Some have said that Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult...
Some say that Catholics are going to addition to Jews...
Don't even start on the Muslims, Buddhists and Islamic faiths...
A lot of discord among the people that call themselves religious...everyone of them profess to have the "inside track" on God, religion and their Bible....
So, how do you know that your religion is right? Do you not believe that others feel just as strongly and convicted of their beliefs as you do? However, you condemn the other religions followers to hell for their beliefs?
Are you not all seeking truth...why can't you acknowledge, that yes, there may be other ways that are correct.... than the one the I believe in.
How do you know that your religion's Biblical scholars who know the original texts...spend many hours studying are more knowledgeable than the other religions? How do you know that you are not following false prophets?
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