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Religion & Spirituality - 17 August 2007

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inventing a scurrilous religion and looking for something to relate it to?

2007-08-17 02:10:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked a question...that pagans are hated...
But I couldn't find hate in most of your answers !

I want to thank you,for strenghtening my belief that Christianity is a good religion and that it loves god just as much as I do !

2007-08-17 02:09:15 · 21 answers · asked by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5

I am writing this do to the response to yesterdays post and the overwhelming people who responded saying that once someone says the prayer there yours forever. A bunch of people said that yesterday and I am here to challenge them and show me where in the Bible it says say a prayer and you are forgiven. The problem is whoever thinks that heard it from some stupid evangelist or someone who had no clue what they were talking about. In acts 2 Peter did not say "you will be saved by faith only," or "pray this prayer and you will be saved. So many today offer a plan of salvation that is incomplete and insufficient. They tell people to believe in christ but what they dont tell people is what Peter told them "repent and be baptized." Now what does it mean to repent. Repent means to change or turn ones life around. Those who come to god decide to leave behind sin and that is repentance. This doesnt mean all christians are perfect, but it means they are continually doing gods work

2007-08-17 02:08:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jeremiah 10 1-4

This is what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. 4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.


2007-08-17 02:04:33 · 16 answers · asked by robert 6

What sort of feeling do you have for those who wrote and compiled the Bible and the Koran? Do they share a place of honor with Homer and Shakespeare?

2007-08-17 01:59:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe you are judged by God. If you aren't Christian, I believe He asks if you accept His religion, if you deny him, you go to hell. I believe if you apologize for what you did on earth, He will accept you into heaven. Heaven will be a glorious place where you will be eternal and live a happy, loving forever.

2007-08-17 01:58:48 · 13 answers · asked by Bongo 2

At what point in your life did you change your religion? Why did you choose to change your religion? How do you feel now that you have changed your religion?

2007-08-17 01:51:22 · 19 answers · asked by Stephen 6

According to the man made fictional book which as supposedly writen by God, (LMAO) fornication is an abomination.

Do Pagans have such fears? I'll bet you are capable of independent thought.

2007-08-17 01:50:34 · 15 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7

2007-08-17 01:50:00 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4

What do the women think of this?

"Many men think that housework is beneath them, and some of them think that it will undermine their status and position if they help their wives with this work.

The Messenger of Allah (SAW), however, used to “sew his own clothes, mend his own shoes and do whatever other work men do in their homes.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/121; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 4927).

This was said by his wife ‘Aa’ishah (RA), when she was asked about what the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in his house; her response described what she herself had seen. According to another report, she said:

“He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe and serve himself.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/256; al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, 671)

She (RA) was also asked about what the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to do in his house, and she said,

2007-08-17 01:49:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

They no longer have the temple for animal sacrifice..

2007-08-17 01:49:06 · 13 answers · asked by Balla 4

When calling quarters (Guardians of the Watchtowers, Elemental charges, etc.) Which element do you assocate with which cardinal direction? Why do you use these directions with these elements?

Blessed Be )O(

2007-08-17 01:48:31 · 10 answers · asked by Stephen 6

How do you think we evolved from apes? How do you think that everything is chance? Not judging you, This is a serious question please explain!

2007-08-17 01:46:26 · 14 answers · asked by cocobeans 2

What do you think are 1 word answers that make up the characteristics of God the Father? Ex: Discipliner

2007-08-17 01:45:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you post some version of Pascal's Wager ("Why not believe, just in case?", for those of you in Rio Linda) for the forty-eleven-dozenth time here, do you believe that you've come up with an original question? Or are you simply unaware that this little "thought experiment" was soundly trounced CENTURIES ago?


2007-08-17 01:43:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

At the end of your life, would you rather have people remember you as a highly intelligent person or a highly compassionate person?

Which of those two qualities do you think makes more of an impact on the people you are around, and which quality is more important to make our world a better place?

To put it in another way, let's say you can focus on developing the ability to be more compassionate or you can focus your energies on education so that you are more knowledgable, which would you prefer and why?

