Weather your christian,muslim,buhddist,atheist or whatever;why do you believe what you do?
1.Before I was even saved,I had an experience wirth God,that I dont think I'll ever forget,unless I get amnesia or something
2.I got saved at age 12&can honestly&truthfully say I've experienced the real presence&power of God.
3.Not only am I a real miracle myself(age 2 doctors told my parents there was a good chance I would die or be a vegatable at best;but I'm obviously here today),but I've actually seen real miracles&blessings&have done a few myself.I would be a fool to deny I dont know God is real,cuase I've seen,experienced&done enough to know that He is real.
Now what about everyone else,whatever your faith or lack of faith,why do you believe what you do?
19 answers
asked by
Maurice H