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Religion & Spirituality - 28 May 2007

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Is "Intelligent Design" theory reasonable science? Or is "Intelligent Design" really just religion masking itself as science in order to prove the existence of God? Is it possible to answer scientific questions with religious answers? Is it possible to answer religious questions with scientific answers? I don't think so. What do you intelligent people think? Since there are 4 questions to answer PLEASE give four answers, even if your answers are just "yes" and "no." Thank you for your time.

2007-05-28 05:05:00 · 15 answers · asked by 12th 3

2007-05-28 05:03:15 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

from the Book of Common Prayer (Anglican):

"He decended into the dead. On the third day he rose again." etc etc (Apostles)

"he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again" (Nicene)

What is that? it implies he's risen from the dead before...... which kinda messes everything up

2007-05-28 05:02:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

without quoting from bibles, mentioning unproven miracles and who makes the grass and flowers grow etc, and blind faith without substantiation or positive proof?

2007-05-28 05:01:45 · 32 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4

faith is not a valid form of proof - oh brain-washed / brain-dead believers...

you of little Faith in Reality...
and in NO belief in Universal Truth !

God does Bless people in religion,
but they are not allowed in Heaven.

2007-05-28 04:59:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does this prove that Jesus Christ and his Father were one and the same? What other similar verses are there?

2007-05-28 04:58:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

...it's good for them and inspiring to society as a whole (I swear I am not making these positions up, check my previous questions before you say "No one would say that!"), I do have a few more questions:

1. Do you take your children to the doctor at all or do you only consider uncurable illnesses to be character-building and inspiring?

2. Do you oppose scientific research currently going on in order to find a cure for these character-building and societally inspiring handicaps?

For the atheists passing by, I need an honest opinion: I keep getting told by the Christians that I sound angry. Do I sould angry to you? I'm honestly just puzzled, but I don't want to come off as sounding angry.

2007-05-28 04:58:04 · 13 answers · asked by Aeryn Whitley 3

I know the whole story and how an angel intervened and all. I just feel like the whole test is a horrible thing to put someone through. Why did Abraham agree to murder, which is also against the commandment to not kill? Also, shouldn't a parent face the wrath of God and possibly going to hell rather than murder an innocent child?

2007-05-28 04:56:45 · 25 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6

2007-05-28 04:53:36 · 15 answers · asked by arikinder 6

Why were the books of the New Testament still being written 50+ years after the death of Christ, and then suddenly come to an end?

If Christ's church continued on, why was no one inspired to write anything new that was added to the Scriptures? Shouldn't the Bible have been an ongoing work in progress as the Church continued to receive revelation? What suddenly brought that pattern to an end?

You can't say that it was only to be written by those who knew Christ because Paul never knew Christ while he was alive and the NT is full of his writings. Why did that type of thing not continue?

2007-05-28 04:53:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the Bible it says that "some have entertained angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). I'm just wondering if any of you are really angels disguised as people or avatars.

But more broadly speaking, what if you asked every single person you ever met whether they were an angel or not. I mean if they're really an angel, they can't lie to you about it, right? So they'd have to tell you.

But on the other hand, if they're NOT an angel, then they may very well lie and say they are. So you could get five people saying they are angels, and only one of them really is. But you don't know which one it is!

2007-05-28 04:53:01 · 8 answers · asked by Jonathan 7

Bear with me here.

1) God is the heavenly "father" of every person on earth, and
2) God loves all his children, and
3) Most human parents would heal their child of agonizing pain if they had the power to do so (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070528083442AA53oT8&pa=FYd1D2bwHTHwLLplEuw_SQlQDC0sMbrTpJA_RDsIZIzmXv.iTe_mFn2bpvkV6cHy.z4jnS0W8v0U5A--&paid=asked&msgr_status= ) and,
4) God has the power to do anything he wants, including healing people,

Doesn't it logically follow that,

5) as a loving "parent" capable of healing his children, the fact that God does not heal many babies born with crippling defects shows that either (a) he does not exist or (b) on of the above premises (1-4) must be false.

In other words, either God does not exist, or he is not our father, or he is not loving, or he is not capable of healing children. Or, of course, all those parents who said they would heal their children given the chance were lying.

I'm confused.

2007-05-28 04:51:48 · 25 answers · asked by Aeryn Whitley 3

Though the Bible was not written to teach science, it does contain evidence that have led many scientists to test and examine all things through the works of God. Many earlier scientists were religious leaders. They were outspoken christians. Many modern scientists and intellectuals have turned from a spiritual belief to a secular humanist philosophical approach to the origin of life.

Rene Descartes( Inventor of analytic geometry) (1596-1650)
God is necessary and independent cause of all bodies in the universe.

Descartes acknowledged the personal dependence of every soul on God for immortality.

John Ambrose fleming-Inventor of the Diode(1849-1945) used for radio receivers and transmitters as well as television sets for nealy a half of century.

He formed the "Evolution protest movement" and later wrote a book defending the biblical account of creation.

2007-05-28 04:49:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to one Gospel. he is from Bethlehem, and his family only moved to Galilee because of Herod's son.

