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Religion & Spirituality - 27 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-03-27 18:33:15 · 10 answers · asked by rebekkah hot as the sun 7

With songs like Life will never be the same, Rock my heart, and the one in the movie A Night At The Roxbury, What is Love?

2007-03-27 18:31:08 · 8 answers · asked by John 1

We know what a Xian fundie, Muslim fundie, etc is....... but I wonder what is an Atheist fundie?

2007-03-27 18:29:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

That you could pray for someone who lives in different hemisphere of this world and know God hears and cares. My husband has been fighting cancer for the last 2 1/2 years and people from around the world are praying and we feel it and their support.

2007-03-27 18:25:27 · 28 answers · asked by ? 6

Lately I have been having dreams of the end of the world or disaster in the world. For example, I once had a dream of tagedy and people crying, water was choking me and I couldn't breathe, Thank God I didn't die, then i woke up choking, about 2 days later, the news said about hurricane Katrina. I was shocked. I was confused and I was thinking to myself, could it be a premonition? Later years, I had some dreams of my pet dying, it was weird that 2 weeks or so it had died with the same events in my dream, slighty different. I was scared of another dream, ofcourse I had dreamcatchers, but didn't seem to work. Until now, I had minor nightmares, but sometimes are major, example, the weather, I dream what it will be and exact temperature or if it would rain,.. it happens. Could anyone please help me out on my dreams? Is it just a coincidence?

2007-03-27 18:25:24 · 15 answers · asked by imreallymean 3

The more comments on Digg I read, the more backlash against the pseudoscience called "intelligent design" I read, the more predictions of the future I read (e.g. Ray Kurzweil's implicit description of religion as "rationalization" for death which will become obsolete), and the more I hear about Richard Dawkins...the more I wonder if contempt for belief in God, organized religion, and so forth isn't inherent in the concept of atheism.

I dearly hope this is not true, because there is far too much contempt in this world as it is, and I am personally fairly religious. But how can atheism and contempt possibly be separated, when an atheist essentially believes I pray to a fictional being? And how else can so much apparent contempt be explained?

2007-03-27 18:25:07 · 18 answers · asked by Shay Guy 2

which do you think was the most historically successful (number wise) in killing in the name of religion? Please explain your answer.

*killings between sects can be counted (e.g. Shiites vs Sunnis or Catholics vs ...any other Christian)
*indirect killings do not count (e.g. millions of Native Americans)
*Don't forget Christianity is 400 years older than Islam.

(the point of this question isn't to offend anyone, just to point out the idiocy in either religion claiming the moral high ground)

2007-03-27 18:22:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My favorite justification is a quote from a TV show..
"I bring pleasure to the world because I have such a beautiful a**."
If you know where my quote comes from, you will get the ten points..
Quotes from TV, movies, or even literature will be accepted (even the NT, I do allow fiction here)

2007-03-27 18:21:22 · 1 answers · asked by XX 6

question posted everyday? Or how about Can an Atheist create a rock so heavy, that even he can't lift it? Or Atheists, can you prove that atheism exists? Just a different slant on the questions you always ask, everday.

I have received some very testy responses to these questions. I am quite disappointed. I expected you guys to act better than the Christians, as you are all so logical and everything. Guess you don't like the role reversal.

Just take it as a lesson learnt in the Twilight Zone, or whatever! Who knows maybe these questions will catch on, and you will see them everyday. Then again maybe Christians would not do that, with them being so much lower than you are, and everything.

2007-03-27 18:19:35 · 8 answers · asked by ignoramus_the_great 7

Lately I've had a few dreams that have added up together.. I won't go into details.. But do you think it's possible for someone to know when and how they're going to die?

I'm not baptised - but I believe - I'm scared 'cause I don't want God to think I don't believe in HIM 'cause I do..

