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Religion & Spirituality - 6 September 2007

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sociable so that others understand that you are good people and you have a great religion.
I really get pissed off when I see an answer that insults any of the three major religions. I am a Muslim and I too suffer from the same problem that you guys suffer from. If we have got some bad people in our "group", others consider us all bad ;this is weird.
People don't want to understand that not all Jews are zionists and they don't want to admit that there are good zionists.
Also non-muslims don't want to understand that not all muslims are terrorists. I really condemn terrorism and unfortunately I can not do anything about that alone. Islam also condemns terrorism and suiside bombing but those extrimists who calim to be muslims and bomb people in the name of their religion are that first 'enemies to Islam'

I am saying that because most of my neighbors are Jews (It is in Ottawa) and I've never spoken with any of them. I really would like to have a jewish friend but I am afraid...

2007-09-06 13:11:27 · 13 answers · asked by Mimi 6

Judi tried to sell her old car. She was having a lot of problems selling it, because the car had 250,000 miles.
One day, she told her problem to a friend she worked with at a salon. Her friend told her, "There is a possibility to make the car easier to sell, but it's not legal." "That doesn't matter," replied Judi, "if only I can sell the car." "Okay," said Judi's friend. "Here is the address of a friend of mine. He owns a car repair shop. Tell him I sent you and he will turn the counter in your car back to 50,000 miles. Then it should not be a problem to sell your car anymore." The following weekend, Judi made the trip to the mechanic. Two weeks later the friend asked Judi, "Did you sell your car?" "No," replied Judi, "why should I? It only has 50,000 miles on it!"

2007-09-06 13:10:03 · 14 answers · asked by ? 4

if they were NOT perfect, then why did god make something imperfect?

if they WERE perfect however, then why did they sin by eating the apple? (please don't answer with "freewill". it's entirely possible to have freewill and still not sin. for example, god has freewill and doesn't sin, right? so even though adam and eve had freewill, that still doesn't explain why they sinned if they were perfect. what other reason is there then for why someone perfect would have sinned?)

2007-09-06 13:09:51 · 29 answers · asked by tobykeogh 3

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Why would people encourage others to learn how to deal with life without turning to a substance that they believe helps keep them emotionally afloat?

Is it wrong to try to point out the flaws in their reasoning?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-09-06 13:08:11 · 17 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

WASHINGTON - People view Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rudy Giuliani as the least religious of the major presidential candidates, according to a poll released Thursday. Mitt Romney was seen as most religious, but his Mormonism may hurt him with voters.


2007-09-06 13:08:02 · 9 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7

i dont want a loooong answer.

2007-09-06 13:05:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember watching a talk show a long time ago where this family came on that had like 14 kids and the only reason they had that many was because they didn't believe in birth control. They thought that by using it, if God had planned for them to conceive at that time, they would be 'rejecting' him or something by blocking the conception. And when asked if they were going to have more, they shrugged and said we'll see, which basically meant we're going to have a sex life and if we get pregnant, so be it.

Do you agree with them? I don't...I think it's kind of irresponsible, even if you can support them all...

2007-09-06 13:05:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Satan wants to be there, then why should the rest of us be scared of it?

2007-09-06 13:00:17 · 23 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

i wanted to ask a few questions first that is really confuesing me. ok God/Jesus said in heaven everything will be ok, no more pain and all that good stuff. but like if you went to heaven, and one of your relatives died, (or friend) and you found out that they are not in heaven like you, and the only other place they could be is in hell. How could you ever be happy then? knowing someone thats close to you is in hell for eternity? im not questioning god or anything, but i can't help but be curious =/.

2007-09-06 13:00:05 · 9 answers · asked by Sunrise 2

Obviously as Meat Bot has so graciously explained to us on several occasions, God cannot have all the qualities you attribute to him, because he would then be self-contradictory. So, is it okay to think of him as limited in certain ways, or do you just chalk it up to not fully understanding God's "mysterious" ways?

2007-09-06 12:59:03 · 10 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

Or do you think we do? I have been to some churches where scripture is not even mentioned very much except when they are trying to twist it around to fit their own doctrine, why is it that Christians are content with this? What happened to the prophesy that Jesus taught? Do you think some preachers are afraid to preach on Revelations? What say you, Christian? May the Lord bless you!

2007-09-06 12:58:07 · 9 answers · asked by Marie 7

* going to hell
*informs you of praying for you
* mentioning YOUR NAME in Church service (I have been told my name has been brought up in services.)
* saying

Christians: What is the expected reaction? How are nonChristians supposed to act? (Put yourself in our shoes for a moment)

nonChristians: What is a response that won't start a fight when something like this is said?

