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12 answers

It was felt that allowing people to read the bible in their own language was a dangerous thing. It could (and did) lead to the Reformation. The church wanted to remain the sole source of "truth" to their congregations. They did not want them thinking for themselves.

The problem is, the genii got out of the bottle. Not only did the people start thinking about christianity in the Reformation, they eventually started wondering about the need for religion in general during the Enlightenment.

2007-05-04 05:41:02 · answer #1 · answered by Dave P 7 · 3 3

Pastor Billy says: to quote Saint Sir Thomas More, " Tyndale is a bag of puss"

William Tyndale was told he wasn't scholarly enough to publish a bible besides the Catholic Church already had a vernacular edition not being purchased in England. Tyndale went against the Church leadership, against his bishop and produced one regardless and also included additional notes (commentary) which taught against the traditional instruction of the text. This was his primary heresy. Henry VIII was still the defender of the faith at the time and civil authority and Tyndale had to go into hiding on the continent in the Lower Countries (Holland) I believe. Tyndale was a heretic that was his crime.

addition took a look at Father K's link it basically lists my points with the exception of the quote from Thomas More.
The damaging effect of what Tyndale did was to further the split in the Body of Christ for the purpose of vain glory. Tyndale alas is no hero.

2007-05-04 10:41:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

CC did not put WT to death!!


Tyndale died not for the right to read the Bible, as many Protestants arrogantly claim.

He was put to death by the civil judges of the father of the English Protestant Deformation, for doctrines subversive of law and order, which Dr. James Gardiner, Protestant, said "was intended to produce an ecclesiastical and social revolution of a most dangerous character. . ."(3)

Much of Tyndale's work eventually found its way to the King James Version.

Contention from Roman Catholics came from real or perceived errors in translation.

Almost all histories claim that Tyndale translated from the Vulgate and Martin Luther. This is certainly false: we have already mentioned that Tyndale controversially followed Erasmus' (1522) Greek edition of the New Testament.

2007-05-04 05:47:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

For preaching (as a Catholic Priest) the following:

First: He maintains that faith alone justifies.
Second: He maintains that to believe in the forgiveness of sins and to embrace the mercy offered in the Gospel, is enough for salvation.
Third: He avers that human traditions cannot bind the conscience, except where their neglect might occasion scandal.
Fourth: He denies the freedom of the will.
Fifth: He denies that there is any purgatory.
Sixth: He affirms that neither the Virgin nor the Saints pray for us in their own person.
Seventh: He asserts that neither the Virgin nor the Saints should be invoked by us.

All directly against the teaching of the Catholic Church.

2007-05-04 05:50:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because he was a notorious heretic, and the civil government of the day required the death penalty for heresy since they recognized that the strength of the nation was closely allied to the strength of the faith and of the Church.

2007-05-04 05:53:30 · answer #5 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 0

we can argue which denomination is the genuine church of God until we are blue interior the face......maximum persons have an identical information obtainable , yet many attain distinctive conclusions. while human beings stray from what's taught interior the word of God, we get all of those distinctive ideals. enable's enable scripture to interpret scripture. To be a member the genuine church ability it is nice to have heard the gospel and believed . the only admittance interior the physique of believers referred to as the church, is thru faith in Christ's dying, burial, and Resurrection for our sin....upload or subtract something to this and you're lost and dealing with God's judgment of wrath.

2017-01-09 11:41:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Because he wanted the church to let the people read the Bible

2007-05-04 05:48:26 · answer #7 · answered by Commander 6 · 0 1

over 95% of the BIble were illiterate in those days, so it wouldn't help if the regular people read the Bible for themselves.

2007-05-04 05:45:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People being able to read the word of God would shed light on the false doctrine of the catholic church....funny how when people were able to read the word for themselves the protestant reformation was not far behind

2007-05-04 05:43:17 · answer #9 · answered by Robert K 5 · 2 4

Because if people knew what the Bible really said, it would hurt their profits.

Need I say more?

2007-05-04 05:41:36 · answer #10 · answered by Birdie 3 · 3 3

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