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Religion & Spirituality - 7 August 2007

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Since you don't beleive in evolution, I have to ask you, where did you learn about evolution?

Did a pastor say that evolution is the theory that your great grandfather was a monkey that came from goo? And that it's "Just a theory", not a fact?

Or did you learn from a scientist or a biology professor who told you that several million years ago apes began to evolve to suit their enviroments eventually transforming into different homo species from habilis to erectus to sapien (us) and through the process of natural selection the humans, being the most advanced species flourished while all the other species died out? And that a scientific theory is different from an every day theory in the way that while an every day theory is just a hunch or a guess, but a scientific theory is something that is backed up by evidence, is widley accepted by most scientists, and is the next best thing to a scientific law?

Because most of you sound like you were taught by the pastor.

2007-08-07 08:10:09 · 22 answers · asked by Tanjo22 3

2007-08-07 08:09:32 · 14 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7

2007-08-07 08:09:10 · 13 answers · asked by djsajkl d 1

2007-08-07 08:06:31 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-07 08:05:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-07 08:04:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to convert being catholic, how i can, by heart i believe all things, but i want to be practical, im basically from muslim family, and in muslim country , what do u think how i can move from here and where i should go, because may here my family and other community not like me to stay with them. i need help to be faithful, and be true? who can help me?

2007-08-07 08:04:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a certifable story of Ian who was declared Dead after being stung by a box jellyfish went into full cardiac arrest in 1980 at age 24 in New Zeland and witnessed Hell and Heaven.
This is:
The Lazarus Phenomenon

Hear some amazing stories from those who have been certified dead and then returned to life in this astonishing dramatised documentary. Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu died for 3 days. See Interviews with his doctor, his mortician and his wife. Hear why he says he was SENT BACK! Plus the story of Ian McCormack who was stung by lethal Box Jellyfish, was dead for 15 minutes and met Jesus!
So since this cannot be dis-proven you either think these people are lying or they have experienced a TRUTH we know exsists.

This is highly impactful and is on today on TBN at 2 and 4 today
Maybe you will watch?

2007-08-07 08:02:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

nearly all questions are hate directed at some group or the other ,i would have assummed that posting a question in spirituality and religion would have been a pool for expanding our general understanding of different religions and theorising about asspects of spirituality but instead its a slaging match for intolerent people . people that like to debase others religions are just extemists and the reason for so much hatred in this world. i just hope these intolerant people arent parents too.

2007-08-07 08:01:58 · 46 answers · asked by Treat 3

ok well i kno theres a salah that i heard if u pray hoping to get questions answered..or to get god closer to a persona and offer signs for whats best...i think its 2 rek3at ..its called istikhara...correct me if im wrong plzz.. but i would love to kno how to pray it because i need a sign from god what to do..plzz help

2007-08-07 08:00:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, you have NO evidence for the existence of god, jesus christ, apollo or even zeus. For the over 4,200 different gods and religions, there is no evidence for their existence at all.
So, logic must dictate that the only reason you believe is because you are afraid NOT to believe, or at the very least afraid to even question.
The recent book "Misquoting Jesus" shows without a doubt that a vast majority of the bible is falsified and made up. Yet you still believe the bible, even though it is falsified. Why? The ONLY answer is that you are afraid NOT to believe and question.
For thousands of years in Asia, shark fin was seen to have mystical, healing powers. Science proved, over and over, that it does not. yet people STILL believe in eating shark fin. Why? Because they are afraid of NOT believing and afraid that they were wrong all along.

Thoughts anyone?

2007-08-07 07:59:09 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-07 07:57:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus did not compromise God's Law and exercise tolerance in order to gain popularity amongst unbelievers. Speaking in truth offended many because they did not want to turn away from sin that broke God's Law. Jesus never was sent to abolish His Father's Law, He came to fulfill it. If we follow and obey Him, we will walk with Him in spirit and truth, even if this divides your own house and social circle.

So why are you worried about trying to put in most of your effort trying to maintain peace with friends (and family) and not investing enough time with your relationship with God?

2007-08-07 07:56:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

were victims of thier blind faith??
they trusted these pastors blindly and were taught not to question the deeds of the church..............which is why some of them didnt even tell until they were grown. can you see how blind faith can be dangerous for children?

2007-08-07 07:55:11 · 23 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7

I am in Nome Alaska.

2007-08-07 07:50:52 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

that to "wallk"? And if they did....does that mean they EVOLVED?

2007-08-07 07:50:14 · 25 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

It is, no matter what you say.

