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Religion & Spirituality - 9 August 2007

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They built a new one less than 1/2 mile from my house a few years ago and it doesn't have windows. Are they all this way? Why?

2007-08-09 04:16:53 · 11 answers · asked by honeybear 5

2007-08-09 04:15:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it. The really bad things happening in the world are happening in areas that don't have a high population of caucasians (of which I am one). The fighting in the Middle East; the drought, starvation, and genocide in Africa; the tsunami in Asia (Katrina was awful, but the death toll was SO much higher in Asia. But now that I think of it, New Orleans has a high African American population.). Most third world countries have a low caucasian population, such as Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, etc.

So I have to wonder: Does the light shine brightest for the fairest skinned of them all?

2007-08-09 04:13:40 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do the local congregations own the land?

2007-08-09 04:11:49 · 7 answers · asked by jethrojimbob 2

And if so, why are they killing eachother, despising Jews and other religions? I don't know of any other religion that is behaving like that these days. If so many in the Middle East see the West as the Great Satan, why are there so many moving to and living in the West?

2007-08-09 04:11:01 · 24 answers · asked by Kaleed D 1

"Pro-lifers" anthropomorphize a blob of cells with no brain or consciousness, no ability to suffer or even be aware of what is happening to it when a pregnancy is aborted, into something that actually has an internal monologue, saying things like "I don't like that doctor" and generally frets about being aborted. They have a habit of attributing qualities to blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses that even newborns and toddlers don't have!

That is ludicrous (also, it's only called a fetus from the third month onward, and the VAST majority of abortions are done WAY before then). "Pro-lifers" (who always seem to be in favor of the death penalty, interestingly enough) make the molehill of an unfeeling, non-sentient blob of cells less than an inch long (1 inch at the two-month mark) into the mountain of a child, physically indistinguishable from a newborn, who not only can magically feel pain, but is somehow imbued with MORE self-awareness and sentience than a newborn.

2007-08-09 04:09:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im was just reading the news on yahoo today and this came up. feel free to read and tell me what you think:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070808/ap_on_sc/human_evolution

2007-08-09 04:07:29 · 19 answers · asked by ReliableLogic 5

Does this mean that you Atheist don't fear sinning since you don't beleive that there's a eternal punishment of Hell (or Sheol, or whatever)?

So, you don't fear murder, rape, grand theft auto, drug abuse, torturing people since you won't fear any "judgement" or any eternal punishments of any sort?

I know that some of you may fear going into prison (death sentence) if ever you did any of those things I mentioned above.

But putting away all that government court law punishment stuff, are you not afraid of what will happen in the afterlife if ever you were a mass murderer, serial rapist, drug dealer, drunkard (basically, a bad guy)?

Well, since you don't believe in God's existence Which pretty much concludes that you don't believe in God's connections like Angels, Demons, Purgatory, Hell, Heaven, other holy stuff.

2007-08-09 04:06:28 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

why must i posses in the holy spirit? for what good reason should i believe?

2007-08-09 04:06:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

People of all faiths......
If you had to choose...
your god goddess etc...
or your children...........

~Who would you choose?

Told you it was hard !!!~



2007-08-09 04:05:15 · 33 answers · asked by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6


You dont know? But why?

You believe in her or him but you dont even know if he or she is clean or not... Strange... Just strange...

You dont even know if it is a she or he I guess... What a pity What a pity...!!!

2007-08-09 04:02:32 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

or does it confirm it? For caucasian, black, asian and all the subtler genetic variations not show evolution? If all mankind derived for just 2 humans there had to be evolution to develope the different races that exist in the world today correct or no? If no please explain your belief in how the different races came about.

2007-08-09 04:02:08 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I am now 99.9% convinced that the Catholic faith is the true faith that Jesus created.

Having spent 20 years converting Catholics and lots of others to being Born Again I now realise that I had a lot of the truth but not the whole truth.

Some protestants tell me that the catholic church started 400ad, I would like some catholic responses to that.

I cant see it myself, also does that mean there were no christians until martin luther (adolf hitler wannabe)

2007-08-09 03:59:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

like - "You see when you sin you're like wasting youre credit with God Almighty, but when you pray for forgiveness and give to the poor and commit good acts, its like putting extra savings in your personal Spiritual bank account and you can have good credit! Then you can charge and buy stuff!"

I think it belittles God, although I am not THAT offended, I just want to know what others think.

I also know that its a way for them to relate everyday things to religion, but still I don't like the emphasis on money..

2007-08-09 03:57:46 · 13 answers · asked by Craig4 1

Even if you feel like you received a lesson by direct revelation, at some point the concept of a god's existence had to be introduced into your world view. Otherwise, you would have no way of knowing that your experience was from God.

