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Religion & Spirituality - 27 August 2007

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You can throw out the freewill card but that doesn't change the fact you could've prevented someone's eternal damnation. I mean it's not your fault if you have a child and he or she has a cruel life but one finite life is infinitely better than hell. I would think it's better for no one to go to heaven or hell then for a thousand people to go to heaven and one person burn in hell. It's more important for that one person's torturing to end than for everyone else to feel absolute pleasure.

2007-08-27 04:54:42 · 30 answers · asked by Paperdoll 1

A friend of mine asked this a long time ago, and I found the answers very interesting, so I am asking again with the hope of getting answers from different people.

Were you raised in any particular religion? What point in your life did you realize it was all a lie? How did it make you feel?

I was raised LDS, and from the get-go I would ask questions in Sunday school about where dinosaurs came from, who made God, and other similar questions that were never answered to my satisfaction. I was skeptical for my entire childhood. Once I got into college, I started to research my faith, and found areas that were completely false and even disturbing. As I researched other religions, I found that they contained vast contradictions, and hateful behaviors. The day I realzed God did not exist, I felt sick inside. I clung to the idea that God might be real, and this was completely lost. I feel liberated now, and I love seeing things for what they really are.

How about you?

2007-08-27 04:52:00 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my neighbors who inspired me to chase my dreams, and my brother who gave me the strength to get it done.

I'd like to thank Joseph and Brigham and Wilford for giving me the fuel I needed to keep me going. Thanks also to all of you, who challenged me to elevate the level of my critiques.

Above all, I'd like to thank Chuck Norris. Just because.

And to make this R&S-acceptable, what's your favorite Primary song?

2007-08-27 04:51:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please answer with respect TO the question or you will be flagged... and only intelligent answers please, nothing without distinct reasoning and coherent responses... please do not preach about jesus or whom ever...

Do you believe that religion is fighting an uphill battle to keep faith and followers due to the disproof of religious claims by science and logical means? and if so/not explain why...
Studys have shown that attendance rates at all denomination churches have been steadily declining with the steady development of scientific methods and abilities... which is my premise for asking this question.

2007-08-27 04:49:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are All, even the atheists, are on the right Spiritual Path


Peace and Love

2007-08-27 04:46:33 · 17 answers · asked by digilook 2

From: http://www.bible.com/community/news_details.php?id=745§ion=community&areaid=140&type=News
"Presbyterians Consider 'Gender-Inclusive' Trinity"

Presbyterians have stopped short of approving gender-inclusive language for worship of the Trinity, along with the traditional "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Leaders of the Presbyterian Church USA decided to "receive" a policy paper on the subject rather than approve it....church officials can propose experimental liturgies with alternative phrasings for the Trinity, but congregations will not be required to use them. One of the proposed alternatives is "Mother, Child, and Womb." Supporters of the variations argue that language limited to the Father and Son "has been used to support the idea that God is male and that men are superior to women." But Presbyterian conservatives say the church should stick close to the way God is named in the Bible and note that Jesus' most famous prayer was addressed to "Our Father."

I'm shocked!

2007-08-27 04:46:24 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3


2007-08-27 04:46:01 · 44 answers · asked by HumanBaby 2

What is the source of your sense of justice?
There is no such thing as relative justice, it is a contradiction of terms. In order for one's sense of justice to have meaning, it must be based on a firm moral standard.
So by saying that God is not just, you are expressing your sense of justice. What we observe is that moral sensibilities are properties of personal beings, not natural forces. But what kind of being would be 1)personal, 2)beyond humanity, and 3) have moral sensibilities? The answer: God!

Therefore, the sense of justice actually confirms the existence of the thing (God) being questioned, for only a personal, transcendent, holy god is a sufficient moral basis for ou sense of justic. Things cannot be ultimately just unless there is an ultimate justice, aka God.
God has given everyone an awareness of who He is through general revelation, which includes disclosure of God through creation and conscience.
Therefore, God cannot be denied. God is.

2007-08-27 04:42:54 · 35 answers · asked by Onward Christian Soldier 1

2007-08-27 04:42:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-27 04:42:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

why dont you get it off your chest and tell doctor red nose about it

2007-08-27 04:40:25 · 32 answers · asked by The Funky Alien zombie Bunny 6

see things from two different perspectives. I used to be Christian for 18 years of my life. I understand their point of views, but they cannot see past what they believe and then judge accordingly. Why is this?

2007-08-27 04:37:00 · 14 answers · asked by Energybeing 2

Grace neither tempts(laws) nor can be tempted(lawed).
Grace neither makes nor takes sides have side effects.
Grace cannot lie(law) nor die(law). Law Law does both.

2007-08-27 04:36:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

for the record, i DO believe in god.

