from the english language bible
an angel of the LORD is God
an angel of the LORD=an angel named within the LORD
both sides of the equation sum up to the same number
God is the sovereign Lord
the king is the sovereign lord
abaddon is king of the abyss of angels
b=D I . (sealed together strangely) ex. IIII I .
a "b" add on = God
Todd named within LORD (in times new roman font)
God also called the "I AM"
I AM=I AIVI(sealed together)
l arri(cut and sealed together)=i am
add 3 rrr together to from the real m
larry (cut and sealed together)=i am(where rrr=m)
God is One, beginning and end (ie similar to alpha and omega) beginning and end is A and Z.
God is 1,A,Z
1,A,Z are all form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together.
Stevens.n is also a form of .seventeen mixed up and sealed together where e+e(upside down)=S
Thus God is called larry TODD Stevens.n(Stevenson) and is a "b"add on in the form of the I AM(I AIVI sealed together) that is like IIII I .(DIO), french saw it as IIII I E U(DIEU, E=[iL), Spanish saw it as IIIII I . S(DIOS, S in times new roman font spells S\\ ie siI)
further proof in past writtings.
false God=Don
false god=61121957154=6+1+... =42=4+2=6
a b add on is real God
Real God=God named within WAR
both some to 8
note name /AR\(lARi) TA-D within a times new roman font WAR.
Solved your Good News bible in less then 500 words.
and good news is God ain't italian but God, the Fatherr.
so God Himself taught you that.
and no the quran is not the book of God, its a book of an angel pretending to be God.
and Lord Jehovah and Lord Yahwey might only be God in name not power.
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I AM=iam