So what were the earliest lessons about God that were taught to you? Who was the person who shared this information with you?

2007-08-09 03:57:07 · 16 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

2007-08-09 03:56:22 · 8 answers · asked by asdf7898 1

I am leaving my church by choice (I'm not moving or anything, I just don't want to attend anymore), and as tradition holds there is a leaving ceremony. I have to pick a song to sing... it has to be religious, and about leaving and moving on. Any ideas?

2007-08-09 03:56:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

to help a teenager understand her religion...(besides the bible)

2007-08-09 03:55:25 · 11 answers · asked by sce 1

2007-08-09 03:55:25 · 10 answers · asked by romer151 4

How many Christian Churches allow parishioners to rely on their God given Consciences, to make decisions about such things as:
Smoking cigarettes
Driving Race Cars
Sky diving
Fighting For the Freedom

Does your church dictate every thought, word, and deed?


2007-08-09 03:55:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Suppose circumstances let you bring 1 thing with you, what do you take?
To make this pertinent to the R&S section, do you bring your bible? or something that will actually keep you alive?

2007-08-09 03:53:54 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

BTW, here's what was said about it on the evolution mailing list I am on

"The iconic straight line version of human evolution is being called into question! Congratulations on catching up to state of the art for 25 years ago, guys!

Still, it is progress from the popular media."

2007-08-09 03:53:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

on my way to work someone hand me a copy with this information.

Kostas Karamanlis the Prime minister of Greece as cause all, both small and great,rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (charagma; [ Greek charax] meaning to stake into or "stick into") in their right hand or in their foreheads. (implanted ID chip.)

2007-08-09 03:52:34 · 14 answers · asked by sexy 1

Why have I come across people who act like I can't be both? Just because I'm Christian, doesn't mean I walk on eggshells around every group that decided to whine about something new every other week. Anyone else feel this way?

2007-08-09 03:51:38 · 20 answers · asked by maccrew6 6

I know that they hate a lot of people.

Have you ever noticed that they dont go against Muslims that much. I think that is because they dont have a clue about Islam.

However there have been some unlearned catholics who never grasped their faith who became fundies and then thought them a load of lies.

Another question, do fundementalist chrisitians ever do any charitable work that is not related to their own denomination.

I have heard of Servant Evangelism (Steve Sergion) its a crock, just being fake and not being yourself and hoping that people somehow think you are nice.

2007-08-09 03:51:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Religious fundamentalists are united by fear. Whether they are Christian, Muslim, or Jew, fear is the common denominator. They fear change, modernization and loss of influence. They fear that the young will abandon the churches, mosques and synagogues for physical and material gratification. They fear the influence of mass media and its ability to subvert the young with song, dance, fashion, alcohol, drugs, sex and freedom. They especially fear education if it undermines the teachings of their religion. They fear a future they can’t control, or even comprehend.

Perhaps it’s not surprising to realize that it is fear that also connects the myriad of nationalist, separatist and independence movements who also engage in political violence. Although experts, academics and analysts hypothesize about a multitude of causal effects that lead to violence and terrorism, fear is the underlying motivator.

2007-08-09 03:50:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-09 03:47:45 · 28 answers · asked by deniseoreilly2006 1

Last night I was watching a scientific documentary about evolution called "South Park." This TV show explained how evolution works, and I can't believe you evolutionarianists actually believe this tripe! And for those of you who tell me I shouldn't get my scientific knowledge from cartoons, that's where I get all my knowledge.

According to the documentary "South Park" man evolved when a bunch of fish had a retarded fish baby with hands. The fish baby went on land and mated with a squirrel to make a frog-squirrel. The frog-squirrel had a baby to make monkey-fish-frog. Then the monkey fish frog had a human baby.

How can athilutionists actually believe in this garbage? A monkey fish frog that gave birth to a baby? That's ridiculous. I can't believe you actually believe that a monkey fish frog could actually give birth to a human. What a ridiculous belief.

The documentary "South Park" proves that evolution is ridiculous. Even the main character didn't believe it.

2007-08-09 03:47:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two ladies knocked on my door with the stated intention of discussing "these times we're living in."

"I am quite satisfied with my present religious status, ma'am," I responded, "and perhaps you didn't notice that this entire complex has a big NO SOLICITING sign."

"We're not soliciting anything," one responded. "We're giving it away."

"Ma'am, you are soliciting my attention for your own purposes," I replied. "Good day."

I then closed the door.

Do you consider door-to-door evangelism despite a NO SOLICITING sign to be unethical? As far as I'm concerned, it's trespassing.

Is anyone so iffy on their choice of religion that they'll convert based on a door-knock? I don't get it.

2007-08-09 03:47:00 · 5 answers · asked by Bill 6

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