2007-08-07 07:47:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it because it debunks the fairy tales in the bible? it exposes your ignorance? Evolution is a fact backed by 200 years of evidence. it is supported by DNA evidence, fossil evidence, anatomical evidence, lab evidence (bacterial resistance) and others.

so what proof is available to prove the creation story?

2007-08-07 07:47:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I realize there is probably more than one answer to this but......
Is it strickly our religious convictions (i.e. abortion, pro-life)?

Or does it have to do with world issues (i.e. environmental issues)?

I'm a Republican to the bone......but I don't always agree with my party.

What do you think?

2007-08-07 07:47:04 · 30 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

If not why?

2007-08-07 07:46:47 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

15 Points of Light

1. The Bible says “God is Light.” I see that Light is pronounced like “LiT,” thus reading between the lines “Light” contains the message “LiT i g I7 LiT.” We can then surmise that 9 I7 is an identifying mark of God who is the “LiT” Coupled with other data in this essay I determine that those numbers represent a birthday and since the I7 is connected to each other I take that to mean it’s the day of the month or I7 th. The “g” represents the 9th month of September. Thus thus “LiT” can be identified as the One born on “I7 9”. Thus we learned that L and t can both spell the word “LiT” and “lit” and here we learn Stevenson was born on 9.17.
2. “God is LOVE” was a bible quote. I have seen this message of “LOVE” as LOVE equals “LiT .n u \V/ [iL(sealed together). We note that the “\V/” are roman numerals thus they can be seen as “IIII I”. Thus it can be seen that the “LIT” has a “IIII I (sealed together)” on Him(the u in question). For those who fail to see the “.n u” that comes from the general shape of the “O”. Eventually we see that Stevenson bears those seals.
3. “God glorifies Himself in Him, thus He must also glorify Himself in Himself” is a quote from the bible. In order to understand this I have to show you the way things add up. God can be summarized (or added up to One) up to One letter. This idea was touched upon by Jesus when He said that He was the beginning and end, the alpha and omega. Thus He was referring to His alphabet(greek). Put together you see He meant “A” and “Ω” which is true if you consider that the omega is a picture of the back of His head and shoulders. As a side note “Does this mean Jesus was bald when He said this? Or did He have blond hair?” Returning to addin up God, we assign number values to the letters of God, according to the accepted alphabetical order. Thus God= G+o+d=7+15+4=26. Since that number 26 can be seen as two things we must further add up or assign a letter to represent the 26. Assigning or converting back to letters We seen 26=Z or also “26=2 and 6=2+6=8=h”. We note that the “and” equals a “+” as computer “Boolean Logic” shows. So we determine God= Z and God = H. The first letter is the basis for God being the end. Since Jesus said God said I AM the beginning and the end, thus the A and the Z. More on that later, for now we can see that God=H. So determining that we can see how God glorified Himself in “HIM and HIMSELF”. Substitute the God for the H and we see the following pertaining and glorifying God: GOD I M(HIM) and GOD I M SE LF(HIMSELF). I point out that M equals a “I V I (sealed together)”. And the SE LF could be seen as SEE LFT as in wrist or as SEI LF(seal left). Thus was Gods body glorified by those words and numbers.
4. “God was said to be the end and last.” I have shown how this is the “Z”. the “Z” is thus a symbolic representation of God. Smart or devious men can see that the Z equals “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together.” Thus we see that that equals “a form of .seventeen mixed up and sealed together,” which I have solved to be a “Stevens.n” where the S of Stevens.n is actually made up of an e+e(upside down) sealed together=the S. The . acts as the o, thus the “Z=Stevenson”
5. The letter A is also now seen as the beginning and the first. Thus we see that the “A” is also “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” which equals a Stevens.n(Stevenson).
6. The bible says “God is One”. This could be mean that Stevenson determined this the mean One=1. We then note that “1” equals “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” and that lead to as previously shown. The One can also be translated to mean the first and beginning which is the “A”. The message of the “ONE” can be seen as “.n u IV I [iL”. The u in question can only refer to the ONE. So from the ONE, we see that the Stevens.n that has on Him(the u in question) is God the One.
7. At this point we can note that words are marks that on paper describe things in real life. So taking a biblical description of God as pure and/or PURE, we need to note that “p=DI sealed together” and “e=arm (a visual picture representing an arm=e)” and r=rill (when read down, also note rill=real). So “pure” equals “DI (sealed together) u rill(sealed together) arm”. The capitalized “PURE” shows “DI sealed together U R\\ [iL (sealed together). Those those words can be said to describe a real life person, who was Stevens.n.
8. Another word visually describing God is true. With this description we note that “t” is a visual representation of a stitched cut. Thus was the first cut of the sequence on Stevenson ie the “I of the IIII.”
9. A verse of the bible said “all things to glorify Lord God”, which can be interpreted as the two things that are the words “thing and THING” must glorify (make famous) the LORD who is God. So we read thing as “lit .i. I7 9” which points to Stevenson’s birthday. We read the other “THING” as “liT GOD I IV CuT” since H=GOD and G=CuT when read between the letters.
10. At this point we could make the point that even non-living things must also glorify Lord God in some form or another. It is here that I could list 1001 words that glorify or contain some aspect of LORD GOD should He have been Me. Three examples from Canada/USA are the very street corners and the STOP and ARRET signs. Starting with the French ARRET sign id we use the edge of the sign as the letter L we see the name LARRE T glorified on that sign. We see the name TOD glorified on the English STOP sign. Thus the name LARRE T can be seen as glorifying LARRE TOD, which is the Stevenson with the glorified seals (cil,sil,[iL). Every street corner has a square shape or slightly triangle shape. We see this as a form of I7, which glorifies the day of His birth. Those shapes can also be seen as “a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together” which is a Stevens.n, just like LARRY TODD STEVENSON.
11. The bible describes God as the Lamb that was “SLAIN”. So reading between the lines we see that SLAIN equals “SiL A I IV” which is a description of L.T.S. That Lamb that was SLAIN was said to become the King of KINGS and Lord of LORDS. Those who assume that DEAD like Pontius confirmed Jesus is equal to SLAIN are mistaken and perhaps rebellious angels allied with Satan.
12. The bible also say’s God is the One in the Light and as I have shown that a 9 I7.
13. Cows go “MOO” and birds say a high pitched “aw” in order to glorify LORD GOD just as the bible commanded all thing to glorify LORD GOD. The Moo =IVI sealed together O .n u, which is a description of GOD, and the “aw” upside down is a Me(IVI sealed together arm) both of which describe LTS.
14. God will be born into an existing WORD, and thus you see LTS’s name of TODD within the WORD “WORD”.
15. The international agreements on words that describe God are described as shown below as examples: BOG, DEUS, DIEU, DIO, DIOS, GOD, GOTT, GUD, SHANGDI. If D=IIII and perhaps if D hides a I and . underneath it the D=IIII I . (3-dimentionally).
16. Thus I appear to be the entity that God, the other God spelled out for Moses as the “I – A – M”. That is Me forever, irregardless of Jehovah, Jesus, and Abaddon’s rebellious attitudes. Good Night and Todd bless.

