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Religion & Spirituality - 5 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I have attended many different services in my life time, and many different religions, but I ask a question about 2 different religions, and I am being told that I am rude, that I hate Catholics, and that I am bashing religion-why is everyone getting so huffy? It was an honest question-I have others about other religions,,,but if it gonna be this big of a deal and everyone is gonna get mad-I guess I won't do the American thing and exercise my freedom of expression or speech,,,,,dang

2007-05-05 19:29:00 · 20 answers · asked by trinity3x3 3

2007-05-05 19:28:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love TBN! I am always watching to keep myself lifted and focused on spiritual things! Wondering if anyone out there likes watching as much as I do?

2007-05-05 19:25:46 · 11 answers · asked by Marie 7

I saw on the History Channel how the Anti-Christ is rumored to be a silver tongued well educated heathen. If he is here on Yahoo Answers, which one of the numberous well spoken heathens would it be?

2007-05-05 19:23:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does this scripture mean? In the ten commandments is says not to kill.

Lev. 20:13- “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

2007-05-05 19:21:56 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know of any Pentecostal (preferred) sites where you can request prayer,maybe get a penpal, and answers to questions. I have a lot of questions...like I love going to our church(pentecostal) ..I feel so good when I'm there..I feel God is there (more so then in other churches I have been to.) I believe in everything.. except for some of the issues on dressing etc. ..like I don't understand why you aren't suposed to wear jewelry..but you can wear giant diamond rings..and big fancy hair accessorries...no make-up..but, you can fry in the tanning bed...I have always felt that God didn't care what you looked like..it is what your heart looks like. I have just had alot of questions..and would like to know if there is any place to go on the net..to ask... and maybe find someone..to write to. Thanks for your help in advance. Have a SUPER day!! ~j~

2007-05-05 19:13:31 · 14 answers · asked by hthr34 2

No doubts, just tricks. If a T-Rex femur or a Peking Man skull had something like ‘I AM REAL’ carved into it, maybe then I’d be more likely to believe it.

Except the Bible. We know it’s true because it says it’s true.

2007-05-05 19:11:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


oh well, less work for me

(i still can't answer so i have to amuse myself by asking inane questions instead...)

2007-05-05 19:04:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was having a coversation via e-mail with a friend and we were talking about hydrogen as the way of the future for our energy needs and I was doing some research and compiled this information.

Is my math correct?

A given weight of Deuterium (H2) also called Heavy Hydrogen, can produce about 4 times as much energy as the same weight of Uranium. Fissioning of 1 pound of (0.45 Kilograms) of Uranium produces as much energy as burning 1,140 short tons (1030 metric tons) or 2,280,000 pounds of coal. A short ton in America = 2000 pounds.

So to help you do the math:
If you have X pounds of Deuterium, it produces 4 times the energy of Uranium which produces as much energy as burning 1,140 short tons of Coal.

That means 1 pound of Deuterium = the same as fissioning 4 pounds of Uranium which = Burning 4,560 Short tons or 9,120,000 pounds of coal.

1 short ton = 20,754,000 BTU's (BTU = British Thermal Units = A BTU is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound avoirdupois of water by one degree Fahrenheit. 143 BTU is required to melt a pound of ice.)
(1 BTU = 1055 joules)

20,754,000 BTU = 21,869.63 megajoules (Megajoule = 1,000,000 Joules). 1 kilowatt-hour = 3,412 BTU.

1 joule = 1 watt second ( watt second = a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. )

1 ampere = 1 coulomb (6.28 x 1018 electrons) per second.

1 ohm = The unit of measure of electrical resistance. ( One volt will force a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm.)

1 volt = the force required to send one ampere of electrical current through a resistance of one ohm. It is analogous to water pressure in pounds per square inch. A unit of electrical pressure measuring the force or push of electricity. Volts x amps=watts. The terms potential, electromotive force (emf), and voltage are often used interchangeably. Also is = to performing one joule of work to move or separate one coulomb (6.25 x 1,018) of electrons. 1 Joule = 1/1055 or 0.000947867 BTU's.

1 watt = one joule per second, 1/746th horsepower. Volts x Amps x PF = Watts. (Note: For AC (AC = Alternate Current) circuits, PF (Power Factor) must be included.) Also = 107 ergs per second. Commonly used to define the rate of electricity consumption of an electric appliance. One watt of power is expended when one ampere of direct current flows through a resistance of one ohm.

Power factor = The ratio between Watts (Active or True power) and Volt-Amperes (Apparent power). The Power Factor has a value somewhere between zero and one. This ratio is generally expressed as a decimal fraction.The distribution utility has to provide equipment that will carry Amps, and if the Power Factor is poor (less than about 0.9), the distribution network is inefficient. A power factor of 1.00 is unity. A device such as a ballast( Ballast = device that controls currents in lamps) that measures 120 volts, 1 amp, and 60 watts has a power factor of 50% (volts x amps = 120 VA, therefore 60 watts/120 VA = 0.5).

1 erg = In terms of the joule, 1 erg equals 0.0000001 joule.

There is much more, but I think this is more than enough for what we want to do.

O.K. if we fuse 1 pound of Deuterium, that will produce 99,848,642.8 Megajoules of energy or 27,735,734.1 Kilowatt-hours.