2007-08-27 04:36:06 · 51 answers · asked by yin yang 4

my hubby is atheist. he believes that when he dies, that's it. life's over. you're dead and burried with no afterlife. he told me he would really like to believe that there's life after death, but he just doesn't. he's not hard wired that way, even though he was raised christian.

so, i'm curious, how many other atheists would like to think that there's something after death, even though you don't believe that to be the case? if you were able to believe in life after death, what do you think would it be like?

2007-08-27 04:35:53 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

A woman will either turn her man into a wimp and rules over him or she will turn him into a beast ("bully") and secretly judges him for the rest of his life.

Both ways the women are playing "God" as a judge or as a king. Sometime they play both roles at the same time too - rather complicated to explained but they know it's true!

Isn't that true , Ladies and Gentlemen?

2007-08-27 04:35:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am planning on becoming an art teacher but I am a devout catholic and it really bothers me when i enter catholic schools and see disturbing artworks with peoples heads being blown off. I understand that art is a free expression of the mind, but I feel that in Catholic schools, these dark disturbing images should not be allowed because it undermines catholic doctrines. I dont think that Jesus would want children to draw images that advocate nudity, violence or demonic horrific images found in horror movies, in a place which teaches us about God. I understand that we live in a world full of violence, caos and corruption, but it is does not give rights for children to draw whatever they please. I feel that catholic shcools should be more strict on artworks because it reflects the solemnity and dignity of the school. If a student is evily inspired to draw horrific images, then i feel that they should do them in public schools where religion does not interfere with it? What do you think?

2007-08-27 04:32:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


Homosexuality and transsexuality are rooted in structural differences in the Hypothalamus, which are usually caused by chemical or hormonal interference during pregnancy. In our toxic world full of artificial growth hormones and pesticides and stuff, is it any wonder the percentage of gay and transsexual people is increasing? I'm transsexual myself, and personally, I blame all those KFC burgers my mom ate... ;-)

2007-08-27 04:31:37 · 47 answers · asked by dead_elves 3

2007-08-27 04:31:20 · 25 answers · asked by joão b 2

If you have, can you please tell me your story as I am thinking about doing it to help with my grief over the loss of my boyfriend. Did you feel it was real or could your mind have fabricated it?

2007-08-27 04:30:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

and since new people are continuously being born, does that mean there can be no second coming?

2007-08-27 04:25:37 · 13 answers · asked by nursesr4evr 7

I really don't know what to think about this one.

2007-08-27 04:23:11 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

After 20 centuries of no return, none of his disciples performing works "more wondrous" than Jesus did, do you think God secretly re gifted to an extraterrestrial civilization?


2007-08-27 04:21:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

First let me say that I myself didn't wait, and I couldn't be happier. I am currently dating a girl who wants to wait, which could be a moot point because I don't even know if we're going to get married, but my question is this:

The standard "joke," as it were, is that after marriage couples generally cut way down on how much sex they have. So, if you wait until you're married, do you have a whole bunch of sex for years and years and years? Or do you only do it every now and then? And is the sex really good, or just utilitarian? I was thinking in my head that being with this girl and not having sex with her would be kind of practice for marriage, since married couples don't have sex much. But maybe I'm wrong, and I'd like some input from those who have experience in this area.

2007-08-27 04:18:48 · 16 answers · asked by τεκνον θεου 5

if god killed the whole Egyptian army just for not believing, why didn't he instead to something like pop out of the sky or do something amazing that would enlighten them all on the spot, you know, since he can do anything he wants and all.

why doesn't he just do something enlightening these days if he really has such a problem with how humanity has become. it's like the civilizations that discard their children who aren't born looking perfect.

2007-08-27 04:15:46 · 6 answers · asked by Jeef 4

Baby-lon "is fallen, is fallen": Isaiah...Revelation
If justified by law, then fallen, from grace to law,
which does not build up, but rather casts down.
So twice fallen requires being twice risen with Christ,
is risen and seated in heaven: higher than the heavens.
For Jesus is one risen, and standing right of God on high.

God on high: Law isn't "that God", but this God of this/that Gods.
That God of this/that Gods: is Grace of Law/Grace High/Higher.

To wit, "that God" was in "Christ" reconciling the world unto himself (not in Jesus saving Israel, but alienating the world).

2007-08-27 04:13:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Keep in mind that the Bible in its original form was compiled at the Council of Nicea under command of the Emperor Constantine, and many texts were left out for political reasons or because the different Christian factions disagreed on points of doctrine. Likewise, the Koran, though (supposedly) authored by one man, Mohammed, was transmitted orally for almost two centuries before finally being written down.

Let's assume that the individual books that make up the Torah, Koran, Bible, Apocrypha, Pseudo-Epigrapha and Gnostic texts all have some claim to divine inspiration. If human error can account for translation errors, surely it could apply to what got left in or not, or for that matter for errors, accidental or purposeful, in oral transmission. Is the holy book you base your life on what God intended you to?

2007-08-27 04:12:47 · 17 answers · asked by dead_elves 3

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