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Religion & Spirituality - 8 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i am very sorry if i offend any one with my Q&A i will try not to do it again if i could delete all off my Q&A i would do just that well at least some of them.
One very important thing is don't take Q&A personal just try to learn from them and if a mistake happen just try better next time we're not perffect but we can try to be the best we can be and keep going because there is always a tomorrow GOD BLESS.

2007-10-08 19:09:12 · 17 answers · asked by what is the good word? 4

It seems as though every month there is a new show about the End of Days , I have never seen a religious belief get so much coverage ! Why do you believe this is ?

2007-10-08 19:07:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-08 19:04:39 · 22 answers · asked by Advocate 2

Personally It Beats Me

2007-10-08 19:03:20 · 21 answers · asked by engelfeurs 2

I mean yeah there are a lot of people advocating God, but you guys just come around and HACK everyone who has that knowledge of diety. I mean could you BE any more rude? Why do you all go into religious questions and just (try to) destroy everyone? It's really annoying... so... why do you do it?

(fyi, last time i posted a question like this people thought i meant me. I am not atheist. I'm very religious. So take that and chew on it, nothing you say is going to make me think differently)

2007-10-08 19:02:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

opinion and if I disagree and give my view I'm preaching. Damned if you don't and damned if you do. Also as I don't wear my religion on my sleeve, people at work do not know I have a strong faith. Talk about pushing stuff down your throat. I listen to their preaching the opposite of what I believe everyday. Tv, the movies, disrespect my faith all the time. If you don't believe in God, then get over it. Why waste your time fighting what you don't believe. It has got to the point Atheists have become a religion also. They have meetings, blogs, beliefs. The difference being Atheists seem to have a growing contempt for people that believe in God, and all their meetings, etc. grow more contempt / hate for God loving people. Christians on the other hand have meetings etc. and grow in love and faith...Also Christians don't disagree with science, etc. A small fringe believe the earth is 6000 yrs. old and evolution doesn't happen. So will you keep your Atheist views to yourself?

2007-10-08 19:00:47 · 19 answers · asked by knowitall 3

2007-10-08 19:00:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

check this link and give your reasons

2007-10-08 18:59:14 · 11 answers · asked by SOMEONE 3

2007-10-08 18:58:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which is a bigger sin in Islam?, blasphemy against Allah or Muhammad?

2007-10-08 18:57:47 · 12 answers · asked by Advocate 2

I think that it is our sun because it can be seen and felt, but my mind is open to new ideas.

2007-10-08 18:55:06 · 20 answers · asked by Mutley 6

Why is it that when something good happens it's "god's will" but when something bad happens it's "satan's work"? If god is oh so powerful then why isn't it all "god's will"?

After all, god killed thousands in the very bible you follow while satan only killed seven. You normally use the argument that "the people god killed were sinners" But if god gives free will and the people use that free will to "sin" then god was punishing them for using the free will he gave them thus showing that he made a mistake by giving them the free will he later punishes them for using showing that he DOES make mistakes. Don't you just love interpretation?

So, why is good always god's work and bad always satan's work when god has killed just to cover his mistakes?

2007-10-08 18:49:50 · 14 answers · asked by Victoria Sparda 5

Whay are they so mean to us?

2007-10-08 18:47:42 · 28 answers · asked by Bruce Aurora 3

Yes or no. Explain why or why not. If you do, what religion are you? And can you explain the religion- i want to understand the differences between religions.

2007-10-08 18:47:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some people insist on coming to a question , not to answer it but leave their opinions on your faith?
Or to say something that in no way answers the question?
Like Doh, Really? Or Hmm? Or worse thanks for the points?

Why do they insist on using this site as their personal soapbox for peddling their faith?
That is not the way this forum works! It is a violation of the question and answer format on this site!
NOT TO MENTION ~ Outright rude and uncalled for!

PLEASE NOTE! : As much as i hate the report button,.............. I have HAD ENOUGH!~ In future all answers or comments left under my questions or those i read which to not adhere to the rules of this site will be reported!

Tolerance? Been there done that it has not worked!
I just wanted to let you know that this will be my future course of action, so if you cant answer or give a valid opinion or say something nice .....DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!

2007-10-08 18:46:50 · 18 answers · asked by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6

2007-10-08 18:46:11 · 9 answers · asked by jubka1 2

Since they removed the "bullfighting" category, I had to ask it here.
Y!A suggested I post it in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgenderd!!!