According to another, he lived in Galilee, his family went to Bethlehem for a census, and they returned to Galilee.

The city of Nazareth didn't exist until the middle of the second century, so he couldn't be from there.

The Gospel writers had never met Jesus, or his original followers, and misunderstood the term "Nazorean" meaning that he had taken the same vows as Samson in the Old Testament, and thought it was a city designation. The earliest Gospel fragments are from the second and third centuries AD, when Nazareth actually did exist.

So where was he from?

2007-05-28 04:49:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

a freethinking atheist can speak their mind on this forum and disagree openly, but if a Christian disagrees and openly states it, then they are intolerant? So an atheist can judge a Christian but Christian can't judge an atheist? Is that right?

2007-05-28 04:48:32 · 13 answers · asked by maybe 3

Is this why Christians claim that salvation is through Jesus alone?

2007-05-28 04:45:43 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Exodus Chapter 2 Verses 11-14 Moses kills an Egyptian and hides his body in the sand. The next day he tries to stop a fight between 2 Hebrews and they ask if He will kill them also. Then Moses is afraid because everyone knows what he did.

So Moses killed knowing that it was wrong and thinking he would get away with it.

But in the New Testament The Bible says that no one who commits a sin and knows in his heart he is wrong when he does it, he will not be forgiven.

So if Moses killed and was not forgiven, is he banished to Hell with all the other sinners? By Biblical Logic?

2007-05-28 04:42:30 · 13 answers · asked by Mega 3

Original Question: "Why is it that when asked why God doesn't answer the prayer of a handicapped child begging to be healed...?"

Answer: "The child is praying for the wrong thing. Praying selfishly NEVER works. In this case the child should be praying for the strength to overcome, not to be cured. The strength to overcome obstacles would be a cure in this situation."


Question: Is it "selfish" for a small trusting child to ask their loving daddy to take away their agonizing pain?

Follow-up Question: Should Christians forgo morphine prior to surgery because they need to learn to overcome adversity and stop being so selfish?

2007-05-28 04:41:31 · 33 answers · asked by Aeryn Whitley 3

"the Quran, explicitly spells out many times that no man or woman is superior to another, except in faith and good works".
Please understand that I am not condeming islam I just don't understand this. Is this why women are not allowed to worship with the men or why the women always take the back seat to the men? In Islam are men and women truly equal? Be honest because I know that in some Christian faiths, most for that matter, women are expected to be subserviant to men.

2007-05-28 04:40:37 · 4 answers · asked by Sptfyr 7

Yes or no.

Feel free to add your religious affiliation.


2007-05-28 04:34:42 · 21 answers · asked by Aeryn Whitley 3

please sirious answes only

2007-05-28 04:31:53 · 3 answers · asked by rofer1243 2

Half of the "Christian" answers say that "parents don't give children everything they ask for - it's not good for them" and "I asked god for a pony when *I* was a kid and I didn't get it either"?

I keep seeing this over and over, and it's starting to frighten me. Can Christians honestly not see the difference between a parent saying 'no' to a child's request for a pony and a parent saying 'no' to a child's request to not be in agonizing pain?

Can ANY parent here say that if your child was physically handicapped and in constant pain, that you WOULDN'T take that pain away in a heartbeat, given the chance? I'd honestly like to see one actual parent say that they wouldn't heal their child and give them a chance at a normal, healthy life.

2007-05-28 04:28:30 · 26 answers · asked by Aeryn Whitley 3

2007-05-28 04:24:12 · 14 answers · asked by ManhattanGirl 5

I have reported this several times but Yahoo has done nothing about it.This has been going on for several months now.She openly states that she hates Christians as she is an atheist and proud of it.She was emailing me and treatening me so I blocked her from that.What do I do??????

2007-05-28 04:22:15 · 19 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

The Christian, the Atheist, or the Apostrophe?

2007-05-28 04:20:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When asked to prove God's existence, the Christian will often open
the Bible and say "The Bible says God exists, so he must." The
problem is that if we ask a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh or a Jew the
same question they too will point to their respective holy books
as proof of the existence of their Gods. Why should we believe
the Bible but not the holy books of all the other religions? Using
the Bible to prove God's existence is only valid if we already
accept that it alone contains God's words. However, we have no
evidence that this is so. In fact, as we will demonstrate later,
there is strong evidence that the Bible is a highly unreliable


2007-05-28 04:20:05 · 13 answers · asked by AAA 2

This is a serious question, I hope it isn't taken as rude, but with the importance of modesty in the Muslim religion, do Muslim people ever go to the beach? What about swimwear? Most swimwear for men and almost all for women that is used in non-Muslim countries seems like it would be considered immodest. If Muslim people do enjoy the beach, how is that issue handled? Again, if this question is at all offensive I sincerely apologize. Thanks for any information.

2007-05-28 04:15:36 · 19 answers · asked by jxt299 7

Bible says Adam lived for 930 years or so and in this verse,

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The above verse says that if you eat from tree of knowledge you shall die the same day, within the same day.

Clearly, Adam did eat the fruit and yet went on living for over 900 damn years!


2007-05-28 04:15:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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