publicly)

Best answers would be chosen by vote, with the best answer NOT being what you agreed with but for the person who has best shown an attempt at understanding and not bashing in their Yahoo conduct for the week.

I think we need to listen to each other and we need to try and understand where each other is coming from- without rushing in to try and prove who is right and who is wrong. I would enjoy just getting to know how we all think and what is important to each other, and how we form opinions.

2007-11-18 13:36:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is an "AM"
And what is an "FM"??

And why am I always the last one to be told about these things??

2007-11-18 13:35:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im referring to "Its easier for a camel to get through an eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven." Just curious on what you think what about T.D. Jakes, and some other preacher i heard has 4 lear jets.

2007-11-18 13:32:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Being an Apostolic, we believe (By God's Word) that when one dies, the soul is either with God or hell. What I want to know is, what do you all believe happens when one dies. Thanx

2007-11-18 13:32:57 · 19 answers · asked by Selena Jade's Mommy 4

Barely a week goes by without someone from the clergy giving his opinion that the government should do this or that.
The Pope affiliated with the world rulers.

Where in the Bible did Jesus ever give an opinion to Ceasar rulership? Jesus concentrated solely on Godly matters.
Why try and influence a world who's king right now is Satan?
1 John 5:19 and 2 Corinthian 4:4 say that Satan is the ruler at least until God's Day of Judgement.
Satan even offered Jesus the world's kingdoms!

It confuses me that religious leaders are involved with the world that Jesus said be no part of.

2007-11-18 13:32:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 19 year old university student, and I'm only just beginning to get involved in serious relationships (well, more so ones that put a lot of pressure on you sexually). My question is about sexual boundaries pertaining to Christianity.

I've been talking to my counsellor, and he thought that now that things are getting serious, it might be a good idea to decide how far is appropriate (so that I don't end up doing something impusive with a guy in my room at 2:00 am, while other parts of my body other than my brain are doing the thinking)

I've never had sex before. I was raised to believe that sex comes after marriage. However, there are a wide range of activities that don't constitute as "sex" per se. I just need some help deciding where to draw the line (holding hands, kissing, french kissing, heavy petting, touching, oral etc).

I don't think the bible talks of this explicitly, but I might be wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! =)

2007-11-18 13:29:59 · 23 answers · asked by Belle 3

Take gay marriage for example, I understand that you find homosexuality abhorrent, but why should your moral views have any bearing on the actions of others?

How would you feel if a large group of Muslims and Jews started to lobby to ban the sale of pork?

What ever happend to the concept of personal liberty?

2007-11-18 13:28:35 · 14 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7

2007-11-18 13:27:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

while I was in church? (btw I was like 6 back then)
So yeah, I was sitting there one day, watching my cousin (he was like 6) dance is **** off while the guy in the robe began chanting..so I was really hungry and I slipped into the back (og the room or w/e you call it), and I ate all the bread, and drank all of the wine..
I went back to my seat though, and my parents didn't notice I was gone..although they did notice that I was acting quite weird (the wine)

Since I ate his flesh, and drank his blood, does that mean I am now Jesus himself?

...is this why I'm an Atheist ?

2007-11-18 13:27:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

with Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, what are you really thankful for?? What has God done in your life?
Sometimes we need to sit back and really take a good look at where we've been and where we are now.

2007-11-18 13:26:20 · 10 answers · asked by Mr.& Mrs.CoolBreeze SFCU 3

2007-11-18 13:26:09 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok church 1 . i love this church.it is my home church but i dont have any friends!!! ive been going there for a while and still no friends!
church 2: ive been to this church few times just visiting and it seems like an ok church and i would like to make new friends there!
my dilemma is i dont know which church to go to!!!
what do you think?

2007-11-18 13:25:04 · 12 answers · asked by ♥MiSs StArBuCkS♥ 3

what does god want us to think of ourselves?

2007-11-18 13:24:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am biased, as an Aussie, I have a degree at the best university in Australia. But, having graduated onto a recession I went through a school of hard knocks.

Beyond being focussed upon acknowledging Christ as Redeemer, Saviour, Lord, and God, as well as the creed as a statement of our faith, being born again, to what extent do you as an intelligent person, chose to limit your child, or children to the world of academic brilliance where Christ said that your body is a temple, and surely a secure faith can be challenged when properly called upon after prayer, and quiet time with fellowship of a church?

Is the American Christian faith weak and likely to go to extremist muslim ideology or worse still, trailor trash immorality despite many beautiful Christians living there?

In the big picture, is ignorance a vice of the devil to not properly develope the mind, to abuse God's right and privellege to have a well balanced evangilist and soldier fighting crime buying block votes?

2007-11-18 13:23:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened? I mean did the answer come forth?

2007-11-18 13:22:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should men be involved in the decision-making process if they are not the father of the child being aborted?
Should men even have the right to vote on whether or not abortion ought to be legal, since they are not the ones who will be going through the abortion process, or dealing with the after-math of the abortion?
Is abortion just another way for men to oppress women??
Since birth control is so easy to get, and when it doesn't work, abortion is a simple alternative, from the guy's perspective, anyhow, why shouldn't he pressure his girlfriend to have sex, even if she doesn't feel ready? If she doesn't "put out", someone else surely will...

Would a "pro-choice" man make a good choice for a woman looking for a husband and family??

I don't know, since I have never been intimate with a "pro-choice" man.
I guess knowing that he would be willing to kill any child we might make between us is a sort of a turn -off....

2007-11-18 13:22:29 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

for the Egyptians? They were all written by man, inspired by the gods. Besides the whole "Because God said so" is there an arguement?

2007-11-18 13:21:10 · 35 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

"Thou shalt have no graven images," but yet it was removed from the Decalogue by the Catholics, who teach their members the terrible sin of praying to the statues of dead people, and venerate Mary, instead of Jesus. These people are dead, but Jesus lives.

2007-11-18 13:19:36 · 17 answers · asked by Christopher B 1

2007-11-18 13:15:59 · 22 answers · asked by Saint Nearly 5

I'm trying to do some reading up on this. It just feels like my family tends to have a group belief. I'm having the toughest time trying to break free from it. My father has been gone for years, but his psychological influence is still with us--like we've been brainwashed. I'm afraid I've inherited things. Is this possible?

2007-11-18 13:14:46 · 13 answers · asked by sugar1973 2

to say God is all love is to say that God even loves transgression and would forgive even the devil for mutilating God's creation (His love) for his own purpose. why do the most ignorant people seem to speak so boldly about God whom they do not know? What ever happened to the doctrine of retribution, that sin must be judged? don't people realize there is a day of judgement coming? that God sowed a sinless seed into this world through His son's blood, and He will reap a sinless generation?

2007-11-18 13:13:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

In R&S, people thumbs down you just for having a different opinion or a different philosophy. The militant people on this section keep thumbs down others for having differences in faith. Who thinks that we should just abolish this corrupt system and get rid of the thumbs up/down thing?

2007-11-18 13:13:35 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-18 13:13:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I ask a question about God, or sin, or Adam & Eve, some people (even atheists) accuse me of lying, or being confused, or being hypocritical, or worse! Since I'm an atheist, of course I don't believe that God exists, or sin exists, or Adam & Eve exist, so how can I ask a religious question if not from a Christian perspective? Some call it "playing Devil's Advocate" - another religious expression!

2007-11-18 13:12:49 · 12 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

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