2007-10-08 18:46:02 · 7 answers · asked by Hawt Richard loves Peace Yo 3

My sister-in-law recently bought a book about Wicca by this author. Does she know what she's talking about? Is there a particular author who you consider the most accurate?

I couldn't answer this for her because I know next to nothing about Wicca.

2007-10-08 18:45:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is the “Atheist’s Wager” – the underlying belief of MANY people, including some Christians:

“You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he may judge you on your merits coupled with your commitments, and not just on whether or not you believed in him.”


Until I became a Christian, this was the philosophy I lived regardless of my “stated” religion as a Catholic, Mystic, Agnostic, or Atheist. For, underneath or despite my chosen “religion”, I held to the above moral principle.

But there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the so-called “atheist’s wager”...

Could a Christian who knows the Gospel explain the error of this philosophy so that other readers may hear and not fall into this tragic pit?

2007-10-08 18:39:14 · 14 answers · asked by yachadhoo 6

WOW !!

Christians must really feel special to have had Pauls opinions and writings supercede thousands of years of Revelation through hundreds of Prophets.


2007-10-08 18:38:38 · 17 answers · asked by kloneme 3

When a child reaches the AGE of accountability for their sins ?
I am a Holy Ghost filled Christian.I've heard many things about this and I would like to see If anyone can produce scripture to back this up.
Please provide scripture when answering. Please Serious answers only !

2007-10-08 18:36:01 · 28 answers · asked by Isabella 6

with this video...


our church youth group wants to do this skit/drama for our youth service... the problem is.. we dont like the song "total eclipse of the heart". Does anyone know of a good song that goes good with the video? ive tried looking and have had no luck.. any help please? if possible.. any spanish christian song... if not english is fine. thanks so much!!!

2007-10-08 18:35:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Back up your answer with logic, why you think one way or another.

2007-10-08 18:33:36 · 10 answers · asked by breadmayker 2

if so, how do you feel about that? do you like the way your life is now?

2007-10-08 18:32:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

It began hundreds of years ago, when the Church changed the Bible. . .

The "New Testament": Pagan revenge

Between G-d's own miracles and the Jewish teaching of His Word, the pagan priest/pastorhoods of Egypt, Greece, and Rome were steadily losing their power over the gentile populations. They decided to fight back by creating a new religion, one that would claim to be the fulfillment of the Hebrew "Old Testament," yet would bring back the pagan lies in a new disguise.

Thus the "New Testament" was written, in Greek rather than Hebrew, and attached to the original Hebrew scriptures to try to change their meaning back toward paganism.

The "New Testament" tried to change G-d from One, as in the Hebrew scriptures, into a "trinity" as in Egyptian cults or the eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It described Jesus as G-d in a human body, like the pagans always described Pharoah and other wicked kings. It declared G-d's Law to be a "curse" that no one can truly obey, announced that there must be a "mediator" between G-d and man, and pretended that salvation could now be achieved outside the Law.

To blind the gentile nations, the "New Testament" also warned people not to learn from the Jews, declaring that Israel no longer possessed the true, complete Word of G-d.

In the Bible, the book of Daniel warned of an evil power--a false religion--that would believe in the true "G-d of fortresses... plus a god its fathers did not know." This religion would "speak bizarre words about the Most High, wear out the holy ones (the Jews), and plan to change the festivals and the religious Law."7 The Christian Church has indeed replaced Passover with Easter (the pagan holiday of Astarte and Ishtar) and Hanukah with Christmas (the pagan winter holiday).


Jewish Ruling concerning Christianity :

"...according to the known Jewish ruling that Christians are IDOL worshippers." (Likkutei Sichos 37:198)


2007-10-08 18:29:30 · 14 answers · asked by kloneme 3

like for instance Buddhism or sciencetology etc.. or are there some religions your ok with?

serious question asked from curiosity to learn, Please only serious answers, thanks.

2007-10-08 18:26:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone that knows about it knows about the early years of it when bones where glued together.
Also when they supposedly found our missing link in Africa around ten years ago why didn't they do more research before announcing this to the world, then finding out it's just a monkey?

Here's a question in a question for you. How many times do you allow someone to lie to you before you give up on them? Two times in my case? Then it's a fact, your a lier.

Why do they done this? I know of no other field of science that does this.

2007-10-08 18:26:33 · 14 answers · asked by Sean 7

Everything you wanted to know about The Jehovah Witnesses but was afraid to ask.

2007-10-08 18:23:28 · 5 answers · asked by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7

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