2007-08-17 01:41:37 · 16 answers · asked by Searcher 7

If you are the proud owner of more than a single brain cell then presumably you are able to at least entertain the POSSIBILITY that god is an entirely fictional man-made creation as a hypothetical question....so; can you imagine anything happening which would make you NOT believe?
I only ask because it seems clear that most religious people on this site do not have the capacity to challenge their own views. i.e. they are so sure of themselves that they do not even bother engaging their brains in considering the options.

As a devout atheist, I can still at least admit it's possible there is a god. It's just that I've set "proofs" which I would need to see to become a believer: (NB. Proof must be first hand. I accept no second hand information as being inherently true, no matter how much I trust the person providing the information. i.e the bible ISN'T proof!)
- lets see a miracle, any miracle will do!
- receive any sort of communication not explanable through known science.

2007-08-17 01:40:51 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought that every religion is against hate ?
Why is paganism so hated,then ?

2007-08-17 01:37:23 · 26 answers · asked by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5

in this new 21st century with new ethics , morals and humanrights how do religious people define the term sin ?

if you read religious texts prophets such as abraham, moses, lot and mohomed commited terrible human right abuses

now why dont religious people attack them, instead of attacking and dehumanizing todays people for falling in love and having sex before they marry?

former muslim

2007-08-17 01:36:27 · 19 answers · asked by senita 1

Every time somebody posts a question critical of Islam on here, muslim respondents immediately jump on the defensive, or attack the questioner. Why?

It is obviously a religion/culture with major problems, and yet not one muslim seems to wish to address them. The last two questions i posted raised some valid points, but not one muslim addressed them, or was even REMOTELY prepared to accept that i had a point, even on something indesputable like Darfur, or the treatment of Assyrians in Iraq!

Instead you get people trotting lines from the Koran, Racial abuse by Panadol or whoever he is, or flat denial!

Its no wonder islam is so intolerant, you can see that by the respondants on here!

Sure some questions are abusive, and its fair enough to react to that, but some ae actually making valid points.

2007-08-17 01:35:51 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bible says that people shouldnt do this correct? Well then aren't preachers breaking this rule??

2007-08-17 01:35:26 · 13 answers · asked by Mr. Nobody 5

OK I was raised in church and not ashamed to say it and 15 years ago It wasn't as bad as now now days you can walk down the street and be laughed at and judged why is it that people seem to laugh at Christians a Christian is a saved person who tries to live as god wants them to that has all faith in god through his name and word every time I look on hear theres people saying really bad things why I am saved and I have felt his power and I believe as it says in the bible he is coming back someone help me why is people so rude and cold and all that

2007-08-17 01:34:36 · 15 answers · asked by michelle_perez_2007 2

Is it ok to pray for a friend who is considering an abortion outloud during mass?

2007-08-17 01:33:37 · 5 answers · asked by girly girl 2

An excerpt from it as follows:
"Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the truth to know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to other's greed.
With a fool no seasons spend, or be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on your brow.
True in love you must ever be, lest their love be false to thee.
These words the Wiccan Rede fulfll: An it harm none, do what you will."

Thank you for such powerfully moving words!!


Peace and Love

2007-08-17 01:32:11 · 9 answers · asked by digilook 2

most of them belongs to christians groups cause according to statics 66% of them are christians, the war that they were fighting were supported by Christians in 2002 according to the Land letter sent to Mr. President G. Bush and now they suicide, are they going to hell?
I Won´t ask if the people that were killed in that war are in hell (civilians and soldiers) according to Christians they are but the soldiers are also in hell?

2007-08-17 01:29:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are there other Bibles that do that? My impression is that it was changed to obscure that Paul used 'personification' in speaking of Jesus' stauros and the JW's want to minimize the symbolism of the stauros by de-personifying it.

But maybe there's a good reason for it - if so, I will apologize for doubting the motives of the translators. But what good reason could there be?

2007-08-17 01:28:44 · 7 answers · asked by browneyedgirl 3

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