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Religion & Spirituality - 10 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i am 13, and facinated with the Wicca religon.
I've been studying up on it online, and theres alot of really cool stuff i'd like to try. I went to this witchy store and got all the stuff, but then all these "warnings" online scared me.
I don't want to make some stupid mistake with a spell or something that would go wrong and screw up my life!

any advice?

(no rude comments if you dont like that kind of stuff)

2007-10-10 16:03:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

And, our current administration depends on the familiar saying to take advantage of the religious population?

2007-10-10 15:58:42 · 13 answers · asked by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7

....From one pumpkin to another !!!

A woman was asked by a coworker, 'What is it like to be a Christian?'

The coworker replied, 'It is like being a pumpkin.' God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.

He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.'

This was passed on to me by another pumpkin. Now it's your turn to pass it to other pumpkins.

2007-10-10 15:57:18 · 23 answers · asked by ? 4

I grew up doing it, but when time came for my kids to I said yes, but after years of people saying it's bad, wrong and celebrates devil worship or it's back ground I stopped letting my kids do it.

Now years later I feel super guilty for not letting my kids dress up and go out. As a Catholic are our kids allowed to dress up and go out or is it against the rules?

I won't do it if it's wrong, but year after year I feel like I'm disappointing my kids. Am I being too hard on them? Is it alright or not alright?

2007-10-10 15:56:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

most of the time I read on here that atheist believe there is no God, based on their common sense and they say that they educated themselves...do you not know that ALOT of scholars believe there is really good evidence that there is a God! They have P.H. D.'s and have studied alot of historical documents, secular and biblical, that give great evidence that the Bible is accurate in it's accounts, therefore what it says is true. Which it states many times that there is a God.
Look up these Scholars:
Craig L. Blomberg, PH.D.
Bruce M Metzger, PH.D.
Edwin M. Yamauchi, PH.D.
John Mcray, PH.D.
Gregory A. Boyd, PH.D.
Ben Witherington III, PH.D.
Some like Lee Strobel (not listed above) started out atheist and started studying historical documents and became Christian after they studied, because of the overwhelming Truth. Lee Strobel got his degree at Yale Law School.

2007-10-10 15:52:59 · 18 answers · asked by Lids 5

Historically, the first deities ever worshiped the world over where goddesses. Female gods were far more accepted than male ones. It made sense, as the people saw life being born only from the female, it would stand that the world around them would have to have come from a female womb.

Even in ancient Greek mythology (which became predominantly patriarchal later on), Rhea was the one to bring forth life into the world (by mating with her son whom she gave birth to parthenogenetically).

Minoan society, for example, had not a single male god image which leads historians to believe that there were no male gods to balance out the pantheon.

Even in Judaism, Yaweh had a wife, a goddess, for a short time. Ishtar was arguably one of the most powerful deities in the ancient Mesopotamia.

So what happened? If worship started out with goddesses, when did it switch over to males? And more importantly: why?

2007-10-10 15:52:46 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6

Do you believe it's a sin although one of the main used references (Lev 18:22) is part of the levitical law...the law no longer followed once redemption through Jesus came into play? Also another didn't even originally use the term "homosexual" under newer translations were printed (1 Corinth 6:9-11)

Also, due to the fact that every gay person you meet knows they were born that way. If you DO believe it's a sin, how come?

2007-10-10 15:47:51 · 43 answers · asked by eksoderstrom 2

Or do you believe dust to dust and tell them to do it the simpliest and cheapest way with your body? ... like cremate it and throw the ashes in the sea. Tell us what you wish to be done and why.

2007-10-10 15:47:43 · 23 answers · asked by Sal SR 4

A group was out on the sidewalk this evening passing out fliers casting halloween in a very negative light. The information on the fliers wasn't even accurate.

My question is, why do these people do this? I mean, if someone believes differently than you do, and you want to convert them, this doesn't seem to be the way to do it. And if your goal isn't to convert them, then what's the point of urging them to act as you do in this particular? Clearly, halloween isn't the same thing today as it was centuries ago, and even at that, it was merely of a different religion, not necessarily an evil one.

So I don't get it- why the big hoopla every halloween?

2007-10-10 15:45:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please respond honostly and with evidence to support your answer.

