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Religion & Spirituality - 10 October 2007

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I was coming home from work today with my father who is a Christian, I am an Atheist(obviously) when we had a rather interesting conversation. It was about the difference between the crazy, radical evangelical churches and the progressive main-stream "Calvary Chapel" type churches. We live in L.A.
We both agreed that as a Christian you MUST be very disappointed with both churches and here is why.
The evangelical "Bible literalists" churches are hateful and judgemental, not to mention hypocratical. You know, they claim to take the Bilble literally but they ONLY take the percieved hateful (O.T) parts that way, not the words of Jesus (N.T.) who talked of kindness and mercy.
On the flipside you have the proressive Christian churches. They are MUCH better with the hate issue and MUCH more Christ like. However, their services are NOTHING but fluff. They never say anything that may offend someone. NOTHING controversial. Too "Politically correct".

Do you agree?

2007-10-10 14:45:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What other secrets will be revealed? May we all see the light of truth.

2007-10-10 14:42:57 · 18 answers · asked by NONAME 5

And what do you think I should be getting out of this short letter? Serious answers, please.

2007-10-10 14:40:58 · 5 answers · asked by Brigid O' Somebody 7

Are they seriously teaching this as fact in some US schools?
GE 1:3-5, 14-19 There was light ("night and day") before there was a sun.
GE 1:12, 16 Plants began to grow before there was sunlight.
GE 3:1-5 The serpent speaks human language (presumably Hebrew).
GE 3:14 The serpent eats dust for the rest of his life (by command of God).
GE 4:17 Cain builds and populates a whole city in only two generations.
GE 32:24-30 God takes part in a wrestling match. He wins by injuring Jacob's hip.
EX 4:24 The Lord sought to kill Moses (one of his own prophets.)
And this makes more sense than evolution?

2007-10-10 14:39:01 · 25 answers · asked by The Will 2 Defy 4

or just God. No gender because that's a human restriction.

I know we're taught Our father who art in heavan but have you really thought about it?

Do you really think God is the one with a PP?

Or the beautiful loving woman, with a womb that can support life and is so precious that a woman with deseases has a chance to have the baby with out passing on that ailment?

Look at their breasts, they work. We have them too but nothing comes out.

Look at all the fish in the ocean all the pretty colors look at the colors and beauty of nature. If God was a man all the fish would be brown catfish looking fish.

And the Bible. ONLY a woman would have that much to say.

If God was a man he would say be good now pass it on.

2007-10-10 14:36:13 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

No "because God said so" reasons please.

Is it when an egg and sperm meet, because the two cells have the potential to become human?

Is it during a specific stage in development inside his or her mother's womb?

Or is it not until the person begins to think abstractly, have feelings, or other characteristics we define as "human" (even though many other animals share these)?

I believe it is strictly a matter of opinion.

Furthermore, do you think the Christian idea about when this time is should make it a legal matter? If it is purely opinion?

2007-10-10 14:31:19 · 18 answers · asked by khard 6

Ok, first off, I am a Christian. I have been witnessing to my uncle the past few months, and he keeps coming up with new things. He claims to be a Crystadelthian...or however its spelled. Ive never heard of it personally till he mentioned it. Heres what he says in the defense of his beliefs.

1. The Elohim created us, not God. How can a perfect God create imperfection? (I think Elohim means God, but as a plural noun, so more then one in one. But I can't find the proof)

2. You have to have some pride, envy, etc, otherwise you'll just fall over and go to sleep. I find the opposite,

3. God is the father, Jesus is literally his son, which God made when he impregnated Mary, (Jesus was made that day), and he doesnt know his place on the Holy Spirit.

4. He thinks he can Baptize himself with no one around.

5. Marriage is between Man and Women, not the people. So you can live with someone, have sex, if your married in your mind.

I have more, so refresh in 3 min or so.

2007-10-10 14:28:45 · 25 answers · asked by Mashu 4

and other churches have just a cross?

2007-10-10 14:27:50 · 21 answers · asked by Suzi♥Squirrel 4

with the old chestnut "evolution is just a theory" or "we can see evolution in action".
How do you explain drug resistance in bacteria such as MRSA or viruses such as AIDS?

Evolution is not a theory and *has* been proved. If you engaged your brains and really attempted to understand evolution you would know that.
And yes, I have read the Bible and I am still and Atheist.

2007-10-10 14:25:47 · 22 answers · asked by tanjaneeka 3

If not, why do Americans worship the U.S. flag? Why are Christians often at the forefront of trying to make it a holy relic (with their CONSTANT attempts to pass flag desecration laws)

and that silly pledge in the form of a prayer? to what? a freakin' flag?

isn't this what they call idol worship?

2007-10-10 14:24:05 · 6 answers · asked by Brendan G 4

May GOD Bless All, in Yahooooooooooo!
R&S Questions and Answers!
In The Name of Jesus.

Oh Yeah, how many Days Difference Between the Calendar we us and the Jewish Calendar?