2007-03-27 18:17:28 · 23 answers · asked by ☆Bombastic☆ 5

Hello All,

I wanted to share something interesting with u. A cousin of a person who goes to our church and her friend were travelling on the 401 headed for a church service in Mississauga. A man was walking along the 401 and they stopped and gave him a ride. The man got in the back seat and started to converse with them and told them Jesus is coming very very soon. Then the man vanished from inside the car. The two women were shaken up and pulled over. A police officer passing by stopped to see if they were OK. They told the officer what happened and the officer replied this is the 4th time this has been reported this week. The others recieved the message Jesus is coming back very soon and they were told very very soon. It has significance, as when the word verily is used in the Bible. I was very excited when I heard.



2007-03-27 18:15:40 · 16 answers · asked by Third Day 5

2007-03-27 18:15:15 · 5 answers · asked by U-98 6

2007-03-27 18:14:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iraq being a Muslim country and the U.S being a Christian country. The U.S brought them freedom and democracy. They can do things that they were not allowed to do before. Shouldn't they be happy? Why do some Muslim cleriks denounce the American's when they couldn't express these kind of things with Saddam in power. Is it because America is a Christian nation? Why else?

2007-03-27 18:14:05 · 23 answers · asked by puma 1

I'm a little confused on this one.

What's the benefits of saying "I dunno I'm an Atheist" or "I don't believe in that mumbojumbo about religion, because I'm an Atheist." but then being in the religion/spirituality section?

It doesn't help the questioners, really, and it doesn't make a point, other than saying "I'm an Atheist" and that being the only answer.

I can understand talking about religions, customs, whathaveyou, but when a good number of Atheists I see on here or on the internet somewhere just discount religion by saying "I'm an Atheist and LOGIC-SPEAR!" it doesn't make much sense.

I'm just curious. I hold no grudges for it, I just don't understand.

2007-03-27 18:14:02 · 24 answers · asked by Annie 3

2007-03-27 18:13:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Acts Chapter 10:9 Peter has a vision . Douse this vision tell peter that it is OK to Eat what is unclean or only not to call any man impure. In Acts 10:27 it looks like the after. O and yea I know we don't live under the old law...I'm just curious of you're opinions.

2007-03-27 18:13:05 · 11 answers · asked by † H20andspirit 5

First off, thanks to everyone who answered my last question so far!
The responses have been excellent. (and it's still open!)

Anyhow, my new question is this:
Could a mind with perfect/complete knowledge still have free will? or would it be bound to doing the perfect thing in every instance? Is it necessary to be ignorant to have free will?

Also, a sub-question:
If someone had perfect knowledge of everything, would the highest good be to take away everyone's pain and suffering (provided that such knowledge would permit that)? or would it be to help people to learn to address their pain and suffering and resolve its causes? (or something else) and why?

Looking forward to your insights and perspectives!


2007-03-27 18:10:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there something to overcome?

2007-03-27 18:09:05 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the link to the question, his answer is at the bottom.

2007-03-27 18:06:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-03-27 18:05:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever been to a Casino? Been in any pools at work? Played cards for money?

What do you think about Christians gambling? Got any Scripture for your answer?

2007-03-27 18:05:15 · 16 answers · asked by attacksheep74 2

How are each of these sacraments celebarated today?
1) Baptism
2) The Eucharist
3) Confirmation

ALSO, if possible, can you give me one element of each sacrament that stood out for you?
This is for a religion ass.
Plz give correct answers, best answers wins :)

2007-03-27 18:04:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a lady asks you if you like her dress and you really don't like it, is it kinder to tell a little white (black) lie and say, "Oh yes, it's lovely" or is it kinder to tell her the truth? Is it really kind to let the women walk around in a dress you think is ugly?

2007-03-27 18:00:20 · 12 answers · asked by tas211 6

Some believe that atheism is just pride, rebellion, hurt, fear, and self-delusion. Could you prove that atheists really do not believe in God?

2007-03-27 18:00:06 · 24 answers · asked by ignoramus_the_great 7

I'm doing a paper on it... So far I have reincarnation (come back to life again and again), heaven (eternal life and happiness with God), the Fountain of Youth (drink from it and live forever in this life), and I guess even vampires (they supposedly live forever, right?). Have any more?

2007-03-27 17:56:43 · 11 answers · asked by chickbeepink 2

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