2007-10-10 15:43:56 · 16 answers · asked by GroundZero 2

I want to read a book about them (all of them), but am overwhelmed by all the choices. Has anyone read one that they would recommend to give me an un-biased fact-filled review of the gnostic gospels?

2007-10-10 15:42:34 · 6 answers · asked by nerdandproudofit 3

In almost all of my pics in my house or around my house I am surrounded by these circles. In one pic my husbnad and I have orbs all around us...what r they? and what does this mean?

2007-10-10 15:40:34 · 3 answers · asked by chris a 1

2007-10-10 15:40:13 · 10 answers · asked by Ťango 3

2007-10-10 15:38:09 · 44 answers · asked by S i r i 1

I sugest that if you have excel orpgram try it now.
first find a list of quran's chapters with number of verses in each chapter. e.g. from here:

and... make 2 colums in exel like this. and calculate the sum of each column and write it at the end.
1 7
2 286
3 200
.. ..
.. ..
114 6
6555 6236 (sums of the columns)
then add chapter number with number of verses in that chapter and put the result in the 3rd column:
1 7 8
2 286 288
3 200 203
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
114 6 120
6555 6236 << (sums of the columns)
now seperate odd and even numbers of the third column and put each in a new columns.like this
8 203
288 125
.. ..
6236 6555 <<(sum of the columns)

2007-10-10 15:37:56 · 13 answers · asked by inMirror 1

1952 Start of National TV broadcasting
1982 Start of MTV


2007-10-10 15:34:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

(can you hear me now?)
(spiritually speaking, of course)
(this question is for those who have ears to hear)
(how do you learn to 'tune in' and listen with your mind's ear?)
(you know what I mean...whatever the spiritual equivalent to your physical ears are...)
(is it telepathy?) (is it reading between the lines?)(is it hearing the other meaning behind the words?)(do you tilt your head in a certain way...as if listening?) (do you 'squint' your ears as if trying to listen through static?)
(do some words just ring a bell?...And that get's your inner ears burning?)
(do some words resonate and echo through the depths of you?) (like what?) (how come?)

(In the beginning was the word?)

2007-10-10 15:33:37 · 22 answers · asked by ? 6

I had a Anglican Priest tell me yesterday that he serves the "EuChrist."

I had never heard the term and was facinated by it. Apparently through the Doctine of Trans-Substanciation, This Bread and Wine, Literally and Physically becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

I cannot help but stand back in horror at the thought!

Are these religions practicing a Cultist Ritual depicting the brutal act of Hannibal Lecter style Cannibalism on the Messiah?

I don't know, but physically feasting on his body and blood through some ritual sounds crazy and...well... "Cultist"

Someone please explain this to me?

2007-10-10 15:32:31 · 19 answers · asked by ASE Master 3

donation for them?

Even if JW already "paid " for them" ? What happens to the money?

2007-10-10 15:32:15 · 6 answers · asked by Isthatso 5

if every question had to first go to google, such as slavery in islam, and then go to thier holy book and confirm what is stated. how long could islam last ? if muslims are only shown the trueth and went to google and then the koran to be sure of what allah said. how many muslims would be left? but they want, why?

2007-10-10 15:31:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not, then click here;
Warning, some of the images on the site are not safe for work but the song is hilarious and well worth listening to.
(psst, it makes fun of creationists, just so you know...)

2007-10-10 15:30:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why or why not ?

2007-10-10 15:30:28 · 23 answers · asked by Lost. at. Sea. 7

If not for wars in the name of false teachings, and hypocrisy, would not more people want to learn about God?

2007-10-10 15:29:53 · 9 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5


Scares me to answer my door to Jehovah.

2007-10-10 15:26:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

who are more persecuted: followers of Muhammad, John Smith or the Watchtower Society?

Why that would be?

2007-10-10 15:25:00 · 6 answers · asked by Cassandra 2

I am curious about the beginnings of what is commonly known as Wiccanism or Wicca. I already know about the beginnings of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths, for example. How far back does the Wiccan 'mythology' (for lack of a better term) go?


2007-10-10 15:21:25 · 10 answers · asked by MamaBear 6

I just read a question on here where someone referred to Pentecostals as a cult. This is the first time I have ever seen this claim. So what do you think of Pentecostals? Christian or cult?

2007-10-10 15:19:53 · 46 answers · asked by Bible warrior 5

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