2007-10-10 14:22:12 · 4 answers · asked by maguyver727 7

If a true christian is one who believes christ was born in the flesh and lived among us and then died for us and saved us, rose from dead, and defeated death, than why do Christians not stand up for God Who gave His only begotten Son to us?

2007-10-10 14:20:08 · 22 answers · asked by Curious Christian 2

I ask because historically, it's never been done well. People have burned, been enslaved, those sorts of things.

Bonus Question: What makes you confident you're interpreting God's word in the way He envisioned?

2007-10-10 14:17:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 16 and i think the being gay is wrong, since it says that it is in the bible (1 Corinthians 6:9) and im repulsed by gay acts (such as kissing But the reason why i ask is i notice certain traits of other guys and think "i wish i looked like that" or "he's not bad looking", and i've never actually been atracted to either "side". but a lot of people think that i am gay, and ive began to talk in the way that is seems feminine, for example i say "like" a lot, etc. I really, (and i mean really) don't want to be gay.

although i'm not extremly religious i have done my biblical research. What i came up was: Everything is possible for God (Jeremiah 32:17), and everything is possible through God (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27). so it IS possible!

so my question is if i am gay, how can i become straight, and if im asexual (meaning "not being attracted to either gender", not "reproducing by oneself" for all you biology students)

And i'm not interested in "just be yourself" i want a real answer!!!

2007-10-10 14:13:55 · 23 answers · asked by Peter 2

2007-10-10 14:09:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the O.T. book of Leviticus 24:10-16, there is a story about a fight where a half Israelite blasphemeth and curses the Lord. Subsequently, the Lord speaks to Moses and He commands that those who heard him curse, shall stone him dead. God continues to speak and spell it out that any that blasphemeth the name of the Lord "shall surely be put to death"(in the Hebrew this is a polyptoton,a figure of speech-dying he shall die-for emphasis) Any! Now if someone didn't believe in God, the Lord Jesus Christ, or His divine word. Which I know a few of you out there don't, Will you still die for your blasphemy and cursing of the Lord Jesus Christ? If your answer is no-I'm gonna rename you Eve because,like she did, you're already believing the talking serpent in the garden GEN 3:4 when he said "you shall not surely die(not dying you shall die-polyptoton)
Imagine that you believing a talking snake, but not the creator of all things! The fruit of disobedience, there is no apple in this story.

2007-10-10 14:08:30 · 11 answers · asked by jason d 2

2007-10-10 14:08:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

An atheist will make the claim that, they are good people because it makes logical sense to be good to other and live in harmony with others. They don't need a pie daddy to tell them to be nice. If that is the case, why are there antaganizing post here asking believers question that they know will hurt their feelings? Why would an atheist here post an answer such as "Christians are simpletons. They are all idiots, etc". Doesn't that contradict your claim. Even if only some said such things, wouldn't there be a backlash of other atheist telling them that isn't a nice humane thing to say?

So if atheist are generally nice people, why would any of them be rude period? Wouldn't they respond to a question in a polite logical way, instead of going the mean route? This site isn't full of 90% or even 75% of nasty rude believer q/a, and just a scattered atheist rude q/a. It is more like 50/50.

So who exactly do you assume is nicer. Not everyone is the same offline.

2007-10-10 14:06:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can there not be a one definite start point?
Nothing, our at least our concept of it, is impossible. If our concept of nothing existed then nothing could ever be made.
Infinite Causes, there is never a start point.
So there must be a start point, correct? This universe had to be created at a certain point, correct?

2007-10-10 14:03:10 · 18 answers · asked by Serpico7 5

I was thinking Boston College? Holy Cross?
But nope. All Catholic evolutionaries.

2007-10-10 14:01:01 · 12 answers · asked by capekicks 3

my eye is gone and my pic is on instead...??????

2007-10-10 14:00:43 · 21 answers · asked by . 3

Serious question.

2007-10-10 14:00:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

The bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. In the Old Testament (Covenant), the Jewish nation sacrified a calf and shed its blood for the forgiveness of their sins. Since the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD, current Jews do not make blood sacrifices for their sins as commanded by G-d. How do Jews now get forgiveness of their sins without following this important law of G-d.

P.S. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, his blood was the final sacrifice for our sins once and for all. He was the final sacrificial lamb of God. Isaiah 53

2007-10-10 14:00:16 · 5 answers · asked by SusieDarling 2

Since Evangelical Christians say that GOD appoints leaders over them and they should obey the laws he makes …….


2007-10-10 13:59:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask because white Christians made them slaves. Apparently, the Vatican and the Protestant Church of England interpreted (from the bible) that black people had no soul and thus "should be enslaved".

Was that a simple misunderstanding or were your Christian forefathers just a bunch of bigots? Or maybe they were misguided - please - share the REAL truth... or maybe you'd rather skip this question altogether... no matter... God's not watching... sometimes he blinks, right?

2007-10-10 13:58:08 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone else think it is kind of rude for them to knock on your door and ask your name and then ask you to read things from the bible? How can you put them off coming back?

2007-10-10 13:57:09 · 27 answers · asked by toxic_rock_angel 3

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