1 watt-hour is equivalent to 1 watt of power used for 1 hour. This is equivalent to 3,600 joules. So, 1 kilowatt-hour is = to 1000 watts of power used for 1 hour and this is the equivalent of 3,600,000 joules.

2007-05-05 19:04:03 · 17 answers · asked by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6

2007-05-05 19:02:06 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering what does Mattew Chap. 6 verse 10 means. Thy kingdom come thy WILL be done in EARTH, as it is in HEAVEN.......does that mean earth is going to be heaven.

2007-05-05 18:57:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

the primordial soup,how did a living -one celled organism evolve from non-living elements? and did that one celled organism create itself with the DNA information to automatically know how to reproduce by cell division? i'm not very familiar with this brand of science and would like to know more..?? thanks in advance

2007-05-05 18:57:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-05 18:56:16 · 13 answers · asked by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6

What would a person loose in believing that there is a God? Take some one for example that believes in evolution through creation. Is he less of a person or unable to think rationally or scientifically? Would is assumption that a higher being could explain all of life and that mans wisdom could do nothing to compare to Gods wisdom really effect you in anyway? What would this person loose in believing?

2007-05-05 18:54:11 · 32 answers · asked by † H20andspirit 5

I used to go to church when I was a new convert, it was a period that I learned the scriptures and grew in understanding of God.

Church was like college to me, After a while it's time to move on and take what you've learned into the world. I can't bring myself to enter these churches today, either it seems like a funeral or a disco with 2 hour lectures of the pastor talking about the Bible. That's all preaching is these days, Just talking about the Bible and how to get get rich. What ever happended to learning scripture?

I must admit, like college I miss the old days but going back would only be reliving the past.

Whats your story?

2007-05-05 18:51:10 · 20 answers · asked by Ophiuchus 3

So Im being serious here. I read a lot fo stories of evil forces. Is there a way of gaining inmunity?

2007-05-05 18:48:27 · 23 answers · asked by some guy 1

Sometimes when I talk about God or Jesus people start to cry or get tears in their eyes? What makes bringing up your faith makes people cry? I don't understand this.

2007-05-05 18:47:49 · 23 answers · asked by jag 3

Meaning not having a life revolving around debunking God, mocking the Church, citing passages from the Bible that seem totally contradictory, and so on.

Just wondering, sometimes it seems that's what they live for, emphasis on some. By the way, I'm not Christian (nor any other organized religion) so an atheist bashing Christianity some more would just be futile and just prove my question

2007-05-05 18:42:12 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

And if you can't help how you feel? My spiritual director said I should go to confession, but how can I confess if I didn't do anything wrong?

2007-05-05 18:41:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

All of the uproar has been about the addition of "sexual orientation" to hate crimes legislation. Are you aware that "religion" is a protected class also?

Section 3, Part a, Part 1, Part C:

IN GENERAL- At the request of State, local, or Tribal law enforcement agency, the Attorney General may provide technical, forensic, prosecutorial, or any other form of assistance in the criminal investigation or prosecution of any crime that—is motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of the victim, or is a violation of the State, local, or Tribal hate crime laws.

Everyone is screaming that their "free speech" rights to bash homosexuals would be violated, why is nobody screaming about the violation of "free speech" rights to bash religion?

2007-05-05 18:38:34 · 13 answers · asked by Wisdom in Faith 4

It means that Islam came after.
Does it mean that Islam could just be a derivated form of Christinity and Christianity the true/original religion to believe ?

2007-05-05 18:37:36 · 25 answers · asked by CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkey 2

How is it possible for god as Christians describe to exist? Assuming god is a living being, he would be able to:

Exist in all times and all places, yet be able to speak and/or effect events at specific times and places

Be able to read minds and listen to people talking to him

Have an individual plan for 6 billion people and counting

Been able to create well over 1 million species on this planet (that we know of)

Create all the natural laws (at least the ones we have identified)

Break many of the natural laws (global flood, parting of seas)

Have emotions (jealous god)

Exist in a perfect state, yet somehow feel the need to create imperfect humans (which seems a contradiction)

Impregnate a human woman

So the question is, how could such a being possibly exist? Does it exist in another dimension? As scattered energy? Does it have a brain? Is it organic or just energy? I just can't see how this being can possibly exist, except in people's imagination. Help me understand.

2007-05-05 18:35:23 · 24 answers · asked by atheist jesus 4

my father got new NY plates and they happen to have 4 6s in a row and i thought hm this is odd we didnt ask for this i said hey dad theres 3 6s and hes like naw its 4 but still its 3 6s in a row even if it is 4 i think he wants me to serve him

2007-05-05 18:34:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

After the Last Judgment, who are you going to be ruling over if everyone’s been slaughtered and sent to either heaven or hell? What's the point of ruling Earth?

2007-05-05 18:34:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-05 18:30:58 · 12 answers · asked by FaceFullofFashion 6

but I posted this in the YA section and couldn't get a straight answer so I'm counting on my R & S friends.

How does one become a 'Top Contributor' on YA?

2007-05-05 18:28:39 · 15 answers · asked by Celestian Vega 6

2007-05-05 18:28:37 · 13 answers · asked by STFU Dude 6

2007-05-05 18:27:40 · 27 answers · asked by josie 4

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