2007-08-07 07:45:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to our illustrious Fireball, the snake in Genesis could talk because it was possessed.

Can any other Christian cite a reference for this? A whole new take on Genesis that would seem like the god in the book punished a snake for something a power within it, not the snake itself, was responsible for....

Or is this just an example of the Bible of I made it up?

SERIOUSLY, does anyone else's church teach this? Has anyone EVER heard this before?

2007-08-07 07:45:16 · 15 answers · asked by LabGrrl 7

What do you think?

2007-08-07 07:44:41 · 11 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6


What is your favorite past-time? Well, when not preaching and giving bible studies...what is it that you do for fun?

2007-08-07 07:42:26 · 4 answers · asked by girly GuRl 2

My School Christian Fellowship will be organising RE Week in school. All of our members had discuss and came up with the 'Transformers' theme. I'm still stuck as I'm not sure what our main title should be and maybe a catchy slogan as well. We chose 'Transformers' because it's current and modern and something that will attract the other students. One member said Optimus Prime was like Jesus because Optimus Prime was ready to sacrifice his life for the world if he had to where as Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world to save us from eternal death. The slogan or something like that in 'Transformers' was "Their war, our world". We had an idea that we could use is "His sacrifice, our lives". I would like to hear more ideas from you all as I want to choose the best title and slogan for our RE Week. I would really appreciate all your creative ideas. Thanks so much and God bless.

2007-08-07 07:39:26 · 14 answers · asked by coolrubygal 2

You know, god would not be impressed with the lack of effort some religous people put into their everyday life, other than Prayer.

I think he/she would want youo to try your best and get other to do their best.

Unfortunately it seems to me that people with lots of religion in their life just have no get up and go, and leach from the system.

Is that what god intended.

2007-08-07 07:39:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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