2007-09-06 12:54:55 · 12 answers · asked by Moonlit Hemlock 3


Please note, this is a RHETORICAL HYPOTHETICAL EXERCISE aimed at exploring logical loopholes and contradictions. Please don't use logic here as an excuse to kill anyone.

Thank you.


2007-09-06 12:54:38 · 7 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

I just asked a question about fasting. To gain victory in areas that you struggle might I suggest you pray & fast?

2007-09-06 12:53:28 · 23 answers · asked by A Voice 5

Some people fast from certain items - coffee, meat, sweets, TV, etc...This question is concerning a complete fast (no food at all).

2007-09-06 12:50:47 · 60 answers · asked by A Voice 5

Matthew 6:9-13
This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Contemporary English Version:
You should pray like this:
Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name.
Come and set up your kingdom,
so that everyone on earth will obey you, as you are obeyed
in heaven.
Give us our food for today. Forgive us for doing wrong,
as we forgive others. Keep us from being tempted
and protect us from evil.

These two are examples, it seems some Bibles have varying versions of this prayer. How do we know which one to say?

2007-09-06 12:49:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand Jewish people are God's chosen people, and I respect the Jewish religion greatly. Yet one thing I don't understand is why this religion is so secluded. It seems like they don't want any people in their religion, only the ones that are born Jewish. I know you can be Jewish and not be born Jewish, but you have to go through so much more if your not born Jewish to just be considered one. Why do they do this, why can't they just accept people from all walks of life into their religion. This is what confuses me.

2007-09-06 12:44:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The following is a scientific explanation of the theory of magnetism:

"magnetic field consists of imaginary lines of flux coming from moving or spinning electrically charged particles.

Examples include the spin of a proton and the motion of electrons through a wire in an electric circuit.

What a magnetic field actually consists of is somewhat of a mystery, but we do know it is a special property of space."

So, it requires "faith" to except its mysterious existance.?

2007-09-06 12:41:37 · 17 answers · asked by Diver Down 3

if you say youd still worship him then why is Jesus always portrayed as a white man from oxford? that always bothered me

2007-09-06 12:40:24 · 22 answers · asked by ? 2

save them from themselves? That way its a give, give relationship.

2007-09-06 12:38:33 · 19 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

Here is my challenge:

Atheists, give your most rational argument for God.

Theists, give your most rational argument for the lack of God.

Try your hardest to think of something good. Limit your saracasm as best you can, please! ;)

2007-09-06 12:33:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it was for money cause he was a sci-fi writer

2007-09-06 12:31:49 · 9 answers · asked by (o_o) 4

Just wondering about this one - In the middle east; Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc the nationality is inextricably linked with the religion, ie: being a muslim, and anyone from these countries turning to a different religion would usually suffer the consequences.

Does that mean that British people are still regarded as Christian? The only reason I ask is that elsewhere, I've seen the statement that there are many Christians fighting with Muslims in Iraq.

That must mean then for all you that are atheists, wiccan, jehovahs witness or any other religion, you would automatically be classed as 'christian' whether you liked it or not.

In which case I can see why so many arguments are happening in the name of religion!

Or is a Christian a person who loves and believes in the one true God and has accepted Jesus as their saviour?

(Sorry if this is really long!!)

2007-09-06 12:31:48 · 24 answers · asked by Rakibear 2

in the holy bible (american) i cant find the story of the apocalypse/666 please answer

2007-09-06 12:31:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

And how can the Taliban call themselves Muslims??? They are not following the Prophet (saws). What is your take on this?

"In Pakistan, women are routinely raped by anyone who has a grudge against their families, and the humiliation of their women-folk strikes at the honor of that family. Women who have been raped are punished, flogged, and imprisoned. Despite the fact that there was a female prime minister, the men got off scot-free. Often the women are then killed by their own families, because of their dishonor.

In Iran, after the Ayatollah Khomeni's revolution, more than 20,000 young virgin girls of the opposition were raped by their prison guards before they were executed, in order to prevent them going to Paradise! What perverted view of the Prophet's teachings was responsible for that decision? This is not Islam, neither is what the Taliban are doing. This is about power, and the misuse of such power to subjugate half of a population.

2007-09-06 12:29:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a senior in high school and I've never had a boyfriend. I really want one but I don't like any one at my school. I work a lot and I my friends male friends don't like me and aren't my type. Where can I meet a guy? I really want someone but idk, there is know one. I live in an all white town with all white people. I dont really like white boys, so what do u suggest i do?

2007-09-06 12:28:13 · 36 answers · asked by kristin 1

Is the authors overall message suggesting something along the lines of:

The human brain can create its own fate, therefore, there is no God?

2007-09-06 12:24:19 · 8 answers · asked by Antares 6

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